For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.

The MTP3 User Adaptation (M3UA) layer is a client/server protocol to support the transport of  SS7 MTP3 messages over SCTP/IP. The Signaling Transport (SIGTRAN) working group within the IETF standard organization developed this protocol.

In M3UA terminology, registration is a procedure used to assign a Routing Context (RC) to a routing key. However, M3UA registration leaves the RC in a down state, meaning that the Signaling Gateway (SG) cannot process traffic yet for that RC. The RC is later used in an activation procedure, where an application is ready to process traffic corresponding to the respective routing key.

This two step registration and activation process is unlike many other applications where registration and activation happen simultaneously, as for example, with CIC UA.

An M3UA SCTP server must be configured on a Routing VM before an SCTP Association can be created and registration requests can be received.


M3UA supports IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, and hostnames.

Hostnames must resolve to either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or a combination of both address types.


The SP2000 does not support IPv6.


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