Alarm Number7386
SNMP NameptMTP3NAMTP3NAsDiscardMsuFromPeerSet


An MSU has been unexpectedly discarded between peers on an MTP3 NA Connection within the last five minutes. The alarm occurs once for each case relating to the same object instance.


See the following Recommended Action.

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, it indicates a condition where an SG application is discarding data messages at the SG MTP3 NA peer communication level.

This alarm will be cleared when no data messages are discarded between SG MTP3 NA peers within 5 minutes of the previous occurrence.

For more information, look at the SG MTP3 NA object that is shown in the event context of the alarm and check its status. If possible, investigate /var/log/ptidbglog at the timestamp of the alarm occurrence for any information related to the discarded message.

If this alarm continues to be observed, contact Customer Support.