Resources | addressContext | zone | sipTrunkGroup | signaling | postDialDelay


Use this Post-Dial Delay (PDD) object to configure post-dial delay performance requirement which consists of a timeout value and response code. The Ingress PDD timer is activated when the configured value on the ingress trunk group is greater than zero and the incoming SIP call reaches an address complete state. The Egress PDD timer is activated when the configured value on the egress trunk group is greater than zero and upon receipt of the 100 Trying message from the egress peer. The Egress PDD timer is canceled upon receipt of a 18x/200/3xx/4xx/5xx message from the egress peer.


timeOutOuint320 Timeout value for the Post Dial Delay timer. Enabled if timeout value is non-zero.
responseCodeOuint32503 Configured SIP response code sent when the call is torn down due to Post Dial Delay timer expiry

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusSipTrunkGroup:sipTrunkGroup={name}/signaling/postDialDelay

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