Resources | addressContext | zone | sipTrunkGroup | signaling


Parameters controlling the specifics of the SIP signaling for this SIP trunk group.


accessClassOenumerationnoneThis flag specifies the type of access network this Trunk Group represents.
routeMsgValidationOenumerationnoValidationSpecifies if route validation should be done for the received message and if the message should be validated to ensure it is SIP-only or SIP-I. The call will be released if validation is done and an invalid message type is received
maxFwdsDefaultOuint870Default value for the Max Forwards Header.
backwardInfoMsgConDialogOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, an INFO message will only be sent after confirmed Dialog. If disabled, an INFO message will be only sent after a 18x message. This functionality only applies to SIP-I.
isupMimeBodyRelayOenumerationdisabledWhen enabled, an ISUP mime body received in SIP signaling will be transparently relayed in egress SIP signaling. When disabled, ISUP mime bodies will be decoded and interworked based on the egress signaling configuration.
proxyBehaviorFor18xWhenE2EPrackEnabledOenumerationdisabledEnabling this flag gives proxy behaviour for 18x wrt 100 rel behaviour when E2E Prack is enabled
rel100SupportOenumerationenabledThis controls the 100rel support for the reliability of provisional messages as specified in RFC3262. When enabled, 100rel will be specified on egress and accepted on ingress. When disabled, 100rel will not be specified on egress and will be ignored on ingress.
sdp100relIwkForPrackOenumerationdisabledThis control is used for Asymmetric Prack Interworking.
prefRequireTransparencyOenumerationdisabledThis Controls the transparency of tag pref in Require header
privacyParamRestrictedOenumerationdefaultSIP Mapping Privacy Header parameters from incoming call to outgoing call. Default - map Privacy parameters header, id, or user to restrict. IdOnly - only map Privacy parameter id to restrict.
relayNonInviteRequestOenumerationdisabledRelay Non Invite Requests.
localOODReferSupportOenumerationdisabledProcess out of dialog Refer locally.
treatPortZeroAsNoAudioOenumerationdisabledTreat Audio m line with port zero as Audioless.
relayUpdatewithSdpOenumerationdisabledRelay in-dialog Update Request with Sdp.
The Inter Operator ID for IMS node
uriPreferenceOenumerationnoneThis indicates URI presentation preference for outgoing messages. None - No preference. SIP - Present TEL URI as SIP URI. TEL - Present SIP URI as TEL URI.
strictParseOenumerationdisabledEnables strict SIP Parsing. If enabled, requests which are understandable but which violate the relevant RFC ABNF will be rejected.
skipDTGLookupForRouteHdrOenumerationdisabledSkip destination trunk group lookup on Route header when routing calls using Route headers received in a request.
support3xxEmbeddedHdrOverGWGWOenumerationnotSupportedEnables 3xx with Embbeded Header support over GW-GW Protocol.
processTgrpContextOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, the tgrp-context parameter will determine if tgrp needs to be processed locally or relayed.
isubParamPreferenceOenumerationrfc2806This trunk group attribute specifies how the ISDN Sub-Address parameter shall be handled in SIP. default: follow rfc2806 when handling ISUB parameter. nonstandard: treat the percentage character as an escape character when receiving this parameter. On sending, do not include characters not allowed by certain proxies. rfc3966: encode and decode the ISUB parameter based on the ABNF for ISUB specified in RFC3966.
variantTypeOenumerationsonusSpecifies the variant of functionality.
factorValueOuint81The factor value used to interwork the SIP Max-Forwards header and the ISUP Hop counter parameter.
alwaysReplyInactiveIfReceivedInactiveOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC will reply datapath mode as Inactive; If received Inactive.
localNumberSupportOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, P-cscf will globalize To hdr in Register,req URI in SUBSCRIBE for regevt and do a PSX dip for non-INVITE for tel URI and will handle dial string feature.
disableTermIOIForPcscfOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, P-cscf will not add the param term-ioi in any of the request while creating PCV
deRegParentWithChildDeregOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, P-cscf will delete Parent RCB and all its childs during deregistration of any of the child IMPU.
usePSXRouteAsReqUriInRegOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, P-cscf will modify the Request URI of register with PSX returned route.
psxRouteForSubscribeOenumerationdisabledThis flag specifies whether to use PSX routes for routing the SUBSCRIBE to registered users. When ENABLED PSX routing is performed and when DISABLED no PSX routing is performed.
The defaultCallingNumber for Caller privacy feature
validateAorOenumerationenabledFlag that specifies if the AOR needs to be validated or allows anonymous calling
sourceAddressValidationOenumerationdisabledThis flag specifies whether source address validation is supported.
