Typically, the information in this section is used for troubleshooting the DSC Platform internal SS7 software applications.

External application interaction with Level 4 connections is indirect through the Signaling Gateway (M3UA and CIC-based ISUP) and SCCP (through the Signaling Gateway for SUA). For information about these protocols, refer to the appropriate section in the SS7 Applications Guide 2.

Besides the Signaling Gateway and SCCP, other internal SS7 applications such as PCE, Level 4 Converter, and custom product applications may interact with the Level 4 connection(s) if licensed on the DSC Platform.

MTP Specifications (ANSI GR-246-CORE, Chapter T1.111.1 and ITU-T Q.701) describe external application interaction in an abstract way so as not to limit implementations. Similarly, the concept of MTP User Part availability is implementation dependent.

An SS7 application may communicate with the DSC Platform MTP3 by

  • establishing a TCP/IP connection

  • message exchange, whereby the SS7 application may register itself with the MTP3 process as an Application ID. Similarly, an SS7 application may deregister its Application ID to indicate application unavailability depending on other registrations that exist on the system.

  • message exchange, whereby the SS7 application may register itself with the MTP3 process as an MTP User Part (PC-SI), representing User Part Availability. Similarly, an SS7 application may deregister its PC-SI to indicate application unavailability depending on other registrations that exist on the system.

The PC and SI of the MTP User Part are provided by the SS7 application as part of the user part registration message.

The Application ID name is provided by the SS7 application as part of the Application ID registration message.

Registrations are associated with a connection. If a connection is closed, all registrations on that connection are considered deregistered.

The list of TCP/IP connections to the MTP3 is available from the MTPL4 Connection Selection screen (see the following figure). All connections are listed, including connections from the SCCP and Signaling Gateway. As discussed in Viewing the Registered User Parts, you can also view the MTP User Parts registered by each connection. Similarly, you can view the Application ID registered by each connection (refer to Viewing the Registered App IDs).

MTPL4 Connection Selection Screen


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