In this section:
To configure the HPC/GETS feature, perform the following configuration steps:
The use of the GETS SOFTWARE is restricted in the U.S. and U.S. TERRITORIES to NS/EP users authorized by the Office of the Manager, National Communications System (OMNCS).
This section describes the minimal configuration of the SBC for the HPC/GETS features.
The steps mentioned below are not strictly sequential. However, Ribbon recommends executing them in the order mentioned in this document.
% set profiles sipCacProfile <profile_name> hpcCallLimits maxCalls <unlimited | blockAll | 1-1000> maxIngressRate <unlimited | 1-2000> ingressRateInterval <1-30> bucketSize <1-4000>
For more information on configuring hpcCallLimits
, refer to the section "HPC Call Limits" of the page SIP CAC Profile - CLI.
hpcCallLimits Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
hpcCallLimits | N/A | N/A | Use this parameter to provision the HPC call limits for the SIP CAC profile for the TG. | O |
maxCalls | N/A | unlimited | Use this parameter to configure the maximum number of simultaneous HPC calls.
| O |
maxIngressRate | N/A | unlimited | Use this parameter to configure the maximum rate of ingress HPC calls.
| O |
ingressRateInterval | 1-30 | 5 |
| O |
bucketSize | 1-4000 | 10 | <1-4000> - Use this parameter to limit the rate of received HPC calls. |
% set profiles sipCacProfile testSipCacProfile hpcCallLimits maxCalls 500 maxIngressRate 50 ingressRateInterval 10 bucketSize 32 % commit
Configure the dscpProfile.
% set profiles services dscpProfile <dscp_profile_name> hpcDscpValue <0-63> dscpValue <0-63> state <disabled | enabled>
Attach the configured dscpProfile
with policyServer globalConfig.
% set system policyServer globalConfig dscpProfile <dscp_profile_name>
Configure mediaPortRange.
% set system media mediaPortRange highPriorityPortRangeLocation <bottom | top> highPriorityPortRangeSize <0-25>
For more information on configuring dscpProfile
, refer to DSCP Profile - CLI.
hpcCallLimits Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
dscpProfile | 1-23 | N/A | Use this parameter to configure the DSCP values for HPC and non-HPC calls. | O |
dscpValue | 0-63 | 0 | Specifies the DSCP value reserved for non-HPC calls. | O |
hpcDscpValue | 0-63 | 0 | Specifies the DSCP value reserved for HPC calls. | O |
state | N/A | disabled | Use this flag to enable or disable the DSCP profile.
| O |
% set profiles services dscpProfile HPC hpcDscpValue 32 dscpValue 22 state enabled % commit % set system policyServer globalConfig dscpProfile HPC % commit % set system media mediaPortRange highPriorityPortRangeLocation bottom highPriorityPortRangeSize 10 % commit
The percentage specified as highPriorityPortRangeSize
is used as the High Priority reserve for both Media Port Range (MPR) and LIF bandwidth. For more information on Media Port Range, refer to Media System - CLI.
The configuration for the parameters highPriorityPortRangeLocation
and highPriorityPortRangeSize
defines the High Priority Media Port Range (HPMPR) as a subset of the overall MPR. The SBC uses the configuration to quickly identify UDP packets (both media and non-media) arriving within the overall MPR, and prioritizes them while processing ingress UDP packets. For GETS/HPC applications, Ribbon recommends reserving 10% of the MPR as HPMPR. If additional SIP Signaling Ports (besides the default port 5060), and/or other Control UDP ports are within the overall MPR, Ribbon recommends configuring them within the HPMPR. Such configuration ensures that during congestion, they are prioritized while processing ingress packets.
For example, if the overall MPR is defined as 1024-65535, and the High Priority Port Range is 10% (starting with the lower limit of MPR), then the HPMPR is 1024-7475. Ribbon recommends configuring additional SIP Signaling and other Control UDP ports within the range 1024-7475. In case of congestion, such configuration ensures that while processing ingress packets, packets received at ports within the range configured for HPMPR are prioritized. Normal calls are allocated local UDP ports ranging from 7476-65535, and GETS/HPC calls are allocated local UDP ports ranging from 1024-7475.
