In this section:

Point codes (PCs) are addresses within the network. Nodes require a PC to send and receive messages in a network. When provisioning, the PCE uses the following concepts to define various types of PCs.

Home PC

The Home PC refers to a PC of a switch in its primary network. This is a PCE concept.

Local PC

The Local Point Code (LPC) refers to the finite representation of the NA on a network. The LPC may not be shared between two systems on one network or collision results. Linksets are defined as going to an LPC, because they must terminate on a finite physical entity. LPC is a standard SS7 concept. Each NA has one LPC, but may have many Virtual PCs (VPCs). This concept is used at MTP3.

Virtual PC

The Virtual Point Code (VPC) usually refers to an application. VPC is a PC that can be shared on both nodes of a mated pair configuration. In this configuration, if an STP is out-of-service, then the other nodes still have access to that application. The other nodes use the VPC in their routeset definitions. VPC is a standard SS7 concept, used as VNodes at MTP3.


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