In this section:

This section provides you with information about rolling back (restoring) the previous software version on a VM.


A software rollback process should only be performed in case severe issues occur shortly after the software upgrade. Any provisioning or configuration changes that have been made after an upgrade are lost after a rollback.

Do not log onto the system using the shared IP addresses on the Routing and Management VMs during the rollback procedures provided in this section. These addresses are disabled as part of the rollback process.

Rolling back to a previous software version is performed using the rollback script. It is recommended that the system is not processing traffic during this process.

All the examples in this document assume a Linux/Unix environment. Alternatively, a utility such as putty.exe can be used in a Windows environment for SSH connections.


The screen captures and outputs on this page are examples only and may not show the correct software version numbers.

For information about the supported rollbacks, refer to Release Information for the appropriate software version.

Rollback to a Previous Software Version

  1. Verify that all required files are properly offloaded.
  2. Logon to the upgraded management CPU with root credentials.

  3. Enter the following at the command prompt to perform the rollback:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ribbon DSC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Rollback from Upgrade Utility
    Type "q" to quit from most prompts or CTRL-C.
    This machine has identity 1.
    Reference current (new) version is:
    dsc_vm_18_1_0_nb20191210 (Ribbon Linux release dscvm 7.4.18)
    Reference previous (old) version is:
    dsc_vm_18_0_0_nb20190305 (Ribbon Linux release dscvm 7.4.4)
    Software Versions
    ID | OS     | SW                      | Status
     1 | 7.4.18 | dsc_vm_18_1_0_nb20191210| *    
     2 | 7.4.18 | dsc_vm_18_1_0_nb20191210| *   
    Rollback in-container!
    Rollback targets: [1, 2]
    Type "yes" to proceed (yes/no): 
  4. Enter yes and press ENTER.

    Machine 2 will be reverted and restarted.
    DSC SWe Boot Rollback
    Saving upgraded boot files...
    Restoring previous boot files...
    Ready to reboot.
    Waiting for machine 2 to recover.
    This machine, 1, will be now be reverted.
    DSC SWe Boot Rollback
    Saving upgraded boot files...
    Restoring previous boot files...
    Ready to reboot.
  5. Reboot the VM and verify that the rollback has been correctly performed (see Verify the Rollback has been Performed Correctly). 

Verify the Rollback has been Performed Correctly


If an asterisk appears beside any of the system VMs during the verification process, the rollback for the respective VM was unsuccessful. In this case, it is recommended that you contact Customer Support.

  1. SSH to one of the Routing and Management VMs on the DSC SWe - vSP2000 using this VM‘s IP address.

    # ssh root@<ip address of the DSC SWe>
  2. Log onto the system.

    User ID: <root> 
    password: <root password>
  3. Enter startmenu at the prompt, and press ENTER.

  4. From the Main Menu, select System, and press ENTER.
  5. Select Software Revisions, and press ENTER.
  6. Select Versions, Commission, Decommission, and press ENTER.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade. 
    VM (current)        dsc_vm_19_0_0_nb20151117    OS: 7.1.0-1.1
    		(Servicepack)   [none applied]
    CPU (previous)      Not_Available       OS: N/A
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
    			VM 					BUILD   		SERVICE  	O/S
    -SLOT------TYPE------------RELEASE--VERSION----PACK--------IMAGE SLOT STATUS--
    SLOT   1  ROUTING_MGMT    15.0.0 (nb20151117) SP:       OS: 7.1.0-1.1   7 procs running
    SLOT   2  ROUTING_MGMT    15.0.0 (nb20151117) SP:       OS: 7.1.0-1.1   7 procs running
    	(p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select VM Slot number () to decommission an optional VM. 
    Select ENTER to cancel: 
  7. Make sure that the software and OS has been rolled back, all VMs are running the same software, and there is no asterisk beside any of the VMs.