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile <profile_name> dscp <egress | ingress> useRecvdValue <disabled | enabled>
The SBC supports configuring up to 256 HPC Call Profiles.
For more information on configuring hpcCallProfile
, refer to HPC Call Profile - CLI.
dscp Parameters
Parameter | Default | Description | M/O |
dscp | N/A | The SBC uses the DSCP value received in the initial INVITE for the DSCP marking of the SIP message.
| O |
useRecvdValue | disabled | When the HPC call profile attaches to a TG acting as an egress TG, use this flag to control DSCP marking for SIP messages the SBC sends forward (INVITE or ACK for example). When the HPC call profile attaches to a TG acting as an ingress TG, use this flag to control DSCP marking for SIP messages the SBC sends backward (18x or 200 OK for example).
| O |
The following examples are applicable for egress and ingress call legs:
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcCallProfile dscp egress useRecvdValue disabled % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcCallProfile dscp ingress useRecvdValue disabled % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcCallProfile dscp egress useRecvdValue enabled % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcCallProfile dscp ingress useRecvdValue enabled % commit
The prerequisite step is OPTIONAL; implement it based on the configuration requirement.
By default, the SBC sends a response code 600 when the call queue is full. If the configuration requirement is to send the response code 503 when the call queue is full, execute the following commands:
Configure causeMap 161
to correspnd with sipCause 503
Command Syntax:
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> baseProfile defaultCpcSip causeMap 161 sipCause 503
Command Example:
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile TEST baseProfile defaultCpcSip causeMap 161 sipCause 503
Associate the cpcSipCauseMappingProfile
used in the previous step with signaling causeCodeMapping
Command Syntax:
% set addressContext default zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <ingress_trunk_group> signaling causeCodeMapping cpcSipCauseMappingProfile <profile_name>
Command Example:
% set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup INGRESS_TG signaling causeCodeMapping cpcSipCauseMappingProfile TEST
Configure the queueLength
for callQueuing
at a global
% set global callQueuing queueLength <1-4096>
Configure the Call Admission Control (cac
) for callLimit
and hpcOverSubscription
% set addressContext default zone <INTERNAL_ZONE> sipTrunkGroup <Ingress_TG | Egress_TG> cac callLimit <0-2147483647> hpcOversubscription <0-100>
Configure the queue
for the hpcCallProfile
% set profile services hpcCallProfile <hpc_call_profile> queue length <1-256> timeout <1-90> state <disabled | enabled>
Attach the configured hpcCallProfile
with ingress or egress trunk group.
% set addressContext default zone <INTERNAL_ZONE> sipTrunkGroup <Ingress_TG | Egress_TG> services hpcCallProfile <hpc_call_profile>
For more information on configuring hpcCallProfile queue
, refer to HPC Call Profile - CLI.
For more information on configuring HPC callQueuing
at a global
level, refer to Call Queuing - Global - CLI.
queue Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
queue | N/A | N/A | This parameter configures the HPC call queuing for trunk groups. | O |
length | 1-256 | 5 | <1-256> - Specifies the maximum number of calls that can simultaneously queue at each trunk group. | O |
timeout | 1-90 |
| O |
state | N/A | disabled | Use this flag to enable or disable the queuing of HPC calls.
| O |
callQueuing Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
callQueuing | N/A | N/A | Use this parameter to configure the HPC call queuing at the global level. | O |
queueLength | 1-4096 | 1024 | <1-4096> - Specifies the maximum number of HPC calls that the SBC can queue, combining all trunk groups. | O |
The following example are applicable for both ingress and egress trunk groups:
Do not enable HPC call queuing for ingress and egress trunk groups simultaneously.
