In this section:

The GWST provides two screening table features:

  • Screening Test Mode
  • MSU Tracing

These features are configurable on all records in all screening tables.

Screening Test Mode


Enabling or disabling the system-wide Screening Test Mode is only available for root users.

The screening test mode feature is used to log screening failures but without actually discarding MSUs, and, therefore, affecting traffic. This feature can be set on a per record basis or for the complete GWS process. The system-wide feature is set to ENABLED for the system by default (see the following figure).

GWST General Configuration Screen

When you are creating a screening table record, its Screening Test Mode attribute is set to DISABLED by default.


The screening table record feature is only relevant if the system-wide attribute is set to DISABLED. When the system-wide attribute is set to ENABLED, all MSUs, regardless of screening, are not discarded.

Screening Test Mode is set for a screened MSU if any of the linked screening records have the feature enabled.

Allowed SIO Features Screen

To enable or disable a record for Screening Test Mode

Click to

To enable or disable the system-wide Screening Test Mode

Click to

MSU Tracing

The MSU Tracing feature is used to log a maximum number of MSUs that match a given criteria in a configurable interval as they are processed by the DSC - SP2000 Platform applications.

For an example about MSU tracing, refer to Gateway Screening and MSU Tracing Provisioning Example.

To enable or disable a record for MSU Tracing

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.

  2. Click GWST Tables.

  3. Click the required GWST table (in this procedure, Allowed SIOs).
  4. Click Continue to filter the table.

  5. Click the required record under Allowed SIO Selection.

  6. Click Allowed SIO Features.
  7. Click the MSU Tracing drop-down list and select ENABLED or DISABLED as required.


Click Clear MSU Tracing on the GWST Tables Summary screen to disable MSU tracing on all records in all screening tables (refer to GWST Tables Summary).