In this section:

The rollback to a previous software version is performed using the following method. It is recommended that you do not run SS7 traffic during this process.

You must use the Menu-based user interface (Menu UI) to perform this procedure.

It is recommended that you review the software rollback terminology before starting the procedure in this section (refer to Software Rollback Terminology).


The screen captures or code blocks on this page are examples only and are the same between releases with the exception of the software version numbers.


It is recommended that you use the Rollback option with caution. To minimize the risk of a full SP2000 outage, one CPU is rolled back first and then the other.

Before you execute this action, consult with Customer Support to determine if the rollback is required. Customer Support can assess whether a manual intervention could complete the upgrade and, therefore, the rollback outage can be avoided.


Do not log onto the system using the shared IP addresses on the Management CPUs during the rollback process described in this section. These addresses are disabled as part of the rollback process.


To rollback the IO back cards, use the same procedure required to upgrade the IO cards.

Revert to Previous Software Version


  1. Log onto the SP2000 Management CPU card in slot 14 or slot 24.
  2. Enter startmenu and press ENTER.
  3. Select System and press ENTER.
  4. Select Software Revisions and press ENTER.
  5. Select Rollback and press ENTER.

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ribbon DSC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Rollback from Upgrade Utility
    Type "q" to quit from most prompts or CTRL-C.
    Getting software versions
    [ ==================== ] 100%
    This machine has identity 14.
    Reference current (new) version is:
       stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118 (Ribbon Linux release SP2000 7.4.6)
    Reference previous (old) version is:
       stp_sp2k_19_0_0_nb20191210 (SP2000 Linux release 7.4.18)
    Software Versions
    ID | OS     | SW                         | Status
    24 | 7.4.6 | stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118 | *
    14 | 7.4.6 | stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118 | *
    Rollback in-container!
    Rollback targets: [24, 14]
    Type "yes" to proceed (yes/no):
  6. If any cards are unreachable (for example, an IO slot that may not have been configured yet), a warning message is displayed.

    Warning: some machines could not be properly contacted.
    Type "skip" to skip those CPUs [] or "yes" to proceed anyways. Anything else will abort the rollback process.:

    Perform  one of the following options

    1. Enter skip to ignore the CPUs inside the square brackets [ ] and continue with the rollback. If none of the unreachable cards are CPUs, the list will be empty. It is recommended to skip those cards.
    2. Enter yes to continue the rollback process as if all the CPUs are reachable.  

      Entering anything else besides skip or yes will exit you from the rollback procedure.

  7. The rollback procedure displays which CPU(s) will be rolled back. In this example, only one CPU needs to be rolled back because the other CPU is already in the previous load.

    Rollback in-container!
    Rollback targets: [14]
    Type "yes" to proceed (yes/no):

    Enter yes to start the rollback procedure.

  8. If there are multiple CPUs, the remote CPU will be rolled back first. After the remote CPU is finished, you will be prompted to start the rollback for the local CPU.
    Ready for next rollback. Type "yes" to proceed.
    Enter yes to start the next rollback procedure.
  9. Once all required rollbacks are completed, log onto the system and make sure that the rollbacks were successful (see Verify Rollback Properly Installed).

Rollback IOs to Previous Software Version


  1. Log onto the SP2000 Management CPU card in slot 14 or slot 24.
  2. Enter startmenu and press ENTER.
  3. Select System and press ENTER.
  4. Select Software Revisions and press ENTER.

  5. Select IO Versions and press ENTER.

    Do you have a new or replacement SP2K IO card to setup? (y/n): n
    IO (current) AMC308  stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118  OS: rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
       (Servicepack)     [none applied]
    IO (prev)    AMC308  stp_sp2k_19_0_0_nb20191210  OS: rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
       (Servicepack)     Not_Available
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD       SERVICE   O/S
    Slot 12   IO AMC308   * 19.0.0 (nb20191210) SP:    OS: rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select IO slot number (12) to begin upgrade
    or decommissioning of individual card(s).

