| Parameter | Presence | Type | Default | Description |
| index | M | uint32 | |
Index of this SIP Signaling Port.
| ipInterfaceGroupName | O | reference | |
IP interface group used by this SIP Signaling Port.
| ipAddressV4 | O | ipv4-address | |
IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
| ipAddressV6 | O | ipv6-address | |
IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
| portNumber | O | int32 | 5060 |
UDP/TCP port number of SIP Signaling Port (default is 5060).
| mode | O | enumeration | inService |
The operational mode for this SIP Signaling Port.
| state | O | enumeration | disabled |
Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Port.
| recorder | O | enumeration | disabled |
Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Recorder Port indicating the port is being used for recording.
| siprec | O | enumeration | disabled |
Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Recorder Port indicating the port is being used for recording using Siprec Protocol.
| tcpConnectTimeout | O | uint16 | 5 |
Maximum time (in seconds) allowed to establish an outbound TCP connection.
| dscpValue | O | uint16 | 0 |
DSCP value (0-63) for packets from this SIP Signaling Port.
| tlsProfileName | O | reference | defaultTlsProfile |
TLS Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
| monitoringProfileName | O | reference | |
Monitoring Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
| transportProtocolsAllowed | O | enumeration | sip-udp |
The transport protocols allowed on this SIP signaling port.
BIT 4 - WS
| sctpProfileName | O | reference | defaultSctpProfile |
SCTP Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
| tcpKeepaliveTime | O | uint16 | 0 |
TCP Keepalive Time (in seconds) for TCP connections. Allowed values are 0 (disabled) or any value in 60-7200.
| tcpKeepaliveInterval | O | uint16 | 60 |
How frequently the keepalive probes are sent out (in seconds). Allowed values are any value in 60-120.
| tcpKeepaliveProbes | O | uint16 | 2 |
How many keepalive probes TCP sends out, until it decides that the connection is broken. Allowed values are any value in 1-10.
| maskPortforRcb | O | enumeration | disabled |
not considering source port for fetching Rcb.
| maskIpAddressforRcb | O | enumeration | disabled |
not considering source IP Address for fetching Rcb.
| enforceAORMatch | O | enumeration | disabled |
Flag that specifies AOR match is enforced for messages from registered users.
| action | O | enumeration | force |
Action (force or dryup) upon mode outOfService on this SIP Signaling Port.
| dryUpTimeout | O | uint16 | 60 |
Dryup timeout (in minutes) when this SIP Signaling Port is outOfService with dryup action.
| ipVarV4 | O | string | |
Name of configuration variable to get IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
| ipPublicVarV4 | O | string | |
Name of configuration variable to get public/floating IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
| ipVarV6 | O | string | |
Name of configuration variable to get IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
| ipPublicVarV6 | O | string | |
Name of configuration variable to get public/floating IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
| networkSegmentName | O | reference | |
Name of network segment Id.
| ipNameV4 | O | reference | |
Name of configuration variable to get IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
| ipNameV6 | O | reference | |
Name of configuration variable to get IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
| tcpUserTimeout | O | uint16 | 0 |
Maximum amount of time in seconds for transmitted data may remain un-ACKed before closing connection. Allowed values are 0 (system default) or any value in 10-3600.
| sipTcpConnectionAgingState | O | enumeration | enabled |
Flag that specifies tcp connection type is aging or non aging.
| facState | O | enumeration | system |
This configuration controls SBC Fault Avalanche Detection and Control feature at sip Signaling level.
| slbName | O | reference | |
The name of the SLB to use for this SIP signaling port.