System Naming Conventions

The following table lists system naming conventions to follow while setting up SBC Core systems. The system name is used in billing, external PSX queries (if applicable), and system logs. On a HA system, the one system name applies to both units. Each unit has its own hostname as described in the next table. An example system name is WFDSBC01, where:

  • The first three letters represent the physical location of the system (WFD =  Westford).
  • The second three letters identify the system type (SBC).
  • The last two digits identify the SBC (or SBC pair) instance at this particular location.


System Name
Use as Leading
Use as Trailing
Maximum number of characters26N/AN/A
Letters  [ a-z ] | [ A-Z ](tick)(tick)(tick)
Digits [ 0-9 ](tick)(error)(tick)
Hyphen [ - ](tick)(error)(error)
Period [ . ](tick)(error)(error)
Underscore [ _ ](error)(error)(error)
Other special characters(error)(error)(error)

Hostname Naming Conventions

The following table lists local and peer hostname conventions to follow while setting up SBC systems. The SBC hostname consists of the system name with additional characters appended to the system name to distinguish the hostname from the system name.


For an HA system, the local hostname, peer hostname and system name must each be unique. For example, an HA system configured with a system name of “WFDSBC01” has the local hostname and peer hostname named “WFDSBC01a” and “WFDSBC01b”, respectively. 


Hostname is also referred to as "ceName". For example, "local ceName" and "peer ceName" are the equivalent of "local hostname" and "peer hostname".


Hostname / Peer Hostname
Use as Leading
Use as a Trailing Character
Maximum number of characters64N/AN/A
Letters  [ a-z ] | [ A-Z ](tick)(tick)(tick)
Digits [ 0-9 ](tick)(error)(tick)
Hyphen [ - ](tick)(error)(error)
Period [ . ]1(tick)(error)(error)
Underscore [ _ ]2(error)(error)(error)
Other special characters(error)(error)(error)

(1) The period is typically used to specify a fully qualified domain name.

(2) The underscore character ‘_’ is not allowed in either the local hostname or peer hostname because it is not valid for SIP URI and TCP/IP host naming.

Viewing Local Hostname and and Peer Hostname From CLI

One method to view the hostnames is to use the 'show table system serverStatus' CLI command as shown in the example below where the hostnames are listed in the NAME column.
(results are shortened for brevity)

admin@MYSBC-B> show table system serverStatus 

NAME   HW TYPE        SERIAL NUM                            NUM   VERSION        VERSION        ROLE        UP TIME          TIME             REASON         SYNC STATUS  
vsbc1  Sonus SBC SWe  BCA90399-FC5B-431D-BD11-E44630812070  -     V12.00.00A008  V12.00.00A008  active      6 Days 00:59:05  6 Days 00:56:37  serverRestart  syncCompleted
vsbc2  Sonus SBC SWe  2203A41B-CBCF-41BD-B280-A3700F0690CA  -     V12.00.00A008  V12.00.00A008  standby     6 Days 00:59:06  6 Days 00:54:17  serverRestart  syncCompleted

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