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New CLI in 8.1.0R0


Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

SBX-73083 D-SBC should support m=application with "TCP"

Command Syntax

% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <DEFAULT> applicationStream maxNonRtpBandwidth <0...50000>
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <DEFAULT> qosValues applicationDscp <0...63>

 Command Parameters

maxNonRtpBandwidth Command Parameters



 0maximum application bandwidthM

applicationDscp Command Parameters




Attribute for configuring qosValues for Application media type.


SBX-39186 Support EVS Transcoding

Command Syntax


show profiles media codecEntry EVS
codec                          evs;
packetSize                     <20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100>;
preferredRtpPayloadType        <0 - 127>;
dtmf {
    relay       <relay_type>;
    removeDigits <disable | enable>;
useCompactHeader               <0 | 1>;
partialRedundancy              < -1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 >;
EVSAMRWBIOModeSupport          <0 | 1>;
supportAsymmetricBitRate       <0 | 1>;
maxChannels                    <1 - 6>;
minBitRate                     <5.9 | 7.2 | 8 | 9.6 | 13.2 | 16.4 | 24.4 | 32 | 48 | 64 | 96 | 128>;
maxBitRate                     <5.9 | 7.2 | 8 | 9.6 | 13.2 | 16.4 | 24.4 | 32 | 48 | 64 | 96 | 128>;

Command Parameters

Codec Entry Flags



0 / 1

0 (False)

Support Asymmetric Bit rates (br-send, br-recv)

If the value is FALSE, and if the offer or answer contains br-send or br-recv, the payload is rejected.

If the value is TRUE, the SBC accepts the offer/answer with br-send != br-recv and relays them to the other leg. If transcoding, the SBC passes this info to the DSP for transcoding. Note that the SBC never sends asymmetric bit rates in its offer.

Indicates the number of channels that are supported for passthrough. If the received channel count is more than this, the payload will be rejected.
Note that for transcoding only 1 channel is supported.
EVSAMRWBIOModeSupport0/10 (False)

Support EVS-AMR-WB-IO Mode

If set to FALSE, the EVS codec in the offer/answer with evs-mode-switch=1 is dropped.

If set to TRUE, the SBC accepts the offer with evs-mode-switch=1 and pass it on to the other leg. If transcoding, the SBC passes this information along with the corresponding AMR-WB parameters to DSP. Note that the SBC does not offer this mode in the SDP offer but if the SDP offer/answer has evs-mode-switch=1, the SBC would transcode to the codec on the other leg to EVS-AMR-WB-IO mode.

partialRedundancy-1, 0, 2,3,5,7-1

Initial value for the Partial redundancy offset in channel aware mode

useCompactHeader0/10 (False)This flag is used to force the SBC to use Compact header format for the EVS packets. SBC sends hf-only=0 in offer/answer. SBC would use Header-full format when this flag is disabled or when peer explicitly negotiates hf_only=1.O

New Parameter Value


% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <unique_profile_name>  packetToPacketControl
        otherLeg <amr | efr | evrc | evs | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | silk | t38>
        thisLeg <amr | efr | evrc | evs | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | silk | t38>



SBX-70525 Support BFD for Link Detection

Command Syntax

Use the following command to set and configure the bfd parameter in an ipInterface.


You can only configure the ceName when you initially create the BFD session.

set addressContext <addressContext_name> ipInterfaceGroup <lif_group_name> ipInterface <IP_interface_name> bfd <bfd_session_name> remoteIp <remote_IP_address> remotePort <remote_port_number> requiredMinRxInterval <1-50> desiredMinTxInterval <1-50> ceName <ceName> state <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

bfd Parameters


<bfd_session_name> - The BFD session name.


<ceName> - The current element name. You can configure this parameter when the BFD session for active and standby are on different networks.

If you do not configure this parameter, the BFD session is up on the active node after a switchover.


<1-50> - Configure this parameter with the desired minimum (in seconds) of the transmitted interval.

remoteIp N/AN/A

<remote_IP_address> - Configure this parameter with the IP address of the remote node. The IP address is usually on packet interfaces for signaling and media.



3784<remote_port_number> - Configure this parameter with the remote port of the BFD session.M
requiredMinRxInterval1-501<1-50> - Configure this parameter with the required minimum (in seconds) of the received interval.M

Use this flag to enable or disable the administrative state of the BFD session.

  • disabled (default) - You can configure the BFD parameters.
  • enabled - You cannot configure the BFD parameters.


You can only modify the bfd parameters when the bfd state is disabled.

bfdStatus Parameters


<bfd_session_name> - The BFD session name.


The operational state of the BFD session on a LIF. You cannot configure this flag.

  • down - The BFD session with the peer is not running.
  • up - The BFD session with the peer is running.

