This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


Use this feature to define outgoing signaling message (ISUP, CAS, PRI) parameters sent after standard protocol rules are applied. You can associate signaling profiles with carriers and trunk groups. A signaling profile can also be used to enable selected ingress call processing functions. The Signaling Profile entity is used for both IP and virtual trunk groups in conjunction with the IP Signaling Profile.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling signalingProfile 
 % set profiles signaling signalingProfile <profile name> 
	accessTransport <disable | enable> 
			generatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM <disable | enable> 
			propagatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM <disable | enable> 
		callingName <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		callingNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			egressCftInfo <offnet | onnet | unknown> 
		chargeNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		cip <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		csp <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			createCalledDirectoryNumberInEgressSignal <disable | enable> 
			generateRedirectionCount <disable | enable> 
			skipRedirectionAfterNumberTranslations <disable | enable> 
			undoDonorSwitchService <disable | enable> 
egressFlags (each of following flags uses <disable | enable> option) 
			cpcMapping dialedNumberAsCalledNumber 
forcedClip <allowed | none | numberUnavailable | restricted | spare> 
			calledNumberFromAltCalledNumber <disable | enable> 
			restoreIngressNumbersExceptTranslatedNumbers <disable | enable> 
			restoreTranslatedNumbers <disable | enable> 
			skipEgressTrunkGrpProcessing <disable | enable> 
		isupTrustedNetwork <none | trusted | unTrusted> 
		jip <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			origcldNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			redirectionInformation <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		olip <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		origCalledNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		redirectCapability <disable | enable> 
		redirectCount <disable | enable> 
		redirectInformation <disable | enable> 
		redirectingNumber <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			enableRedirectionCapability <disable | enable> tnsFlags 
			interLataLocal <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			interLataToll <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			international <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			internationalOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			intraLataLocal <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			intraLataToll <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			localOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			longDistanceOperator <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			nationalOperatorInterServiceArea <dontSend | noInput | send> 
			nationalOperatorIntraServiceArea <dontSend | noInput | send> 
				cliBlockingAvailable <disable | enable> 
				<altRtAllowedContRetryAllowed | 
				altRtAllowedContRetryBarred | altRtBarredContRetry
				Allowed | altRtBarredContRetryBarred | altRtOnceCont
				RetryAllowed | altRtOnceContRetryBarred | none> 
		visitorMa <dontSend | noInput | send> 
		accountCode authorizationCode bcgIdentity 
		billToNumber pnTravellingClassmark reserveOffset 
		spare00 spare0A spare0B 
		spare0C spare0D spare0E 
		spare0F spare01 spare02 
		spare03 spare04 spare05 
		spare06 spare07 spare08 
		spare09 spare10 unknown 
			sendCftInformation <disable | enable> 
		(each of following flags uses <disable | enable> option) 
			dontConvertCalledNumber <disable | enable> 
			dontConvertCallingNumber <disable | enable> 
	natureOfAddress <international | national | networkSpecific | passThrough | subscriber | unknown> 
	transitCarrierIndicator <backward | bidirection | forward | noTransmission | nonProvisioned | oredBackward | oredForward | passThrough> 
	userToUserInformation <disable | enable>

Command Parameters

Signaling Profile Parameters

The Signaling Profile Parameters are as listed below:

Signaling Profile Parameters






<profile name> – Signaling Profile name.



Enable flag to include Access Transport parameter in messages in the forward or backward direction before messages are sent over the associated trunk group.

  • disable
  • enable (default)



Use this object to configure egress trunk group parameters.

  • PartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM – Controls network data in IAM.
  • generatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM – Enable flag to use Partition ID and Network ID specified on the ingress Trunk Group to populate the Network Data parameter in the IAM sent over the egress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • propagatePartitionIdNetIdInNetworkIdIAM – Enable flag to use Partition ID and Network ID received in the ingress IAM by the SBC to populate the Network Data parameter in the IAM sent over the egress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • callingName – Specifies whether to send the calling name as a part of the out going signaling protocol.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • callingNumber– Specifies whether to send the calling name as a part of the out going signaling protocol.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • cft egressCftInfo – Specifies type of confirmation tone information of SIP calls that egress SBC sends to SIP server.
    • offnet (default)
    • onnet
    • unknown
  • chargeNumber – Specifies whether to send the charge number as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol or not.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • cip – Specifies whether to send Carrier Information Parameter (CIP) as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • csp – Specifies whether to send CSP as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol or not.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • donorSwitchService – Use this parameter to specify SBC (and PSX) behavior for Donor Switch Service:
    • createCalledDirectoryNumberInEgressSignal – This flag is applicable only when the Donor Switch Service has been executed. Enable flag to create the Called Directory Number (Dialed Number) and the Called Party Number (NRN) for egress signaling.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • generateRedirectionCount – When enabled, the SBC adds redirection counter to egress IAM.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • skipRedirectionAfterNumberTranslations – When enabled, the PSX skips looking into tables for redirection after number translations complete for Donor Switch Service.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • undoDonorSwitchService – This flag is applicable only when the Donor Switch Service has been executed and needs to be undone. Enable flag to allow the egress signal to include the Called Party number containing the Dialed Number.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
  • egressFlags – Specifies various egress trunk group controls. See egressFlags Parameters table below for a listing of flags.
  • forcedClip – The Forced CLIP field in the signaling profile of the egress Trunk Group is used to set the presentation of the calling number (or generic number) that is sent to the SBC in the Policy Response.
    • allowed
    • none (default)
    • numberUnavailable
    • restricted
    • spare
  • ipDoubleDipControlFlags – Specifies the flags that are used to control scenarios where there are two policy request/policy response sequences per call.
    • calledNumberFromAltCalledNumber – When enabled, the alternate called number (the called number with a prefix added in response to Auto Recall Prefix Profile processing) is copied to the called number in the policy response.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • restoreIngressNumbersExceptTranslatedNumbers – When enabled, the PES process restores all numbers except translated numbers to the ones received in the policy request or SIP INVITE message before including them in the response to the originating gateway during the first PSX lookup.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • restoreTranslatedNumbers – When enabled, the PES process restores translated numbers received in the policy request or SIP INVITE message before including them in response to originating gateway during the first PSX lookup.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • skipEgressTrunkGrpProcessing – When enabled, PES skips any processing on the first dip that changes numbers during or after the PSX post-router phase.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
  • isupTrustedNetwork – This flag is used as part of the presentation restriction functionality to discard the calling party number or generic number of type additional calling party number at an international exchange as per Recommendation Q.731.
    • none (default)
    • trusted
    • unTrusted
  • jip – When enabled, the Jurisdiction Information Parameter is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol for Inter LATA and Intra LATA conformance.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • mobileCallDelivery – Controls the signaling parameters in Mobile calls.
    • origCldNumber– When the option "send" is selected, it causes the PSX to send the original called number in the egress IAM.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • redirectionInformation– When the option "send" is selected, it causes the PSX to send the redirection information in the egress IAM.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
  • olip – When the option "send" is selected, the OLIP is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol. The options are:
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • origCalledNumber – When the option "send" is selected, the OCN is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol. The options are:
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • redirectCapability – When enabled, it includes the ANSI ISUP Redirect Capability parameter in the IAM that are sent on the egress trunk group if the parameter was received in the ingress IAM.
    • disabled
    • enable (default)
  • redirectCount – When enabled, it includes the ANSI ISUP Redirect Count parameter in the IAM that are sent on the egress trunk group if the parameter was received in the ingress IAM.
    • disabled
    • enable (default)
  • redirectInformation – When enabled, it includes the Redirect Information parameter in any messages in either in the forward or in the backward direction before they are sent over the associated trunk group.
    • disabled
    • enable (default)
  • redirectingNumber – When the option "send" is selected, the redirecting number is sent as part of outgoing signaling protocol.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send
  • redirectionCapabilityFlags – Controls the signaling parameters call redirection scenarios.
    • enableRedirectionCapability– When enabled, it causes the Redirection capabilities to be sent in the policy response to SBC .
      • disable (default)
      • enable
  • tnsFlags – Controls TNS parameter for various call types.
    • interLataLocal – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for inter LATA (Service Area) local calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • interLataToll – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for inter LATA (Service Area) toll calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • international – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for IDDD calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • internationalOperator – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for 0+IDDD calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • intraLataLocal – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for intra LATA (Service Area) local calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • intraLataToll – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol for intra LATA (Service Area) toll calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • localOperator – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for local operator calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • longDistanceOperator – When the option "send" selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for 00 (Long Distance Operator) calls.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • nationalOperatorInterServiceArea – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as a part of the outgoing signaling protocol for 0+ Inter-LATA operator.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
    • nationalOperatorIntraServiceArea – When the option "send" is selected, the TNS is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol for 0+ Intra-LATA operator.
      • dontSend
      • noInput (default)
      • send
  • ukIsup – This parameter controls UK ISUP parameters.
    • nfciDefaultValues – Specifies the National Forward Call Indicator (NFCI) default values.
      • cliBlockingAvailable – When interworking a non-UK ISUP variant to UK ISUP, enable flag to allow CLI blocking in the NFCI parameter of the outgoing UK ISUP IAM.
        • disable (default)
        • enable
    • nfciLinkToLinkRoutingControlIndicator – Use this object to select Link-to-Link routing control options.
      • altRtAllowedContRetryAllowed – Select to allow alternate routes and continuous retries.
      • altRtAllowedContRetryBarred – Select to allow alternate routes but bar continuous retries.
      • altRtBarredContRetryAllowed – Select to bar alternate routes but allow continuous retries.
      • altRtBarredContRetryBarred – Select to bar both alternate routes and continuous retries.
      • altRtOnceContRetryAllowed – Select to allow alternate route once and allow continuous retries.
      • altRtOnceContRetryBarred – Select to allow alternate route once but to bar continuous retries.
      • none
  • visitorMa – When the option "send" is selected, the Visitor MA (Message Area) parameter is sent as part of the outgoing signaling protocol.
    • dontSend
    • noInput (default)
    • send



