To provision two STP systems in a mated pair configuration, you must create a linkset for the communication path between the systems and make sure that the link type is set to a C-link. If you provision such a link, the Mate STP attribute on the STP screen is automatically configured, and appears as read-only (refer to Configuring STP Attributes). Load sharing of traffic is possible over routes that are assigned the same, lowest cost.


This section applies if the DSC - SP2000 Platform is provisioned as an STP.

  1. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  2. Click the required NA.

  3. Click Linksets.

  4. Click the required linkset.

  5. Using the Link Type drop-down list, select C_LINK.

  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Continue.
    The C-link is established on one of the systems in the mated pair configuration. To complete the mated pair provisioning, perform steps 1 to 7 on the other system.

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