Modified: for 6.2.1
To access an active SBC SWe instance using EMA user interface:
Once SBC SWe HA instances are created, the first instance to boot is the active instance. If the instance is not accessible, try accessing the management IP address of the other instance.
Enter the mgt0
IP address assigned to the active instance in a web browser.
The EMA login page displays.
Based on the web browser settings an unknown security certificate warning message may appear. Click Advanced link and select Proceed to <IP address> (unsafe) link to view the SBC SWe application login page.
Enter admin
in the Username and Current Password fields.
For AWS instances,
is “eth0” interface ID for standalone instance.admin
is “eth0” interface ID of assigned role active instance (instance with “-1” in the name) for an HA pair.For more information, refer to the sections Instantiating a Standalone SBC SWe Instance and Instantiating an SBC SWe HA Instance.
Enter a new password for EMA in the New Password field.
Press Enter.
Login Page
You are prompted to change your login password when accessing the SBC SWe application for the first time.
The System Status page displays.
Application Dashboard Page
Select Monitoring > Dashboard > System and Software Info to view system information and software version.
The System and Software Info page displays.
System and Software Info Page
Select Administration > System Administration > Platform Management, to view the platform and SBC application controls details.
The Platform and SBC Application Controls page displays.
Platform and SBC Application Controls Page