Specifies the generic digit type which has to be interpreted to contain the switch ID and Trunk Group ID.



Use this object to specify ingress trunk group signaling profile parameters.

  • cft – Controls Ingress Confirmation Tone.
  • sendCftInformation– When enabled, for SIP calls, the egress SBC will send confirmation tone (CFT) information (whether the call is considered On-Net or Off-Net) to the SIP server.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • ingressFlags – Specifies the various controls that applies to ingress Trunk group.
  • disallowMissingCallingNumber– When enabled, the Calling Party Validation feature is enabled, which disallows calls that do not contain a calling party number.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • disallowTnsAndTrunkGroupOriginatingCarrierMatch– When enabled, disallows the calls when the TNS parameter matches the originating carrier assigned to the ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • disallowWithoutBillingNumber– When enabled, disallows the calls to be completed if there is no billing number.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • disallowWithoutOlip– When enabled, all calls without OLIP will be rejected.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • discardRedirectionBackwardInformation– When enabled, the PSX informs the SBC to discard the backward redirection information parameter received in REL.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • discardRedirectionCountForRelease– When enabled, the PSX informs the SBC to discard the redirection count parameter.
    • disable
    • enable (default)
  • dontGenerateExitMessage– When enabled, controls the generation of the EXM message on the associated ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • enableRedirectionCapabilty – When enabled, redirection capabilities are enabled on the ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • feParamInShortForm– When enabled, the SBC generates the FE parameter in the short form.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • generateChargeMessage– When enabled, the PSX generates charge band information for billing purposes and sends the information to the SBC in policy responses on a per-route basis.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • generateCpgForCallForwardNotify– When enabled, PSX instructs the SBC to send CPGs (call progress messages) in a backward direction, releasing the ingress leg.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • inboundTnsAllowed– When enabled, calls with a TNS parameter in the ingress signaling will be processed.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • normalizeCarrierCode– When enabled, all Carrier Codes used in processing calls will be converted to four digits by appending a "0" if required.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • performCallingPartyScreening– When enabled, the PSX performs calling party screening and retrieves the configured member status from the subscriber table.
    • disable
    • enable (default)
  • performCpcScreening– When enabled, the PSX will perform Calling Party Category (CPC) screening to determine if this call should be restricted based on the received CPC.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • propagateEgressChannelInfo– When enabled, it propagates the egress PSTN channel information in SIP 18x/200 or Final Response messages returned by a SBC to this SIP Server (via the "chan" parameter in the To: field).
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • propagateFeParam– When enabled, it controls the propagation of the FE parameter in the backward directions for call arriving on the associated trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • separateAlertFromProgressForSipInterworking– When enabled, controls the propagation of the FE parameter in the backward directions for call arriving on the associated trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • treatCic0000AsNoCic– When enabled, calls arriving with carrier code 0000 are treated as if there is no carrier code.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • useIsupRelOnSusTimer– When enabled, and the called party goes on hook, the SBC starts the SUS (Suspend) timer and releases the call when the SUS timer expires.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • validateGapTypePortedNumber– When enabled, the SoftSwitch verifies that the Generic Address Parameter (GAP) type field is set to Ported Number.
    • disable (default)
    • enable



