Using the Memory Space Accounting (MSAC) feature, defined in GR-82-CORE Issue 10, the DSC - SP2000 Platforms provides accounting of the amount of memory space allocated to monitored objects such as Signaling Channels (SIGCH), Annex A Channels (ANNEXA), MTP3 NAs (NA), linksets (LINKSET), and so on.

The following figure shows the Network Appearance Selection screen that lists the Network Appearances (NAs) on the system. Clicking the MSA button displays the monitored objects for the NAs (see Figure MSA Selection Screen).

Network Appearance Selection Screen

MSA Selection Screen

The MSA information allows you to assess if there is enough memory space for all objects prior to provisioning the system, and also allows you to monitor these objects during system operation.


In this guide, the amount of memory space allocated refers to the object count.

Three alarm threshold values can be configured (see Table MSA Values) to indicate if a threshold has been exceeded. When the current size of a tracked object increases and crosses a threshold, an alarm is triggered and the event is recorded in the system log (ptisyslog) file. When the current size of a tracked object returns below the alarm threshold, a cleared alarm message is recorded in the system log (ptisyslog) file.

MSA is set to ENABLED by default for all applications.

The following figure shows the ptisyslog file with entries showing a minor alarm raised and cleared for the SIGCH object.

Minor MSA Alarm Raised and Cleared as it Appears in ptisyslog

MSA Values

MTP3 Status Description
Name Name of the MSA object (such as MSA_LinkSet, MSA_RouteSet, MSA_GWSAllowed OPC, and so on).
Current Size Current size of the MSA object.
Maximum Size Maximum size of the MSA object.
Current Usage Current usage of the MSA object.
Threshold 1

Threshold level for the T1 minor alarm (0 to 99%). Must be set to less than Threshold 2.

A minor alarm is raised when the current usage reaches this threshold. The alarm is cleared when the usage no longer crosses the threshold.

Threshold 2

Threshold level for the T2 minor alarm; T2 must be greater or equal to T1 (0 to 99%). Must be set to less than Threshold 3.

A minor alarm is raised when the current usage reaches this threshold. The alarm is cleared when the usage no longer crosses the threshold.

Threshold 3

Threshold level for the T3 major alarm (0-99%). Must be greater or equal to T2.

A major alarm is raised when the current usage reaches this threshold. The alarm is cleared when the usage no longer crosses the threshold.


Specifies whether MSA alarms are triggered and recorded in the system log file (ptisyslog).

The values are:


The following figure shows a typical MSA configuration screen.

MSA Configuration Screen (Example for M2PA Links)

The various MSA objects supported for the DSC Platform are listed at the top of the page under Additional Sections.

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