Before and after any major system operation, it is good practice to perform a complete configuration backup. These backup files are also used if any problems occur during the upgrade process or if you decide to abort the software upgrade. 

The software upgrade ensures the following:

  • the system data files are maintained
  • the system operating system (OS) and configuration files are upgraded with the new OS (if required) and system configuration files as required
  • the system configuration and data files are compatible with the new software load


     The system OS and configuration files may change between software upgrades.

The backed up files should be forwarded to a remote server or placed on a USB key that is also sent to a secure, remote location. 

Use the following procedure to perform a complete system backup on the AMC121 CPU using a USB key. The SP2000 USB Key backup and restore can also be used for CPU card disaster recovery if required.

In a GEO configuration, the SP2000 USB Key backup and restore are supported only if both AMC121 cards are inserted into the same physical slot in the two VSE shelves.

Backup File Location

The backup files are stored in the /var/log/backups/ directories on the AMC121 CPU. The reserved disk space for backups is 20Mb. The system confirms that you have the required disk space for the backup when you initiate a backup.

Backup Frequency

For all backup types with the exception of the complete system backup using a USB key, the frequency of backup depends on your system activities and changes to the system and application configuration. It is recommended that you perform regular backups based on these changes. You can use either the automated or manual backup utilities provided in the UI to perform these backups. The estimated time for any of these backups should not exceed 30 seconds.

What is Included in Backup Files

  • Log files, with the exception of the upgrade log associated with the application load, are not included in a complete system backup and restore.
  • License files are not compatible across cards, systems, and software versions; therefore, these files are also excluded from a complete system backup and restore

Backup Types

The following backup types are supported:

  • complete configuration backup includes backing up the system and application configuration. This backup type is recommended when the system and application configuration has been affected.
  • system configuration backup is recommended when the system configuration has been affected such as networking, Network Time Protocol (NTP), static routes, hostname resolutions, users definitions, passwords, and so on.
  • An application configuration backup is recommended when the application configuration has been affected such as MTP2, MTP3, SCCP, GTT, Signaling Gateway, and so on.


  • For an upgrade, to ensure that there is enough disk space to perform a complete configuration backup, remove all existing backup files from each system that is to be upgraded before you perform a complete system backup.
  • USB keys are not supplied for system backups. You should use a USB key for this purpose with a minimum of 1GB capacity.


  1. Insert the USB key into the AMC121 CPU.
  2. Log onto the Web UI.
  3. Click Backups.
  4. Click Complete System Backup (USB key).
  5. Follow the prompts to execute the procedure.