condIncMethInAllowHdrOenumerationdisabledFlag that specifies whether to use ingress message Allow header values in the egress message. Only methods which are configured as allowed at the egress TG (signaling/method) are populated from ingress into the egress message.
The name of the flexible policy adapter profile.
sipFilterProfileOreferencedefaultThe name of the sip filter profile.
Name of the NNI Signaling Profile to be attached
Name of the PSX Script Profile to be attached to the TG
acceptHistoryInfoOenumerationdisabledFlag that specifies if a History-Info header received on the ingress trunk group will be accepted.
egressCallIdStaticStringOstring-String to be used for generating the egress callid when configured option for egressCallIdType in PSX is "Use Static String"
allowByeChallengeOenumerationdisabledThis flag enables the Challenge for BYE requests.
enforceTlsIfSipsUriSchemeOenumerationdisabledThis flag enforces that TLS is used to egress a request, if the Request-URI/topmost Route header uses sips scheme on a per peer group basis
enforceSipsIfEgressIsTlsOenumerationdisabledThis flag changes the URI scheme of the URI in the Request-URI to "sips", if the request is to be egressed via TLS on a per peer group basis.
Name of the TLS peer in the peer certificate
usePsxRouteForEmergencyCallOenumerationdisabledThis flag specifies whether to use PSX routes for routing the Emergency Call from registered users. When ENABLED full PSX routing is performed and PSX route is used for Emergency Call
ocsSupportOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, relays INVITE with CSTA.
relayReplacesHeaderOenumerationdisabledThis flag specifies whether P-cscf is locally process INVITE or relay Replaces header with INVITE. If enabled, P-CSCF will translate dialog identifier and relays the Replaces header in INVITE.
The Feid used in P-DCS-Billing-Info header.
sendSdpToPsxOenumerationdisabledEnabling this flag will pass SDP information to the PSX excluding the data till the first occurrence of m-line in a diameter structure
useGAPwhenRnDisabledOenumerationdisabledThis flag is valid only when disableRn flag under numberPortabilityAttributes of profile is ena If enabled, SBC will populate user info part of the R-URI and TO header with the GAP/OCN number
support199OptionTagOenumerationdisabledSupport for conditional inclusion of 199 option tag in Supported head
keepSupportOenumerationdisabledThis flag when enabled supports keep alive mechanisms (RFC-6223).
outboundSupportOenumerationdisabledThis flag when enabled supports outbound procedures (RFC-5626).
silenceSuppTreatmentOenumerationtreatAsFaxTransmissionIndicationSpecifies silence suppression treatment when reInvite with silenceSupp:of It will be treated as FAX call transition or G711 call with silence suppr
pemInterworkingOenumerationsendPEMBeforeIngressPreconditionsThis flag controls the behavior of sending PEM header
rfc3261ValidateCSeqInBYEOenumerationdisabledValidate CSeq number for BYE in INVITE dialog.
rfc3261ValidateInvite200OkRetransmissionsOenumerationdisabledValidate 200 OK retransmissions to INVITE as per rfc 3261 in INVITE Client transaction case.
useRandomUserInfoInContactHdrOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, use randomly generated value as UserInfo in contact header.
suppressNonRouteInviteResponseOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, response for non-route invite will be suppressed.
sipLocalRegistrarOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, this the messages for this Trunk group would be routed to SipRegistrar .
dnsForceReQueryOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, on REGISTER transaction timeout, requests are retried to IP/Port resolved from external DNS server skipping internal DNS Cache.
usePcfaCcfOenumerationdisabledWhen this flag is enabled, SBC uses ccf received in PCFA as CDF.
honorMaddrParamOenumerationdisabledSupport for maddr present in Contact and Refer-To Header
rewriteIdentitiesOenumerationdisabledEnables SIP URI transparency feature where IP Address received in certain headers will be mapped to domain names and domain name will be preserved if received in these headers.
The transit inter operator ID for IMS node
The terminating inter operator ID
usePortRangeFlagOenumerationdisabledAdministrative state of the usePortRange indicating that separate port to be used for each registration.
storeICIDOenumerationdisabledThis flag is used to retain the same ICID value in the Redirected/Crankback call scenario.
clearTcpConnectionsforRegistrationOenumerationdisabledClear Tcp connections used for REGISTER upon deREGISTERing UE.
stopLmsdToneOnUpdateOenumerationdisabledstop LMSD tone before sending UPDATE .
dropIsupMimeBodyOenumerationdisableddrop the ISUP MIME body from received requests.
cpcInterworkingForNNIOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, fills Calling Party Category in SIP Uri of P-Asserted-Identity for NNI.
convertAlertToProgressOenumerationdisabledConvert 180 to 183 When SBC is configured to play Tone.
