This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.
In this section:
If your deployment requires it, you can configure the SBC Core to generate CDRs in the format of the (former GENBAND) Q-SBC. Use the qSbcCdr admin object to enable generating CDRs in Q-SBC format, to enable checksum validation of the CDR files, and to specify call duration rounding policy. You must have admin privileges to configure these options. For more information on this capability refer to Generating CDRs in Q-SBC Format.
The configuration options that support generating CDRs in Q-SBC format have the following syntax.
% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin addChecksum < disabled | enabled > callDurationRoundUp <enabled | disabled> checksumKey <key> state <disabled | enabled>
The following series of commands enables generating CDRs in Q-SBC format and enables checksum validation.
% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin state enabled % set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin addChecksum enabled % set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin checksumKey Qwer12Asdf09Zxcv34 % commit