
The following section is only applicable to the DSC Platform.

When the configuration tasks are completed in the Configuring the NP Gateway and the MTP3 NA is CONNECTED, the PSX associated with the PSX NP Service is CONNECTED, and the NPGW process is registered with MTP3 to receive traffic for the provisioned Application ID, you need to configure the appropriate Gateway Screening (GWS) tables to send IAMs to the NP Gateway. The following GWS tables have to be configured in the order presented:

  • Redirect to App IDs

  • Allowed ISUP MTs

  • Allowed SIOs

  • Incoming Linksets and/or App IDs

Additional screening on the routing label OPC and DPC are optional based on the customer deployment.

The following example procedures contain the required GWS records already created as shown in the screen captures. For detailed information about configuring the GWS records and tables, refer to Configuring the Gateway Screening and MSU Tracing.

To configure the GWS tables to send IAMs to the NP Gateway (Example)

  1. From the Main Menu, click GWS and MSU Tracing.

  2. Click GWST Tables.

  3. Click Redirect to App IDs

  4. Perform the required filtering.

  5. Configure the required attributes.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Click AllowedISUPMTs.

  8. Perform the required filtering.

  9. Configure the required attributes.

  10. Click Continue.

  11. Click AllowedSIOs.

  12. Perform the required filtering.

  13. Configure the required attributes.

  14. Click Continue.

  15. Click IncomingLinksets.

  16. Perform the required filtering.

  17. Configure the required attributes.

  18. Click Continue.

  • No labels