This section includes information to do the following:

To add additional VMs using the Stack Template Update

Use the script to regenerate YAML with small changes. This script file is included in the dsc_swe_<rel>_<nb>_HOT.tgz that can be downloaded from the Global Support Portal (refer to Downloading Software Files).

To generate a new YAML file for adding extra VMs 

  1. Login to OpenStack dashboard. 
  2. Click Project.
  3. Click Orchestration.
  4. Click Stacks.
  5. Click the stack on which you want to add the extra VM.
  6. Click Overview.
    The arguments are listed in the Description.

  7. Generate a new YAML file by executing the with the original arguments but a different vm-count.

    For example, if the current vm-count is 2, then change it to 3.

    If you want to enable the Load Balancer, you have to set the vm-count minimum to 4. --av-zones "" --config-drive true --flavour "" --ha0 None --image "" --imf0 None --imf1 None --mgt askaddr: --no-prompt --pkt0 askaddr: --pkt1 askaddr: --pkt2 None --pkt3 None --sec-group None --shared-mgt "" --ssh-key ""
    --ver-str 16_1_0_nb20170914 --vm-count 3 --vm-role None extraDSCVMs.yaml

    The newly generated YAML file extraDSCVMs.yaml has 3 VMs enabled.

  8. Go to To update the stack template.

To update the stack template

  1. Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.

  2. Click Project.

  3. Click Orchestration.

  4. Click Stacks.

  5. Click the required stack.

  6. Click the drop-down menu on the far-right side and select Select Template.

  7. Click Choose File and select the YAML file created in To generate a new YAML file for adding extra VMs (extraDSCVMs.yaml).

  8. Click Next.


    On the Update Stack Parameters page, the original values should be entered or there will be unexpected changes.  For the new VM, new IP addresses can be assigned. 


  9. Click Update.

  10. You will notice that the update is in progress.

    When the update is done, the Status will be changed to Update Complete.

    The new VMs will be booted up automatically while the existing VMs are not impacted.

  11. Do one of the following:

    1. If the new VM will be commissioned as an Application VM (not a Load Balancer), go to To commission an Application VM (not a Load Balancer).

    2. If the new VM is commissioned as a Load Balancer Application VM, go to To commission an Application VM (Load Balancer).


To commission an Application VM (not a Load Balancer)

  1. SSH to one of the Routing and Management VMs on the DSC SWe using this VM‘s IP address.

    ssh root@<ip address of the DSC SWe>
  2. Log onto the system.

    User ID: <root> 
    password: <root password>
  3. At the CLI prompt, enter startmenu, and press ENTER.

    [root@dbagentslot1 ~]# startmenu
    Main Menu
    Sonus Networks DSC
    1 - System
    2 - Enter Shell
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 1
  4. From the Main Menu, select System, and press ENTER.

    1 - Date/Time
    2 - Software Revisions
    b - Back
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 
  5. Select Software Revisions, and press ENTER.

    Software Revisions
    1 - Versions, Commission, Decommission
    b - Back
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 1
  6. Select Versions, Commission, Decommission and press ENTER.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade.
    VM (current)      dsc_vm_16_1_0_nb20170828  OS: 7_3_0-1_5
        (Servicepack)  [none applied] 
    CPU (previous)     Not_Available  OS: N/A
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
              VM                    BUILD     SERVICE  O/S
    Slot  1 ROUTING_MGMT   16.1.0 (nb20170828) SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5  22 procs running
    Slot  2 ROUTING_MGMT   16.1.0 (nb20170828) SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5  22 procs running
      ...please wait...
      ...please wait....
    Slot  3 ROUTING        16.1.0 (nb20170828) SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5  15 procs running
      ...please wait.....
    Slot  4 --TBD--        N/A                 SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5   0 procs running
      ...please wait......
    Slot  5 APPLICTN       16.1.0 (nb20170828) SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5   3 procs running
      ...please wait.......
    Slot  6 --TBD--        N/A                 SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5   0 procs running
      ...please wait........
    Slot  7 --TBD--        N/A                 SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_5   0 procs running
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select VM Slot number (3 5) to decommission an optional VM.
    Select VM Slot number (4 6 7) to begin commissioning of individual VM.
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel:
  7. Enter the VM slot to be commissioned and press ENTER (in this example, slot 6).

    Commissioning VM card in slot 6...
    Pushing necessary scripts to slot 6...
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/commission_cpu to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/install_and_patch to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/bin/.common_upgrade_functions to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/ to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/netconf to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/ to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/scripts/ to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/slot.conf to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/lb.1.conf to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/lb.2.conf to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/lb.ldl.conf to slot6_0
    Pushed /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/licensing.conf to slot6_0
    Do you want to continue? [y/n]
  8. Enter y and press ENTER.

    Please set the CPU card type for slots 6:
             1 - Routing CPU
             2 - Application CPU
    Enter desired Card Type:
  9. Select the VM type, and press ENTER (in this example, 2 for Application VM).

    Choose the Application type:
     1 - Load Balancer
     c - Others
    Enter desired Application Type: 
  10. Enter the required card type and press ENTER (in this example, c for Others).

