This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.
In this section:
Use this feature to define outgoing signaling message (ISUP, CAS, PRI) parameters sent after standard protocol rules are applied. You can associate signaling profiles with carriers and trunk groups. A signaling profile can also be used to enable selected ingress call processing functions. The Signaling Profile entity is used for both IP and virtual trunk groups in conjunction with the IP Signaling Profile.
% set profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE SIGPROFILE_ANSI00 SIGPROFILE_ANSI88 SIGPROFILE_ETSI121 SIGPROFILE_ETSI356 SIGPROFILE_GR317 SIGPROFILE_ITU_T88 SIGPROFILE_ITU_T92_PLUS SIGPROFILE_TTC87 SIGPROFILE_TTC93_PLUS % set profiles signaling signalingProfile <profile name> accessTransport <disable | enable> egress PartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM generatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM <disable | enable> propagatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM <disable | enable> callingName <dontSend | noInput | send> callingNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> cft egressCftInfo <offnet | onnet | unknown> chargeNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> cip <dontSend | noInput | send> csp <dontSend | noInput | send> donorSwitchService createCalledDirectoryNumberInEgressSignal <disable | enable> generateRedirectionCount <disable | enable> skipRedirectionAfterNumberTranslations <disable | enable> undoDonorSwitchService <disable | enable>
egressFlags (each of following flags uses <disable | enable> option) addPrefix1ForInterLataCalls addPrefix1ForIntraLataCalls addPrefix011ForInternationalCalls annexESupport applySwitchTypeCpcProfile callBackWhenFreeSupport calledNumber7Digits callingNumber7Digits changeBearerCapFrom3_1KHzToSpeech convertNumbersToE164Format cpcMapping dialedNumberAsCalledNumber disableChargingAuthorityForChosenCarrier discardCallingAndContractNumbers discardGAPAddlClgIfSameAsClgNumberAndIngressSIP discardTnsAndTrunkgroupOwningCarrierMatch dontStripClgNumberForRestrictedPresentation forcedOverrideOlipValue generateFeParam oliMapping overwriteChargeInformationIfChosenIXC performCalledPartyMemberCheck propagateChargeMessage propagateGdParam reorderTrunkBasedOnIsupPreference replacePrefix0WithPlus81ForTranslationSourceNumber rerouteOnSignalingCongestion resetOlipForTollFreeCalls restoreCallingNumberIfDerivedFromBillingNumber restoreCallingNumberIfDerivedFromRedirectingNumber restoreCallingNumberIfDerivedFromTrunkGrp restoreFciInternationalBit sendBillingNumberAsClgNumber sendBillingNumberAsClgNumberIfClgNumberNotPresent sendCallingNumberWhenNotDerivedFromInput sendContractNumberIfAllowedByIngressSip sendTollFreeNumberInGapParam sendTollFreeNumberInOcnParam stripRepAreaCodeDigits transitAllRedirectionNumberNOA undoLnp
forcedClip <allowed | none | numberUnavailable | restricted | spare> ipDoubleDipControlFlags calledNumberFromAltCalledNumber <disable | enable> restoreIngressNumbersExceptTranslatedNumbers <disable | enable> restoreTranslatedNumbers <disable | enable> skipEgressTrunkGrpProcessing <disable | enable> isupTrustedNetwork <none | trusted | unTrusted> jip <dontSend | noInput | send> mobileCallDelivery origcldNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> redirectionInformation <dontSend | noInput | send> olip <dontSend | noInput | send> origCalledNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> redirectCapability <disable | enable> redirectCount <disable | enable> redirectInformation <disable | enable> redirectingNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> redirectionCapabilityFlags enableRedirectionCapability <disable | enable> tnsFlags interLataLocal <dontSend | noInput | send> interLataToll <dontSend | noInput | send> international <dontSend | noInput | send> internationalOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> intraLataLocal <dontSend | noInput | send> intraLataToll <dontSend | noInput | send> localOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> longDistanceOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> nationalOperatorInterServiceArea <dontSend | noInput | send> nationalOperatorIntraServiceArea <dontSend | noInput | send> ukIsup nfciDefaultValues cliBlockingAvailable <disable | enable> nfciLinkToLinkRoutingControlIndicator <altRtAllowedContRetryAllowed | altRtAllowedContRetryBarred | altRtBarredContRetry Allowed | altRtBarredContRetryBarred | altRtOnceCont RetryAllowed | altRtOnceContRetryBarred | none> visitorMa <dontSend | noInput | send>
genericDigitType accountCode authorizationCode bcgIdentity billToNumber pnTravellingClassmark reserveOffset spare00 spare0A spare0B spare0C spare0D spare0E spare0F spare01 spare02 spare03 spare04 spare05 spare06 spare07 spare08 spare09 spare10 unknown ingress cft sendCftInformation <disable | enable> ingressFlags (each of following flags uses <disable | enable> option) disallowMissingCallingNumber disallowTnsAndTrunkGroupOriginatingCarrierMatch disallowWithoutBillingNumber disallowWithoutOlip discardRedirectionBackwardInformation discardRedirectionCountForRelease dontGenerateExitMessage enableRedirectionCapabilty feParamInShortForm generateChargeMessage generateCpgForCallForwardNotify inboundTnsAllowed normalizeCarrierCode performCallingPartyScreening performCpcScreening propagateEgressChannelInfo propagateFeParam separateAlertFromProgressForSipInterworking treatCic0000AsNoCic useIsupRelOnSusTimer validateGapTypePortedNumber internationalGatewaySupport dontConvertCalledNumber <disable | enable> dontConvertCallingNumber <disable | enable> natureOfAddress <international | national | networkSpecific | passThrough | subscriber | unknown> transitCarrierIndicator <backward | bidirection | forward | noTransmission | nonProvisioned | oredBackward | oredForward | passThrough> userToUserInformation <disable | enable>
The Signaling Profile Parameters are as listed below:
For SIP calls, to send confirmation tone (CFT) information to the SIP sever:
% set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress cft sendCftInformation enable
To disallow calls to be completed, if there are no billing numbers:
% set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags disallowWithoutBillingNumber enable
To reject calls without OLIP:
% set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags disallowWithoutOlip enable
For the PSX to perform Calling Party Category (CPC) screening to determine if the call has to be restricted based on the received CPC:
% set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags performCpcScreening enable