rfc7332ValidateMaxForwardsOenumerationdisabledvalidates Max-Forwards header value as per rfc-7332.
minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesAtGwSgOenumerationdisabledThis flag is used in GW-GW call to minimize the relaying of media changes to the other Gateway leg on a Ribbon SBC.
disableMediaLockDownAtGwSgOenumerationdisabledThis flag is used in GW-GW call to apply disableMediaLockDown logic to suppress reInvite/Update messages.
relayDatapathModeChangesAtGwSgOenumerationdisabledThis flag is used in GW-GW call to apply relayDatapath Mode changes from one Gw to another. The functioning of the Relay Data Path Mode Changes To The Other Gateway is dependent on the status of minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesAtGwSg.
s8hrSupportOenumerationdisabledSupport S8HR Roaming Network Calls.
gibaSupportForS8hrInboundUserOenumerationenabledGIBA Procedure Support for S8HR Inbound User Enabled - When this flag is enabled(default), GIBA procedure applied for S8HR Inbound user. Disabled - When this flag is disabled, GIBA procedure will not applied for S8HR Inbound user.
embeddedRegInfoinUserPartOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, reg-info value will be appended to UserInfo of contact header in REGISTER method
allowSimultaneous18xUPDATEtransactionOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, simultaneous 18x and UPDATE transactions will be allowed.
clearModeAsCodecOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, then CLEARMODE will be treated as codec. If disabled, then CLEARMODE call shall be accepted based on clearModeForDataCalls.
honorContactInRegisterForTLSCallsOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC should honor the contact in REGISTER when the SBC receives calls towards registered user for TLS transports
performPrecondtionRenegotiationOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, then preconditions will be renegotiated on the ingress when there is a change in SDP. If disabled, then already negotiated preconditions will prevail without any new negotiation.
preferUPDATEOverReINVITEOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC shall use UPDATE to communicate SDP towards ingress instead of re-INVITE when call goes to confirmed state. If disabled, then re-INVITE will be used to communicate change in SDP towards ingress.
The SIP JJ-90.30 Interworking profile associated with this trunk.
The SIP X Header profile associated with this trunk.
The Called Prefix Match profile associated with this trunk.
onlySendSubsequent18xSdpIfUnreliableOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC shall conform to RFC 6337 page 9 and even if configured to send SDP in subsequent 18x, it shall only so until a reliable response has been sent.
minimizeMediaChangesForNtwkSdpOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC shall minimize the media changes for network SDP received for internally generated Re-INV/UPDATE if there is no change.
sendOnlySingleCodecInAnsOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC shall send single codec in answer and modify answer towards peer.
preferPtimeInSdpOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC shall prefer ptime value over maxptime in incoming SDP.
effectiveRelayOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC effectively relays the media changes from the other call leg such as change in codec order, addition/deletion of a codec etc.
doNotAutoAnswerOenumerationdisabledIf enabled, SBC does not auto answers internally for outstanding request.
sendPaiUriToPsxOenumerationdisabledThis control is used for sending PAI URIs in policy request.
crlfMsgRateControlforPortRangeOuint16100The rate control of CRLF messages when port range is configured
emgCallByeHandleLegHoldTimeOuint320Emergency Call Bye Handling feature flag, when the value is 0 feature is disabled. When it is configured (non zero), SBC applies Emergency Call Bye Handling procedure and considers this value as leg hold time.
userToUserHdrSupportOenumerationdisabledThis control is used for supporting user to user header .

Specifies what SIP headers may be used when determining the Calling Party information.

Maximum Size of PDU accepted over UDP.

Prescribes behavior associated with various 3GPP P-Headers.

sdp Transparency controls.

Manipulation of SIP headers or content.

Controls the mapping of CPC cause codes to/from SIP cause codes.

Specifies whether to allow or reject various SIP methods.

Retry counter values for various SIP request types.

Retransmission and session-keepalive timer parameters.

Parameters controlling registration relay behavior.

Parameters controlling non registered authentication behavior.

The preference ordering of allowed SIP transports.

Contains the Local and Global E164Profiles associated to this trunk group.

Controls the X and P Header behavior applicable to this trunk group.

Post Dial Delay flags.

This flag specifies the type of access network(tispan-nass) this Trunk Group represents.

Generate or Replace PCV flags.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusSipTrunkGroup:sipTrunkGroup={name}/signaling