In this section:

You can access the GWST tables summary information using the GWST Tables Summary screen (see the following figure). This screen provides the following information:

  • Last Modified - date and time you last modified any table (this information is automatically reset if you restart the GWST application)
  • Last Action - the last action you performed on the tables
  • Errors - number of errors resulting from the last batch operation
  • Total <GWST Table Name> - number of records in the associated table

GWST Tables Summary Screen

The following actions are available on this screen:

  • Clear MSU Tracing - disables MSU tracing on all records in all screening tables
  • Clear Test Mode - disables screening test mode on all records in all screening tables

To view the GWST Tables Summary

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.

  2. Click GWST Tables.

To clear all records for MSU tracing or screening test mode


Using the Clear Test Mode action may impact traffic.

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.

  2. Click GWST Tables.

  3. Click Clear MSU Tracing | Clear Test Mode.

  4. Click Continue.