The Hosts Table enables you to edit the /etc/hosts file through the WebUI or REST interface. Each line in the Hosts file contains one IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and at least one FQDN/Host name/Domain name. 

When you create a FQDN/Hostname entry in the Host Table, you have the option to enter an IP address to resolve the FQDN/Host name, or allow the SBC to dynamically resolve the FQDN/Host name. The Dynamic Refresh option allows dynamic resolution of the FQDN/Hostname, as well as provides auto-updates in case of dynamic IP changes.

Hosts File Example - IPv4 address example
2620:108:0:b600:20c:29ff:fece:f140 - IPv6 address example 

Usage Examples

The Hosts Table allows applications on the SBC 1000/2000, such as SIP Signaling Groups, AD, RADIUS, etc. to resolve FQDNs when a DNS server is not reachable. We recommend that only a few, very critical, host-IP pairs be stored on the SBC 1000/2000.

Another use-case is in a pre-deployment scenario in which an administrator would like to divert traffic by mapping the same FQDN to a different IP address. For example, a SBC 1000/2000can communicate with a Lync server under test before it is added to the production network, using the same FQDN, but with a different IP address.

Working with the Hosts Table

Access the Hosts Table:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Protocols > DNS > Hosts.

    Hosts Table

To delete an entry, select the checkbox next to the entry and then click the Delete () icon.

Creating Entries in the Hosts Table

Changes to the Hosts Table are not dynamically applied. Reboot the SBC 1000/2000 following any modification to the Hosts Table.

ASM Behavior on Sonus SBC 1000/2000 Reboot Operation
  • Sonus SBC 2000
  • If the ASM is running, rebooting the SBC will cause the ASM to also reboot.
  • If the ASM is shut down, rebooting the SBC will not restart the ASM.
  • To bring the ASM back into operation, you must physically power off and power back on the SBC.
  • Sonus SBC 1000 --- rebooting the SBC will not have an effect on the ASM.

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