In this section:

SUA Single ASP Registration (Dynamic and Configured)

An ASP can register with the SG either dynamically by assigning a routing key to an Routing Context (RC) or by using preconfigured data. The difference between these two procedures is the method used to assign a routing key to an RC

Dynamic ASP Registration

If the ASP registers with the SG dynamically, then the attributes in the routing key are included in the registration message from the ASP. The following table lists these attributes.

Dynamic Registration Attributes

Traffic Mode (TM)Mandatory

The SG extracts the attributes from the request message sent by the ASP, locally creates an AS, assigns an RC, and returns this RC to the ASP in the registration response message.


The DPC, SSN, and Traffic Mode are optional in RFC 3868. In the DSC - SP2000 Platform implementation, these attributes are mandatory.

The DSC - SP2000 Platform currently only supports routing indicator – route on PC SSN. The PC and SSN are extracted from the destination address.

Configured ASP Registration

You can preconfigure the RC and routing key associated with an AS. The ASP that registers uses this configured AS. The following table lists the configured AS attributes.

Configured Registration Attributes

Application IDOptional

Configure either DPC-SSN or Application ID.

For more information about creating configured AS, refer to Configuring an SUA Application Server. The configured single ASP registration procedure is identical except that the AS is already registered to the ASP.

The following figure shows the dynamic single ASP registration process.

Dynamic SUA Single ASP Registration and Activation

SUA Multiple ASP Registrations

As shown in the following figure, multiple ASPs can establish one or more connections to the SG. The second ASP registers a different RC with the SG. The SG then registers the routing key mapped to RC(2) with SCCP.

In case of multiple ASP registration, you also have to perform the ASP registration procedure first, and then perform the ASP activation procedure.

All Application Servers are distributed across available Routing VMs.

SUA Multiple ASP Registration


If the PC and SSN are already registered at SCCP, no additional SCCP connection registration is performed.


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