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Software Component Description

ASM ImagesFor systems configured with a built-in Application Solution Module. These recovery images are typically used for re-initializing the ASM. For more details, see Updating the ASM Recovery Partition.
ASM Roll-up UpdatesUpdate Packs for the ASM Roll-up system. For more information, see ASM Roll-up Update.
LicensesLicenses for the SBC Edge. Licenses activate features introduced in new major (and sometimes minor) versions of the SBC Edge software. For more details, see Working with Licenses.
Log ExchangeLog Exchange (LX) is the the SIP log analysis and Syslog Server utility for the Ribbon SBC Edge and VX gateways. For more information see Log Exchange.
Lync UpdatesFor systems with a built-in ASM module deployed as Lync SBA. It includes cumulative Lync server package updates.
Software Updates


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