SNMP NameptSlotSlotCPUMemUsageCriticalPersists
DescriptionThe memory usage continues to exceed the Free Memory Threshold that is configured in the WebUI. The slot number shown in this trap indicates the origin of the alarm.
ApplicationSlot Monitor
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. Locate the Alarm.   
    1. Click on the critical alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard.

    2. Click on this alarm number.

    3. Click on the date of the occurrence.

    4. Click Associated UI Object.

  3. Make note of the affected card.

  4. From the System Main Menu, click Processes.

  5. Click Top Processes.

  6. Select the affected card from the Top Processes on drop-down list.

  7. Click Update.

  8. Click Memory Usage.

  9. Select the affected card from the Memory Usage on drop-down list.

  10. Click Update.

  11. Contact Customer Support and provide the memory usage information.

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