Controls the International Gateway behavior.

  • dontConvertCalledNumber – For international calls, if the destination country and the country code of the egress trunk group are the same, the called number is converted into the national number, and the country code is stripped from the digits.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • dontConvertCallingNumber – For international calls, if the destination country and the country code of the egress trunk group are the same, the calling number is converted into an international number by adding the country code of the ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable



Specifies the type of IP address.

  • international
  • national
  • networkSpecific
  • passThrough
  • subscriber
  • unknown (default)



Specifies the Transit Carrier Indication.

  • backward
  • bidirection
  • forward
  • noTransmission (default)
  • nonProvisioned
  • oredBackward
  • oredForward
  • passThrough



Enable flag to include the User-to-User parameter in any messages in either the forward or backward direction before messages are sent over the associated trunk group.

  • disable
  • enable (default)

egressFlags Parameters

Egress Flags


When enabled, allows the addition of the prefix "1" for Inter LATA calls.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
addPrefix1ForIntraLataCallsWhen enabled, prefix "1" is added to Intra LATA calls.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
addPrefix011ForInternationalCallsWhen enabled, prefix 011 is added to international calls.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Annex E is supported.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
applySwitchTypeCpcProfileUse this flag to enable the CPC/OLI Parameter Mapping feature on the associated trunk group(s).
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Use this flag to enable the Call Back When Free (CBWF) feature on the associated trunk group(s). See Call Back When Free Support for feature details.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
calledNumber7DigitsEnable flag to send the 7-digit called number as part of the outgoing signaling protocol.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to send the 7-digit calling number as part of the outgoing signaling protocol.

  • enable
  • disable (default)
changeBearerCapFrom3_1KHzToSpeechEnable flag to reset bearer capability of 3.1 kHz received from the ingress to speech for this outgoing trunk group.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to convert numbers to E.164 format outgoing trunk group.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Use this flag to enable the CPC mapping on the associated trunk group(s).

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the PSX populates the called number (associated with a returned route) with the dialed number.

  • disable (default)
  • enable 
disableChargingAuthorityForChosenCarrierWhen enabled, the SBC does not delete the ISUP parameters from the ACM and CPG messages, and it allows the CHG message to transit when it is acting as the chosen carrier.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the SBC will not include calling and contractor numbers in egress signaling when calling number NOA is Network Specific and the first digit of the calling number is not 0, or the calling number screening is set to User Provided, Verified, and Failed.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
discardGAPAddlClgIfSameAsClgNumberAndIngressSIPWhen enabled, for SIP-to-ISUP calls the SBC does not include the GAP additional calling number in the egress signaling if it is the same as the original calling number.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
discardTnsAndTrunkgroupOwningCarrierMatchWhen enabled, it causes the TNS parameter to be discarded when it matches the Owning Carrier assigned to the egress trunk group.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
dontStripClgNumberForRestrictedPresentationWhen enabled, the PSX does not strip (delete) the digits of the calling number for restricted presentation.
  • disable (default)
  • enable 
forcedOverrideOlipValueWhen enabled, and there is a value other than none in the Forced OLIP Value field in the ingress section of the trunk group to which this signaling profile is applied, the value in that field is copied to the OLI parameter on the egress trunk and sent in the PSX policy response.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, controls the generation of the FE parameter.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, it enables the OLI parameter mapping on the associated trunk group(s).