% set global callQueuing queueLength <1-4096> % commit % set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG cac callLimit 1 hpcOversubscription 100 % commit % set addressContext default zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup Egress_TG cac callLimit 1 hpcOversubscription 100 % commit % set profile services hpcCallProfile test_hpc_call_profile queue length 50 timeout 10 state enabled % commit % set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services hpcCallProfile test_hpc_call_profile % commit % set addressContext default zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup Egress_TG services hpcCallProfile test_hpc_call_profile % commit
Configure the rph etsDefaultValue
for the hpcCallProfile
to be associated with ingress SIP TG.
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress> rph etsDefaultValue <0-4>
Enable the hpcCallProfile
associated with the ingress SIP TG.
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress> state <disabled | enabled>
Associate the hpcCallProfile
with the ingress SIP TG.
% set addressContext <address_context> zone <ingress_zone> sipTrunkGroup <ingress_sip_tg> services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress>
Configure the rph etsDefaultValue
for the hpcCallProfile
to be associated with egress SIP TG.
% % set profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_egress> rph etsDefaultValue <0-4>
Enable the hpcCallProfile
associated with the egress SIP TG.
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_egress> state <disabled | enabled>
Associate the hpcCallProfile
with the egress SIP TG.
% set addressContext default zone <ingress_zone> sipTrunkGroup <egress_sip_tg> services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_egress>
The rph
configuration mentioned above shows only a minimal configuration. It assumes default values for all other parameters and flags. For more information on configuring hpcCallProfile
, refer to HPC Call Profile - CLI.
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS rph etsDefaultValue 2 % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS state enabled % commit % set addressContext default zone INTERNAL sipTrunkGroup INGRESS_TG services hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile HPC_EGRESS rph etsDefaultValue 3 % commit % set profiles services hpcCallProfile HPC_EGRESS state enabled % commit % set addressContext default zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup EGRESS_TG services hpcCallProfile HPC_EGRESS % commit
Ribbon supports three types of GETS strings:
accessNumber an
featureCode fc
numberTranslation nt
You can configure the SBC for matching any of supported GETS string values with the received string. The following table describes the maximum number of configurations allowed for the supported GETS string types.
Maximum Num of Configurations for Supported GETS String Types
GETS String | Length/Range/Value | Maximum Number of Configurations | Description |
accessNumber an | 3-10 digit number | 10 | The SBC classifies HPC calls using digits in the Request-URI of an initial INVITE request that match GETS-AN. |
featureCode fc | 3-10 characters without visual separators | 4 | The SBC rejects HPC calls using strings in the Request-URI of an initial INVITE request that match GETS-FC. |
numberTranslation nt | 3-10 digit number | 10 | The SBC classifies HPC calls using digits in the Request-URI of an initial INVITE request that match GETS-NT. |
For mor information on configuring hpcCallProfile
, refer to HPC Call Profile - CLI.
accessNumber an
Command Syntax
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress> getsStrings accessNumber an <3-10 digit number>
Command Example
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS getsStrings accessNumber an 7106274387 % commit
featureCode fc
Command Syntax
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress> getsStrings featureCode fc <3-10 characters without visual separators>
Command Example
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS getsStrings featureCode fc *272 % commit
numberTranslation nt
Command Syntax
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile_ingress> getsStrings numberTranslation nt <3-10 digit number>
Command Example
% set profiles service hpcCallProfile HPC_INGRESS getsStrings numberTranslation nt 7102001234 % commit
The sample below shows a fully configured hpcCallProfile
, as detailed HPC Call Profile - CLI. However, the hpcCallProfile
configuration shown in the above sections of this page are minimal configurations.
% show profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile state enabled; rph { ingress { invalidEtsWps reject; validEtsWps accept; nonEtsWps ignore; } egress { validEtsWps dontInclude; nonEtsWps include; } } getsStrings { featureCode { fc *272; } accessNumber { an 7106274387; } numberTranslation { nt 7102001234; } } queue { state enabled; length 50; timeout 60; } dscp { egress { useRecvdValue enabled; } } dscpValue 50;
For information on PSX configuration, refer to the following pages:
For information on NW-HPC license, refer to the page Licensed Applications and Features.