In this section:
Before you use the commands below, refer to Install Azure CLI.
Create a Storage Blob from the SAS URL
To create a storage blob from the SA URL:
Create a storage account.
Syntaxaz storage account create --name <account name> --resource-group <resource group name> --kind storageV2
Exampleaz storage account create --name ribbonsharedimages --resource-group resource-group-name --kind storageV2
Create a container to store the blob.
Syntaxaz storage container create --name <container name> --account-name <account name> --public-access off
Exampleaz storage container create --name ribbon-sbc-container --account-name ribbonsharedimages --public-access off
Start creating the blob.
Syntaxaz storage blob copy start --destination-blob <blob name> --destination-container <container name> --account-name <account name> --source-uri "<SAS URL>"
NoteEnclose SAS URL within double quotation marks "".
Exampleaz storage blob copy start --destination-blob "rbbn-sbc-v09.01.00.vhd" --destination-container "ribbon-sbc-container" --account-name "ribbonsharedimages" --source-uri ""
Check the status of blob creation.
This takes time due to the size of the file. Wait for the status to indicate "success" before you continue.
Syntaxaz storage blob show --name <blob name> --container-name <container name> --account-name <account name> --query [properties.copy] -o table
Exampleaz storage blob show --name "rbbn-sbc-v09.01.00.vhd" --container-name "ribbon-sbc-container" --account-name "ribbonsharedimages" --query [properties.copy] -o table
Create a Snapshot from the Storage Blob
To create a snapshot from the storage blob:
- Use the full "Storage Id" that is extracted from the Storage Account created.
- The "source-storage-account-id" is not mandatory. Only use the option if required.
az snapshot create --name <snapshot name> --resource-group <resource group name> --source <blob URL> [--source-storage-account-id <full storage id> ]
az snapshot create --name rbbn-sbc-v09.01.00.snap --resource-group example-resource-group --source "" --source-storage-account-id /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/RBBN-SBC-RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/rbbnsbcstore
Ensure that the blob URL follows the format, where the URL can be extracted from the .vhd of the blob created:
Create an Image from the Storage Blob
To create an image from the storage blob:
az image create --name <image name> --resource-group <resource group name> --os-type Linux --source <blob URL>
az image create --name rbbn-sbc-v09.01.00.img --resource-group example-resource-group --os-type Linux --source ""
Ensure that the blob URL follows the format, where the URL can be extracted from the .vhd of the blob created:
Copy Images between Regions
To copy images between regions:
Install the Azure image copy extension.
az extension add --name image-copy-extension
Copy image from one region to another.
Syntaxaz image copy --source-resource-group <resource-group> --source-object-name <image name> --target-location <space separated list of regions> --target-resource-group <target resource group> --cleanup
Exampleaz image copy --source-resource-group mySources-rg --source-object-name myImage --target-location uksouth northeurope --target-resource-group "images-repo-rg" --cleanup
NoteEnsure that the target location is a single world and in lowercase version. For example: "eastus", and not East US.