  • disable (default)
  • enable
overwriteChargeInformationIfChosenIXCWhen enabled, the SBC will modify the parameters related to charge indication if the value of the Carrier type parameter determined by the PSX is Chosen IXC.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
performCalledPartyMemberCheckWhen enabled, the PSX checks the called party member status in the subscriber table for the JTI prefix.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the PSX propagates the CRG messages received on the associated egress trunk group from succeeding exchanges to the originating exchange for billing purposes.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, SBC controls the propagation of the Generic Digits parameter (switch ID/trunk group ID) in the forward direction in the egress IAM.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, propagate ingress PSTN channel information in the INVITE header sent by a SBC to this SIP Server (via the "chan" parameter in the From: field).

  • disable (default)
  • enable
reorderTrunkBasedOnIsupPreferenceWhen enabled, the PSX orders route lists appropriately for calls over ISUP trunks that terminate to a protocol converter for R2 signaling.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, and when the translation source number has prefix 0, PSX replaces the prefix 0 with +81.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, calls on the associated trunk group are rerouted to an alternate route.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the SBC resets the OLIP for toll free calls to the pay phone code.

  • disable
  • enable (default)
restoreCallingNumberIfDerivedFromBillingNumberWhen enabled, the calling number that came in the policy request is sent in the policy response.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, and if the PSX derives the calling number from the redirecting number during call processing, the PSX restores the original calling number before sending it in the policy response.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, and if the PSX derives the calling number from the default calling number associated with the ingress trunk group during call processing, the original calling number is restored before the call is sent out on the egress trunk group.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the PSX copies the incoming FCI A-bit to the outgoing FCI A-bit.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendBillingNumberAsClgNumberWhen enabled, the PSX populates the contents of the billing number over to the calling party parameter.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendBillingNumberAsClgNumberIfClgNumberNotPresentWhen enabled, and if the calling number does not exist or the calling number presentation is set to Restricted, the PSX populates the calling number field in the policy response with the billing number.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, and if the calling number does not exist or the calling number presentation is set to Restricted, the PSX populates the calling number field in the policy response with the billing number.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendContractNumberIfAllowedByIngressSipWhen enabled, and and the ingress signaling is SIP, the contractor number, if it exists, will be sent in the egress signaling.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the toll free number will be sent in the Generic Address Parameter (GAP).

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendTollFreeNumberInOcnParamWhen enabled, the toll free number will be sent in the Original Called Number (OCN) parameter.
  • disable
  • enable (default)
stripRepAreaCodeDigitsWhen enabled, RAC digits are removed from the called party number.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
transitAllRedirectionNumberNOAWhen enabled, the PSX informs the SBC to forward the R-REL transparently to the previous switch regardless of the Nature Of Addresss. The options are:
  • disable (default)
  • enable
undoLnpWhen enabled, the SBC undoes LNP on the associated trunk group(s).
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When enabled, the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) to be included in the egress signaling is used for the ANI provisioned in the Custom DNIS DM rule on the associated egress trunk group.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Command Examples

For SIP calls, to send confirmation tone (CFT) information to the SIP sever:

% set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress cft sendCftInformation enable 

 To disallow calls to be completed, if there are no billing numbers:

 % set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags disallowWithoutBillingNumber enable

To reject calls without OLIP:

 % set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags disallowWithoutOlip enable

For the PSX to perform Calling Party Category (CPC) screening to determine if the call has to be restricted based on the received CPC:

 % set Profiles signaling signalingProfile DEFAULT_IP_PROFILE ingress ingressFlags performCpcScreening enable