Modified: for 9.2.2


The SBC supports 607/608/609/610 SIP status codes. This feature is flexible, configurable, and maintains backward compatibility. You need to configure the mappings and enable the associated flags to use this feature.

The SBC relays SIP status codes from the egress to ingress peer by using either the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile and cpcToSipCauseMapProfiles, or the IPSP statusCode4xx6xx relay flag. The SBC provides the capability to map 607/608 to ISUP 21 and location user, and vice-versa, using the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile and cpcToSipCauseMapProfiles.

Use the following IPSP flags to control the corresponding values and headers:

  • Map Cause Location
  • MIME Cause Precede Reason Header Cause
  • Include Reason Header (Q.850)
  • Discard Received Reason Header
  • Include SIP Reason Header

For more details, refer to IP Signaling Profile Screen.

The crankback behavior of the SBC is generic. The SBC, upon receiving a SIP status response message, uses the sipToCpcCauseMapProfile to convert the SIP status code to an internal CPC cause code. The SBC attempts the next route if the internal CPC cause code value is present in the crankback profile..


Internal CPC cause codes are not the same as ISUP cause codes. Also, SIP status codes are mapped to internal CPC cause codes.

After a 3xx response, the response to the redirected INVITE can be a 607/608. The SBC relays the status code in the backward direction either by using sipToCpcCauseMapProfile and cpcToSipCauseMapProfiles, or by using the statusCode4xx6xx flag.

The SBC supports rejecting calls with SIP status code 607/608 when these codes are returned by the PSX. One way to configure these codes in PSX is by using the Response Profile entity.

The SBC records the CPC value, SIP status code, Q.850 cause and Q.850 location values in the following CDR fields of the Attempt Record. Refer to the following topics on the page CDR Field Descriptions:

  • Call Disconnect Reason
  • Call Disconnect Reason Transmitted to Ingress
  • Status Message for Call Release
  • Reason Header value Q850
  • Call Disconnect Location

This support is available for GW-GW and SIP In Core deployments as well.


Use the following procedure to configure the SIP status 607/608/609/610.

Configuring SIP Status 607/608 Response Code

1. Execute the following command to configure the SIP to CPC mapping profile for 607/608/609/610 response codes:

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap 607 cpcCause 216 location user
show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap
causeMap 607 {
	cpcCause 216;
	location user;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap 608 cpcCause 217 location user
show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap
causeMap 608 {
	cpcCause 217;
	location user;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap 609 cpcCause 218 location user
show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap
causeMap 609 {
	cpcCause 218;
	location user;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap 610 cpcCause 219 location user
show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile  SIP_TO_CPC causeMap
causeMap 610 {
	cpcCause 219;
	location user;

2. Execute the following command to configure the CPC to SIP mapping profile for 607/608/609/610 response codes:

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 216 sipCause 403 q850Reason 21 location user sipCause 607

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 216
sipCause 403;
q850Reason 21;
location user {
    sipCause 607;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 217 sipCause 403 q850Reason 21 location user sipCause 608

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 217
sipCause 403;
q850Reason 21;
location user {
    sipCause 608;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 218 sipCause 403 q850Reason 21 location user sipCause 609

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 218
sipCause 403;
q850Reason 21;
location user {
    sipCause 609;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 219 sipCause 403 q850Reason 21 location user sipCause 610

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 219
sipCause 403;
q850Reason 21;
location user {
    sipCause 610;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 21 sipCause 403

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 21
sipCause 403;

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 21 location user sipCause 607

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile CPC_TO_SIP causeMap 21 
sipCause 403;
location user {
    sipCause 607;