In this section:

Network elements or nodes define the entity on a network, that is a real switch or a real STP. You encounter the following nodes in this guide:

  • public node

  • private node

  • public gateway

The following figure illustrates the DSC Platform node diagram as follows:

  • public nodes are HLR1, E01, E02, and optionally STP1

  • private nodes are DMS1 and DMS2

  • public gateway is 3.3.3 where both DMS1 and DMS2 are represented to the public network as one PC

PCE does not need to recognize STP1 as a destination. The MTP3 on the PCE system considers STP1, because it has links to it and routeset that use it. However, unless STP1 is a destination or origin of messages, PCE provisioning does not need to recognize STP1.

Basic PCE Node Diagram (Example)

For information about configuring these nodes and public gateway(s), refer to

Public Node

A public node is an network element that has its home PC (refer to Home PC), or real presence, in the public network. PCE is only concerned with the destination or origin PCs, not intermediate STPs that MTP3 uses to route the message to the final destination. Final public destinations are provisioned at the PCE as public nodes. Intermediate STPs in the network are not provisioned at the PCE even if they are routes at MTP3. At MTP3, there is a routeset to the public node in the public NA. On the private NA, there is a VNode representing the public node.

For information about VNodes, refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Application Guide 1.

The Non-Member Routeset Support feature intercepts the traffic of private responses to public-initiated Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) queries where no Public Node is defined. When the Non Member Routeset Support attribute is set to ENABLED in the Web UI, PCE incoming MSUs that have not found Public Node mappings are passed unchanged (public incoming OPC and SCCP CLG if present, and private incoming DPC and SCCP CLD if present).

Private Node

A private node is a network element in the private network. As with public nodes, the PCE is not concerned with any intermediate STPs to reach the private node. The public nodes reach the private nodes through the public gateway PC(s). At MTP3, there is a routeset to the node in the private NA.

Public Gateway

The public gateway is the public face of the private nodes. There may be more than one public gateway. At MTP3, there is a VNode in the public NA representing the public gateway.