Table of Contents


Document Overview

This document provides a configuration guide for Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series (Session Border Controller) when connecting to Exchange 2013 Unified Messaging (UM) and Avaya CM7.

This configuration guide supports features given in Microsoft Technet web page .


The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound calls flows between the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series and Microsoft Exchange 2013 UM.


This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Sonus SBC and the third-party product. There will be steps that require navigating third-party as well as the Sonus SBC Command Line Interface (CLI). Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP, IP/Routing, and SIP/RTP are also necessary to complete the configuration and for troubleshooting, if necessary.

This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Sonus customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.


The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration: 

Test Equipment and Software



Software Version

Sonus Networks

Sonus SBC 1000

V5.0.3 build 407

Third-party Equipment


Microsoft Exchange 2013


Avaya CM7


Avaya 9608 SIP Phone


Reference Configuration

The following reference configuration shows connectivity between third-party equipment and the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series:

Reference Configuration Topology


For any questions regarding this document, please contact your maintenance and support provider.

Technical support for Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series is available via phone or logging a trouble ticket.


Third-Party Product Feature

The following third-party product feature is supported:

  • SIP Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) 


Verify License

No special licensing is required for this test.


Avaya CM7 Configuration

The following new configurations are included in this section:  

  1. IP Node Names

  2. IP Codec Set
  3. IP Network Region
  4. Signaling Group
  5. Trunk Group

  6. Private Numbering
  7. Voicemail Hunt Group
  8. Coverage Path
  9. Station Voicemail Coverage
  10. Locations
  11. Call Routing

1. IP Node Names

Define IP Node Name

2. IP Codec Set 

Define IP Codec Set

3. IP Network Region 

Define IP Network Region

4. Signaling Group

 Configure the Signaling Group using the following configuration screens:

Define Signaling Group

5. Trunk Group

Define Trunk Group


6. Private Numbering 

Add an entry so that stations with 4-digit extensions that start with '1' are sent to Exchange UM.

Define Private Numbering

7. Voicemail Hunt Group  

Determine AAR Feature Access Code and use this value to populate the Hunt Group Routing Digits. 

Define Voicemail Hunt Group

8. Coverage Path 

Define Coverage Path

9. Station Voicemail Coverage

Define Station

10. Locations

Define Locations

11. Call Routing 

Define Call Routing

Sonus SBC 1000/2000 Series Configuration

The following configuration steps provide an example of how to configure the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series to interoperate with Microsoft Exchange 2013 UM and Avaya CM7:

  1. SIP Profile
  2. SIP Server
  3. Media Profiles
  4. Media List
  5. Transformation
  6. Call Routing Table
  7. Message Manipulation
  8. Signaling Groups

1. SIP Profile

SIP Profiles control how the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series communicates with SIP devices. These control important characteristics such as session timers, SIP Header customization, SIP timers, MIME payloads, and option tags. 

Select Settings > SIP > SIP Profiles to access the SIP Profile screen.

The default SIP profile used for the SBC 1000/2000 series for this testing effort is shown in the following figure:

Default SIP Profile

2. SIP Server

SIP Server Tables contain information about the SIP devices connected to the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series. 

Select Settings > SIP > SIP Server Tables to access the SIP Server Tables screen.

The entries in the tables provide information about the IP addresses, ports, and protocols used to communicate with each SIP server. The entries also contain links to counters that are useful for troubleshooting, as shown in the following figures:

Avaya SIP Server

Exchange UM SIP Server



3. Media Profiles

Media Profiles specify the individual voice and fax compression codecs and their associated settings for inclusion into a Media List. Different codecs provide varying levels of compression, allowing the reduction of bandwidth requirements at the expense of voice quality. 

Select Settings > Media > Media Profiles. 

The following figures show the media profiles of the voice codecs used for the SBC 1000/2000 series in this testing effort and are provide for reference only.

Media Profile


4. Media List

The Media List shows the selected voice and fax compression codecs and their associated settings. 

 Select Settings > Media > Media List to access the Media List configuration screen.

Default Media List

5. Transformation

Transformation Tables facilitate the conversion of names, numbers and other fields when routing a call. For example, transformations can convert a public PSTN number into a private extension number, or into a SIP address (URI). Every entry in a Call Routing Table requires a Transformation Table, and are sequentially selected from there. In addition, Transformation Tables will be configurable as a reusable pool that Action Sets can reference.

Select Settings > Transformation to access the Transformation configuration screen.

Avaya Voicemail Tranformation


Passthru Tranformation


6. Call Routing Table

Call Routing allows calls to be carried between signaling groups, thus allowing calls to be carried between ports, and between protocols (like ISDN to SIP). Routes are defined by Call Routing Tables, which allow for flexible configuration of which calls will be carried, and also how the calls are translated. These tables are one of the central connection points of the system, linking Transformation Tables, Message translations, Cause Code Reroutes, Media Lists and the three types of Signaling Groups (ISDN, SIP and CAS).

Select Settings > Call Routing Table to access the Call Routing Table configuration screen.

Avaya Call Routing



Exchange UM Call Routing



7. Message Manipulation  

Message Manipulations are sets of rules that are applied in SIP Signaling Groups when Message Manipulation is enabled.

Select Settings > SIP > Message Manipulation > Message Rule Tables to access the Message Translation configuration screen.

To convert the Avaya Diversion header to one that is accepted by Exchange 2013 UM, use the following regex values:

  • Match Regex: (<sip\:\d{4}@avayacm5\.votest\.com)(.*)
  • Replace Regex: \1>;reason=unknown;privacy=off;screen=no;counter=1

Diversion Header Tranformation

8. Signaling Groups

Signaling Groups allow telephony channels to be grouped together for the purposes of routing and shared configuration. These groups are the entity to which calls are routed, as well as the location from which Call Routes are selected. These are also the location from which Tone Tables and Action Sets are selected. In the case of SIP, this will specify protocol settings and link to server, media and mapping tables.

Select Settings > Signaling Groups to access the Signaling Groups configuration screens.

Avaya Signaling Group


Exchange UM Signaling Group



Microsoft Exchange 2013 Configuration

The following new configurations are included in this section:

  1. UM Dial Plan
  2. UM IP Gateway
  3. UM Hunt Group
  4. Assign Dial Plan
  5. User Mailbox
  6. Enable User

1. UM Dial Plan

Select Exchange Admin Center > Unified Messaging > UM Dial Plans

UM Dial Plan



2. UM IP Gateway

Select Exchange Admin Center > Unified Messaging > UM IP Gateways

UM IP Gateway



3. UM Hunt Group

Select the dial plan created previously and scroll down to the UM Hunt Groups Section. Select '+' to add a new Hunt Group.

UM Hunt Group



4. UM Mailbox Policies

Select the dial plan created previously and scroll down to the UM Mailbox Policies Section. Select '+' to add a new Mailbox Policy.

UM Mailbox Policy



5. User Mailbox

Select Exchange Admin Center > Recipients > Mailboxes. Select '+' to add a new user mailbox.

User Mailbox



Test Results


  1. Initiate call to UM subscriber
  2. Leave voicemail
  3. Verify MWI illuminates on handset 
 MWI functioned correctly and MWI NOTIFY was observedPass  



This Application Notes document describes the configuration steps required for the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 series to successfully interoperate with the Microsoft Exchange 2013 Unified Messaging. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed with the exceptions/observations noted in Test Results.