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In this section:

Configure mode objects:

Search Configure mode objects:

The following CLI operations are available in Configure mode.Click a link to go directly to that topic.

  • commit– Commit current set of changes
  • delete – Delete a particular data element
  • edit – Edit a particular sub-element
  • exit – Exit from this level
  • help – Provide help information
  • quit – Exit from this level
  • request – Make system-level requests
  • revert – Revert back to the previous configuration state
  • rollback – Roll database back to last committed version
  • set – Set a parameter
  • show – Show a parameter
  • status – View status of users currently logged into CLI
  • top – Exit to top level and optionally run command
  • up – Exit one level of configuration
Configure mode can be set to either Exclusive or Private session. Refer to CLI Modes.

To exit Configure mode and return to System-level mode, enter either quit or exit.



When issuing commands in the Configure mode, you must perform a commit operation for the changes to take effect.
Any command that changes the mode or state of an object must be entered and committed separately. The examples under the set command description include the appropriate commit entries.


The SBC limits the number of set operations to commit at one time (equates to modifying approximately 100 field values). To avoid errors, issue the commit command on a regular basis to execute small batches of commands.



% set addressContext default zone core ipPeer core_peer ipAddress ipPort 5060
% set addressContext default zone peer ipPeer peer_peer ipAddress ipPort 5060
% commit

Optional arguments to include with the commit command are described in the table below.

Optional Arguments for 'commit' Command

abort  Confirm a pending commit
and-quit Commit current set of changes and exit Configuration mode 
check Validate current configuration
commentAdd a commit comment
confirmedCommit current set of changes with a timeout
labelAdd a commit label
no-confirmCommit current set of changes; do not query user
persist-idSpecify a persist-id



Use the delete command to a specific data element, object, profile or configuration.

Command Syntax

% delete

Command Parameters

Command Parameters for 'delete'


Objects scoped to a specific IP addressing domain.

  • diamNode – Diameter Node configurations.
  • dnsGroup – DNS Server Groups in this address context.
  • ipAccessControlList – IP Access Control lists for this address context.
  • ipInterfaceGroup – Groupings of IP interfaces in this address context.
  • ipsec – Ipsec configuration, security policy database, ike peer table.
  • linkDetectionGroup – Link Detection Groups in this address context.
  • natDirectMediaGroup – Group of Signaling IP Addresses of NAT devices amongst which Direct media is supported.
  • rtpServerTable – This table is used to create a name for a RTP Server Table table.
  • staticRoute – Static IP routes for this address context.
  • zone – Signaling, media, and control for a zone in the address context.

Global objects applicable node-wide.

  • cac – Global CAC objects.
  • callRouting – Global call routing objects.
  • callTrace – Call Trace Group configuration for the Node.
  • carrier – Carrier definitions.
  • country – Country definitions.
  • license – License data.
  • monitorEndpoint – the monitor endpoint (MCT)
  • monitorTarget – the monitor target.
  • npaNxx – Npa Nxx.
  • qoeCallRouting – QOE based call routing.
  • script – Default scripts for call control.
  • security – Global security objects.
  • servers – Global server objects.
  • signaling – Global Signaling objects
  • sipDomain – SIP Domain.
  • subscriber – Subscriber.
no-confirmUse this option to choose not to receive delete confirmation.

Operations and Maintenance objects.

  • accounting  – Accounting management.
  • alarms  – Alarm configuration and status.
  • eventLog  – Event log management.
  • localAuth  – Local authentication and authorization configuration.
  • radiusAuthentication  – Configuration for Radius authentication server.
  • snmp  – SNMP configuration.
  • traps  – Trap management.

Profiles of configuration shared by multiple objects.

