Resources | addressContext | zone | sipSigPort


This command is used to configure SIP signaling ports for a specified zone.


indexMuint32 Index of this SIP Signaling Port.
ipInterfaceGroupNameOreference IP interface group used by this SIP Signaling Port.
ipAddressV4Oipv4-address IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
ipAddressV6Oipv6-address IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
portNumberOint325060 UDP/TCP port number of SIP Signaling Port (default is 5060).
modeOenumerationinService The operational mode for this SIP Signaling Port.
stateOenumerationdisabled Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Port.
recorderOenumerationdisabled Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Recorder Port indicating the port is being used for recording.
siprecOenumerationdisabled Administrative state of the SIP Signaling Recorder Port indicating the port is being used for recording using Siprec Protocol.
tcpConnectTimeoutOuint165 Maximum time (in seconds) allowed to establish an outbound TCP connection.
dscpValueOuint160 DSCP value (0-63) for packets from this SIP Signaling Port.
tlsProfileNameOreferencedefaultTlsProfile TLS Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
monitoringProfileNameOreference Monitoring Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
transportProtocolsAllowedOenumerationsip-udp The transport protocols allowed on this SIP signaling port. BIT 0 - UDP BIT 1 - TCP BIT 2 - TLS-TCP BIT 3 - SCTP BIT 4 - WS BIT 5 - WSS
sctpProfileNameOreferencedefaultSctpProfile SCTP Profile used for this SIP Signaling Port.
tcpKeepaliveTimeOuint160 TCP Keepalive Time (in seconds) for TCP connections. Allowed values are 0 (disabled) or any value in 60-7200.
tcpKeepaliveIntervalOuint1660 How frequently the keepalive probes are sent out (in seconds). Allowed values are any value in 60-120.
tcpKeepaliveProbesOuint162 How many keepalive probes TCP sends out, until it decides that the connection is broken. Allowed values are any value in 1-10.
maskPortforRcbOenumerationdisabled not considering source port for fetching Rcb.
maskIpAddressforRcbOenumerationdisabled not considering source IP Address for fetching Rcb.
enforceAORMatchOenumerationdisabled Flag that specifies AOR match is enforced for messages from registered users.
actionOenumerationforce Action (force or dryup) upon mode outOfService on this SIP Signaling Port.
dryUpTimeoutOuint1660 Dryup timeout (in minutes) when this SIP Signaling Port is outOfService with dryup action.
ipVarV4Ostring Name of configuration variable to get IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
ipPublicVarV4Ostring Name of configuration variable to get public/floating IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
ipVarV6Ostring Name of configuration variable to get IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
ipPublicVarV6Ostring Name of configuration variable to get public/floating IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
networkSegmentNameOreference Name of network segment Id.
ipNameV4Oreference Name of configuration variable to get IPv4 address for this SIP signaling port.
ipNameV6Oreference Name of configuration variable to get IPv6 address for this SIP signaling port.
tcpUserTimeoutOuint160 Maximum amount of time in seconds for transmitted data may remain un-ACKed before closing connection. Allowed values are 0 (system default) or any value in 10-3600.
sipTcpConnectionAgingStateOenumerationenabled Flag that specifies tcp connection type is aging or non aging.
facStateOenumerationsystem This configuration controls SBC Fault Avalanche Detection and Control feature at sip Signaling level.
slbNameOreference The name of the SLB to use for this SIP signaling port.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusSipSigPort:sipSigPort={index}


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml' https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name} --data '


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X DELETE https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusSipSigPort:sipSigPort={index}

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