  6. Enter the slot number.

    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 12
    Note: flex_slot.conf file doesn't exist ... This is ok if the SDA is not configured on the system.
    Software Update for IO Card in Slot #12 
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on IO (slot12_0):
             -Load:        stp_sp2k_19_0_0_nb20191210
             -OS:          rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img 
    Current IO version (on MGMT CPU):
             -Load:        stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118
             -OS:          rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    'u' - Update version (update slot12_0 to match the current load):
             -Load: stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118
             -OS:   rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
    'd' - Decommission this IO card to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel: u

  7. Enter U to update.

    Running IO software is out-of-date!
    You have opted to update/reboot slot #12, thereby loading the current software:
              -Load: stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20230118
              -OS:   rel_12_00_p07.sp2k.img
              -Servicepack: [none applied]
    Pushing image to the IO card in slot #12
    Executing script on IO board in slot #12
    Done: IO board was already up-to-date
    Ensuring internal0 (DHCP) settings in /etc/pticonfig on IO card in slot #12.
    internal0 (DHCP) already disabled in /etc/pticonfig on IO card in slot #12.
    Ensuring internal0 LAG monitoring settings in /etc/pticonfig on IO card in slot #12.
    Ensuring internal1 network value in /etc/pticonfig on IO card in slot #12.
    Chassis Type value on IO: [ CHASSIS_TYPE=3U ]
    Enter 'y' to continue:
  8. Enter Y to continue.

    Saving config to /dev/config0
    Size of /dev/config0 is 4096 Kbytes
    The config file is 15364 bytes
    Erasing ..Max Erase Time: 648 mSecs
    Save succeeded
    Saving config to /dev/config1
    Size of /dev/config1 is 4096 Kbytes
    The config file is 15364 bytes
    Erasing ..Max Erase Time: 692 mSecs
    Save succeeded 
    Set IO card in slot #12 /etc/pticonfig internal0 tags to:
    DEVICES="internal0 internal1"
    # Options for internal0 (bond0)
    internal0_DHCP_OPTIONS="-d -R -G -N -I ''"
    Rebooting IO card in slot #12.
    Press <return> to continue.
  9. Press Enter to continue.

Verify Rollback Properly Installed


 If an asterisk appears beside any of the system cards during the verification process, the rollback for the respective card was unsuccessful. In this case, it is recommended that you contact Customer Support.


  1. At the Linux prompt, enter startmenu, and press ENTER.

  2. Select System and press ENTER.

  3. Verify that the software has been rolled back properly by doing the following:
    • navigate to the Software Revisions screen.
    • Select the required card (in this procedure CPU Versions), and press ENTER.

      Make sure that the SS7 software and Linux software has been rolled back, all cards are running the same software, and that there is no asterisk beside any of the cards.


      The output of the “CPU Versions” command shows that the CPU card has “UPGRADED” status if this is the first time the command is issued after an upgrade. All subsequent “CPU Versions” commands show the number of processes running on each CPU

      No new load detected on system. Upload stp file before attempting upgrade.
      CPU (current)      stp_sp2k_21_0_0_nb20230118  OS: 7.4.6
          (Servicepack)  [none applied]
      CPU (previous)     Not_Available  OS: N/A
      RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
               CARD                   BUILD     SERVICE  O/S
      -SLOT----TYPE----------RELEASE--VERSION----PACK---IMAGE-------CARD STATUS---
      Slot 14 MGMT/ROUTING   21.0.3 (nb20230118) SP:    7.4.6    16 procs running
      Slot 24 MGMT/ROUTING   21.0.3 (nb20230118) SP:    7.4.6    16 procs running
        (p=servicepack is partially applied)
      Press <return> to continue.
  4. Press ENTER to cancel.
  5. To confirm that the IO cards are also running the same SS7 software and Linux software as the CPU cards, select IO versions and press ENTER.
  6. Type n and press ENTER at the prompt "Do you have a new or replacement SP2000 IO card to set up? (y/n):"

    Do you have a new or replacement SP2K IO card to setup? (y/n): n
    IO (current) AMC308  stp_sp2k_21_0_3_nb20210118  OS: rel_7_11_p00.sp2k.img
       (Servicepack)     [none applied]
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD       SERVICE   O/S
    Slot 12   IO AMC308     21.0.3(nb20210118) SP:    OS: rel_7_11_p00.sp2k.img
    Slot 22   IO AMC308     21.0.3(nb20210118) SP:    OS: rel_7_11_p00.sp2k.img
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select IO slot number (12 22) to begin upgrade
    or decommissioning of individual card(s).
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel:
    No selection, exiting.
    Press <return> to continue.
  7. Press ENTER to cancel.