  • callRouting – Profiles related to call routing (elementRoutingPriority, timeRangeProfile, etc).
  • digitParameterHandling – Profiles for manipulating digits (Calling, Called, etc) and other call processing parameters.
  • digitProfile – Profile defining digit generation and digit detection.
  • dtmfTrigger – Profile defining conditions for triggering on DTMF digit strings.
  • featureControlProfile – Name of the feature control profile
  • ipSignalingPeerGroup – Represents a IP signaling peer group that identifies set of Ip peer.
  • media – Profiles related to media control (Packet Service Profile, Codec Profiles, etc).
  • security – Profiles related to security (tlsProfile, cryptoSuiteProfile, etc).
  • services – Profiles related to call services (Disconnect Treatment, Emergency, ARS, etc).
  • signaling – Profiles related to call signaling (IPSP, SIP Adaptor, Number Globalization, CauseCode Mapping, etc).
  • sipCacProfile – Profile defining call/registration admission control for a SIP endpoint.
  • system – System level profiles.

System-level configuration.

  • admin – Basic configuration (name, location, etc) for the system.
  • congestion – System congestion profile for the node.
  • daughterBoardAdmin – The daughter board admin table describes the configuration of each daughter board. (Not applicable to SBC SWe.)

  • dspPad – DSP PAD configuration. Service must be restarted for new config to take effect.

  • ethernetPort – Configuration for management, packet, and field-service Ethernet ports.
  • fileStatisticsAdmin – File statistics administrative data.
  • intervalStatistics – The system-wide settings for interval statistics.
  • jsrcServer – JSRC server configuration.
  • logicalMgmtIpInterface – The logical management IP interface.
  • media – System-wide media configurations, udp port range and rtp/rtcp peer inactivity timeout.
  • mediaProfile – DSP Media Profile configuration.
  • mgmtIpInterfaceGroup – A group of management IP interfaces for the default address context.
  • mgmtStaticRoute – Static IP routes for this address context.
  • ntp – NTP Services Management.
  • policyServer – Configures softswitch servers and client services.
  • security – The MIB Module for Security Management.
  • serverAdmin – The serverAdmn table describes the configuration of each server module.


The edit command allows you to edit a particular data element, object, profile or configuration.


Use the exit operation to exit the Configure mode and revert to System mode.


The help operation is a fast and simple means to learn more about the available commands and correct command syntax. For more information, refer to Using CLI Help.


The quit operation serves the same function as exit and takes you out of the Configure mode and revert to System mode.


The request operation facilitates system-level requests for the following objects from both System and Configure modes.

  • addressContext – Objects scoped to a specific IP address domain.
  • alarms – Alarm Management
  • global – Global objects that are applicable Node wide
  • message – Send message to terminal of one or all users
  • oam – Operations and Maintenance objects.
  • system – System operations

The command syntax of this operation is described in detail in CLI System-Level Mode in the section also named Request Command Details - CLI.


Use the revert operation to revert to the previous configuration state. When prompted, enter y to proceed. To revert without receiving the confirmation prompt, enter revert no-confirm.

Command Example

% revert
All configuration changes will be lost. Proceed? [yes,no] y



Use operation to roll the database back to the last committed version.

Command Syntax

% rollback <index#>

Command Example

To view rollback options and obtain an index number, enter rollback followed by Tab key. For example:

% rollback <Tab>
Possible completions:
  0 - 2012-08-21 17:43:57 by admin via netconf
  1 - 2012-08-21 15:08:19 by system via system
To rollback to the committed version dated 2012-08-21, enter:
% rollback 1



Use the set operation to create or modify an object. The objects associated with this command are listed below and defined in subsequent chapters in this guide.


The show operation displays the following objects and their attributes and is often used with set operation (see above) to view results of provisioning activities.

  • addressContext – Objects scoped to a specific IP addressing domain.
  • details – Show details.
  • displaylevel – Use to define the level (1-64) of detail to show.
  • global – Global objects that are applicable Node wide.
  • oam – Operations and Maintenance objects.
  • profiles – Profiles of configuration shared by multiple objects.
  • system – System-level configuration.


The status command displays the status of all users currently logged into CLI.

Command Example

% status
Users currently editing the configuration:
admin ssh (cli from on since 2012-08-22 00:54:50 private mode 


The top operation is used to exit to the top level. In Edit mode, the top command takes you to the top most level of CLI commands from any level.


The up operation is used to exit one level of configuration. In Edit mode, the up command takes you to one level up.

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