The Gateway Screening CSV-based statistics file is used to help network administrators determine traffic patterns and screen hot spots from possible malicious nodes or individuals. The file is generated based on the GWST configuration at the time of the execution for a 5-minute, 30-minute, and 1-day collection.

A system-wide instance with reserved name DSC is generated for GWS licensed deployments. This instance provides the counts for all routing CPUs for the GWST traffic.

The configurable GWS Statistics Rules allow users to customize the statistics for incoming entry points (Linkset or Application ID) based on MSU fields such as OPC, DPC, SCCP Called and Calling PA digits and TCAP operation code. For more information, refer to Gateway Screening Statistics Rules.

Gateway Screening Data Measurements File (Example for 30 Minutes)

date,instance,Screening Successes,Screening Fails,Screening Ignores,Screening Test Modes,Screening Invalid OPCs,
Screening Invalid DPCs,Screening Invalid SIOs,Screening Invalid Affected Destinations,Screening Invalid ISUP MTs,
Screening Invalid SCCP CLG PAs,Screening Invalid SCCP CLG Digits PAs,Screening Invalid SCCP TTs,
Screening Invalid SCCP CLD Digits PAs,Screening Invalid SCCP CLD PAs,Screening Invalid Affected SCCP Mgmts,
Screening Invalid TCAP Op Codes,Screening Invalid MAP IMSIs,SCRERRs,Redirect to PCs DPC Original,
Redirect to PCs DPC Override,Redirect to AppIDs Original,Redirect to AppIDs Duplicate,Screening Invalid TUP MTs

The instance represents the application object that generates the data measurements. The Gateway Screening instance values are formatted as follows:

  • DSC (system-wide)
  • <GWS Statistics Rule Name> (customized)

The following table defines the statistics counts:

Gateway Screening Data Measurements

Screening SuccessNumber of MSUs successfully screened by GWS, including any redirected MSUs, screening test mode failures, or SCRERR failure overrides.  
Screening FailNumber of MSUs discarded with logs (paced) by GWS due to any screening table or SCRERR failures. The screening failures are broken down into their associated counts for invalid screening tables and SCRERR.
Screening IgnoreNumber of MSUs discarded without logs (silently) by GWS due to any screening table record failure with Next Step set to IGNORE. The screening ignores are broken down into their associated counts for invalid screening tables
Screening Test ModeNumber of MSUs which are not discarded but failed screening due to the Screening Test Mode setting at GWS or on a per screening record basis. Included in the Screening Success overall count.
Screening Invalid OPCNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed OPCs and Blocked OPCs screening tables. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid DPCNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed DPCs and Blocked DPCs screening tables. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SIONumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SIOs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid Affected DestinationNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Affected Destinations screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid ISUP MTNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed ISUP MTs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid TUP MTsNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed TUP MTs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP CLG PANumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SCCP CLG PAs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP CLG Digits PANumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SCCP CLG Digits PAs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP TTNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SCCP TTs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP CLD Digits PANumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SCCP CLD Digits PAs screening table.  Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP CLD PANumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed SCCP CLD PAs screening table. Post-GTT table.  Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid SCCP MgmtNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Affected SCCP Mgmts screening table. Post-GTT table.  Always 0 as no viable configuration to trigger this failure.
Screening Invalid TCAP Op CodeNumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed TCAP Op Codes screening table. Can be post-GTT if assigned following an Allowed SCCP CLD PA record. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
Screening Invalid MAP IMSINumber of MSUs discarded by GWS due to the Allowed MAP IMSIs screening table. Included in the Screening Fail or Ignore overall count as applicable.
SCRERRsNumber of MSUs which are either passed or discarded by GWS due to an screening configuration error. SCRERRs are logged (paced). Included in the Screening Success and Failure overall count depending on the SCRERR action (configuration override screening success or screening failure).
Redirect to PC DPC OriginalNumber of MSUs redirected to a point code (PC) where the DPC remains unchanged. Included in the Screening Success overall count.
Redirect to PC DPC OverrideNumber of MSUs redirected to a point code (PC) where the DPC is overridden by the provided attribute value. Included in the Screening Success overall count.
Redirect to AppID OriginalNumber of MSUs redirected to an Application ID where the original MSU is passed along to a local application if available. Included in the Screening Success overall count.
Redirect to AppID DuplicateNumber of MSUs redirected to an Application ID where a duplicate MSU is passed along to a local application if available and the original MSU is routed normally by MTP3 based on its DPC. Included in the Screening Success overall count.