In this section:


This application is only supported on the DSC Platforms. To view which applications apply to the SP2000, refer to SP2000 Supported Applications.

The following procedures describe how to configure Signaling Gateway (SG) using an XML configuration file.

An XML provisioning screen is provided in the Web UI and contains an option to export the current SG configuration on the DSC Platform to an XML file. The XML configuration file is downloaded and modified using an XML or text editor. The completed XML configuration file is uploaded on the platform to provision SG. All XML configuration files on the DSC Platform are listed in the XML provisioning screen.

Following the upload of an XML configuration file to the DSC Platform, the user can use the contents of the uploaded file to provision SG application by pressing Set Config button. The contents of the uploaded XML file will be interpreted as SetConfig action:

  • if configuration is present in the uploaded XML file and the configuration on the system does not exist - the configuration will be added
  • if configuration in the XML file differs from the existing system configuration -  the configuration is updated
  • if a configuration is not present in the XML file but exists on the system - this system configuration is removed.


Consider this Caution note for the third scenario in the preceding bulleted list:

The system configuration data will be deleted if the corresponding XML configuration data for this system configuration is not present in an uploaded XML file.


You must press the Set Config button in the Web UI to commence provisioning. Once the Set Config button is pressed, the summary of provisioning actions to be carried out is displayed and the operator is prompted to confirm these actions.

Signaling Gateway contains NAs and Static Routes (SG M3UA and SUA links) that are provisioned by the MTP3, SCCP and IP Networking applications. Configure MTP3 NAs, SCCP NAs and Static Routes first before provisioning the Signaling Gateway. For more information about these tasks, refer to Configuring MTP3 NAs, Configuring SCCP NAsAdding IP Routes to the DSC 8000, and Adding IP Routes to DSC SWe.


For an ASP that is activated, the ASP type cannot be modified using XML configuration. Delete the existing M3UA App Server and corresponding Configured ASPs and create a new M3UA App server with the required Multi-association ASP type using XML configuration. Alternatively, a new ASP ID and ASP Routing Context can be defined in the XML configuration and assigned to the ASP. 


For an existing M3UA and SUA Configured ASP or an M3UA Multi-association ASP, the local or remote parameter cannot be modified using XML configuration. To modify these parameters, deactivate and delete the existing configured ASPs or ASP Association and create new ASPs or ASP Associations with the same ASP ID using XML configuration. Alternatively, a new ASP ID is defined in the XML configuration and assigned to the configured ASPs or ASP Association. 


It is recommended you perform a complete system backup before configuring Signaling Gateway using an XML configuration file. Refer to DSC Back Up and Restore in the DSC - SP2000 Platform Manager User Guide.

To export an existing SG configuration to an XML file

Click to

To configure the SG application with XML

Click to

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