SNMP NameptSlotDatabaseClusterMalfunction

The database cluster is not functioning as expected. Either one or more cluster nodes are unreachable, or the cluster status does not match the configuration information that the user provides.

ApplicationSlot Monitor
ActionSee the following Recommended Actions.

Recommended Actions

If this alarm is raised because a cluster node is unreachable, see the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the corresponding VM is up and that Cassandra is running. If the corresponding VM is not up and Cassandra is not running, contact Customer Support.
  2. Make sure that the network is configured properly and that port 7000 is open.
    1. If all nodes do not successfully ping the other nodes on port 7000, reconfigure the cluster with IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (or matching hostnames) that belong to the network interface pkt0. 


      To add the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, log in to the WebUI and click IP Networking > Routing IP Network.

    2. If all nodes do not successfully telnet the other nodes on port 7000, log in to the WebUI and click IP Networking > Firewall to restart the firewall.

If this alarm is raised because the cluster status does not match the configuration information provided at initial configuration, contact Customer Support because the cluster may need to be reconfigured.


Cassandra restarts after the configuration completes.

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