SNMP NameptSlotSlotStatusUnavailable
DescriptionThis event indicates that the card in this slot is not responding.
ApplicationSlot Monitor
Actionsee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

This alarm is raised if a card is being extracted. This is normal behavior and no action is required. If this alarm is unexpected, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. From the Applications Main Menu, click Slot Monitor.

  3. Make note of the Slot Status of the affected card.

  4. From the System Main Menu, click IP Networking.

  5. Click IP Utilities.

  6. Ping the affected card from another card.
    1. Select the slot to ping from the Ping from drop-down list.

    2. Enter the host to ping in the Host text box.

    3. Enter the number of pings in the Count text box.

    4. Click Ping.

    The host is slotx_0 where 'x' is the slot number


  7. Determine if the affected card can be pinged.   
    1. If yes, the slot monitor is confused with the status of the card and you should contact Customer Support
    2. If no, reset the affected card.

If the issue is not resolved, contact Customer Support.

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