    Enter desired Application Type: c
    Please wait...
    Stopping everything if running...
    Install a new load and servicepacks if necessary
    --- install_and_patch script running on slot6_0...
    ...Installing load and servicepacks to VM card: slot6_0
       -Finding MGMT VM to pull commissioning data from...
        Pulling commissioning data from MGMT VM 1 (slot1_0)
       -Comparing current O/S on this VM (slot6_0) with O/S from MGMT CPU...
        CPU (slot6_0) O/S:    Sonus Linux release dscvm 7_3_0-1_5
        MGMT VM (slot1_0) O/S:    Sonus Linux release dscvm 7_3_0-1_5
       -Checking load on this VM card (slot6_0)
        CPU (slot6_0) load: dsc_vm_16_1_0_nb20170828 found.
       -Checking current load on MGMT VM card: slot1_0
        MGMT VM load: dsc_vm_16_1_0_nb20170828 was found.
        ...Loads match. Proceeding to patching.
    ...Checking MGMT VM for any applied servicepacks...
        -No servicepacks currently applied on MGMT CPU: slot1_0
    ---  End of script --- 
    Install of new load and patching of servicepacks completed.
    Please wait...
    Please press enter key to continue...
  11. Press ENTER.

    Network Configuration
             1 - SS7/IP Network
             2 - Management Network
             3 - Restart networking
             c - Continue to next step
    Enter Selection: 
  12.  Enter c and press ENTER.

    Enter Selection: c
    licensing type: legacy
    --- MAC Address and Serial Number for CPU in slot: 6 ---
    -MAC Address:
    Readable: 89:e2:ea:83:88:15
    CutPaste: 89e2ea838815
    -Serial Number:
    -Ensure you have the license keys for this APP CPU ready, and then
     Press <enter> to continue or "n" to abort the commissioning process.
  13. Press ENTER.

  14. If you are prompted to enter a license key(s) one of the following:

    1. If you are using the Legacy method to configure licensing for this VM, refer to Legacy Licensing Description and perform the licensing task as required.
    2. If you are using the Local Licensing method, refer to Local Licensing Description and perform the licensing task as required.

  15. Navigate to the Available Software Versions screen and confirm the VM(s) has been commissioned.
  16. Repeat this procedure with any additional VMs that should be commissioned.
  17. You may consider doing a Complete Configuration Backup (refer to Complete System Backup and Restore for the DSC SWe).

To commission an Application VM (Load Balancer)


The Load Balancer only supports Diameter application connections and IPv4 networks. For more information about the Load Balancer, refer to Configuring Load Balancer.

If you want to commission a Load Balancer, a minimum of two Application VMs are required for redundancy.

A maximum of two Load Balancers (four Application VMs) can be added to a system.
  1. SSH to one of the Routing and Management VMs on the DSC SWe using this VM‘s IP address.

    ssh root@<ip address of the DSC SWe>
  2. Log onto the system.

    User ID: <root>
    password: <root password>
  3. At the CLI prompt, enter startmenu, and press ENTER.

  4. From the Main Menu, select System and press ENTER.

    [root@dbagentslot1 ~]# startmenu
    Main Menu
    Sonus Networks DSC
    1 - System
    2 - Enter Shell
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 1
  5. Select Software Revisions and press ENTER.

    1 - Date/Time
    2 - Software Revisions
    b - Back
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 2
  6. Select Versions, Commission, Decommission and press ENTER.

    Software Revisions
    1 - Versions, Commission, Decommission
    b - Back
    l - Logout
    Enter Selection: 1
  7. Enter the slot to be commissioned and press ENTER.

    The Load Balancer does not reside on the management slots.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade.
    VM (current) dsc_vm_16_1_0_nb20170712 OS: 7_3_0-1_4
    (Servicepack) [none applied]
    CPU (previous) Not_Available OS: N/A
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
    Slot 1 ROUTING_MGMT 16.1.0 (nb20170712) SP: OS: 7_3_0-1_4 27 procs running
    Slot 2 ROUTING_MGMT 16.1.0 (nb20170712) SP: OS: 7_3_0-1_4 27 procs running
    Slot  3 --TBD--        N/A                 SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_4   0 procs running
    Slot  4 --TBD--        N/A                 SP:    OS: 7_3_0-1_4   0 procs running
    (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select VM Slot number (3 4) to begin commissioning of individual VM.
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 3
  8. Select Application CPU and press ENTER.

    The Application CPU is the same as Application VM. 

     1 - Routing CPU
    2 - Application CPU
    Enter desired Card Type:2
  9. Select Load Balancer and press ENTER.

    Choose the Application type:
     1 - Load Balancer
     c - Others
    Enter desired Application Type: 1
  10. Select a Load Balancer ID for this slot 

    Networking will be restarted on ALL Routing and Configured Application
    CPUs for changes to take effect! Please abort (CTRL-C) the commissioning
    process if this is not desired and try again when ready.
    Choose the Load Balancer ID:
     1 - Load Balancer 1 (configured slots: )
     2 - Load Balancer 2 (configured slots: )
     c - Skip this step
    Enter desired Load Balancer ID: 1

    The commissioning process installs and configures the slot, then starts the applications.

  11. Return to the Main Menu and repeat steps 4 to 10 to commission a second Application VM.

    This procedure only creates one Load Balancer. To create a second Load Balancer, repeat the procedure.