SBX-70668 Capability to Support OCSP Stapling on SBX

Command Syntax

Use the following command to configure the ocspStapling flag in the ocspProfile.

set profiles security ocspProfile <profile name> ocspStapling <disabled | enabled>

Use the following command to configure the ocspResponseCachingTimer parameter in the ocspProfile.

set profiles security ocspProfile <profile name> ocspResponseCachingTimer <1-30>

Command Parameters

ocspProfile Command Parameters




Use this flag to enable or disable OCSP stapling. OCSP stapling allows you to provide the validity information of your security certificate.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
disables this flag if the ocspProfile state flag is disabled.


 <1-30> - Configure this parameter with the timer (in days) for the OCSP response caching.


Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
deletes the OCSP cached response when this timer expires.


SBX-76605 Error Response For INVITE/OPTIONS

Command Syntax

The SBC provisions the internalSipCauseMapProfile   to attach at the trunk group level. In addition, SBC can attach the internalSipCauseMapProfile profile to the signaling zone level. If the trunk group is in a disabled or out-of-service state, the SBC does not use this profile.


There no new parameters added. Instead, new values that are listed in the table are added.

Create the internalSipCauseMapProfile and map causeMap to the sipcause by executing the command:

set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <internalSipCauseMapProfile> causeMap <causemap> sipCause                                                                             
Possible completions:
<SIP Cause value for a given Internal cause>
Enter value in range of 300-606>

Attach the internalSipCauseMapProfile profile to the trunk group by executing the command:

% set addressContext default zone <ZONE_INGRESS> sipTrunkGroup <SipTRunkGroup1> signaling causeCodeMapping                                                                            
Possible completions:
  cpcSipCauseMappingProfile             - The name of the CPC to SIP  mapping profile.                                        
  sipCpcCauseMappingProfile             - The name of the SIP to CPC cause mapping profile                                        .
  sipInternalCauseMappingProfile        - The name of internal cause to SIP mapping profile                                          
  useNonDefaultCauseCodeforARSBlackList - When enabled uses cause code 168 for mapping profile mapping profile

 % set addressContext default zone <ZONE_INGRESS> sipTrunkGroup <SipTRunkGroup> signaling causeCodeMapping sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <sipInternalCauseMappingProfile>

Attach the sipInternalCauseMappingProfile profile to the zone by executing the command:

% set addressContext default zone <ZONE_INGRESS> causeCodeMapping                                                                            
Possible completions:
 sipInternalCauseMappingProfile - The name of internal cause to SIP mapping profile                                          

% set addressContext default zone <ZONE_INGRESS> causeCodeMapping sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <sipInternalCauseMappingProfile>  

The SBC uses the existing profile InternalSipCauseMapProfile to define the new mapping entries of internal errors/failures to the SIP response code.

View the mapping entries by executing the command:

show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <internalSipCauseMapProfile> 

Command Parameters

Options for causeMapLength/Range/typeDescriptionM/O
 TrunkGroupOutofServiceenumSIP cause used when the trunk group is out-of-service.Optional
TrunkGroupInDisabledstateenumSIP cause used when the trunk group is in disabled state.Optional
TrunkGroupIncomingBlockedenumSIP cause used when the trunk group has the incoming calls blocked.Optional
TrunkGroupOutgoingBlockedenumSIP cause used when the trunk group has the outgoing calls blocked.Optional


enumSIP cause used when the trunk group has the bidrectional calls blocked.Optional
PeerOutofServiceenumSIP cause used when the peer is out-of-service.Optional
PeerinDisabledstateenumSIP cause used when the peer is in disabled state.Optional
PeerIncomingBlockedenumSIP cause used when the peer has the incoming calls blocked.Optional
PeerOutgoingBlockedenumSIP cause used when the peer has the outgoing calls blocked.Optional
PeerBidirectionalBlockedenumSIP cause used when the peer has the bidirectional blocked.Optional

SBX-66742 Custom User Groups on SBC

To overcome adding one rule at a time for a new group, the CLI command "aaarule-display-generatecli" to display the applicable rules for an existing group and get an equivalent output in a file containing CLI commands. The user then edits this file to define the new set of rules and source the updated file in CLI to assign rules to the new custom group.


Command Syntax

To create new rules, refer to Local Authentication - CLI

Create the new rules for the custom group by executing the command:

 aaarule-display-generatecli -h
usage: [--help|-h] [--administrator|-a] [--operator|-o] [--fieldService|-f] [--guest|-g] [--calea|-c] [--securityAuditor|-s] [--group <new group name>] --display|-cli
        --help|-h: Help for usage
        --administrator|-a: Prints Administrator rules
        --operator|-o: Prints Operator rules
        --fieldService|-f: Prints Field Service rules
        --guest|-g: Prints Guest rules
        --calea|-c: Prints Calea rules
        --securityAuditor|-s: Prints Security Auditor rules
        --cli: CLI output for any of the specified groups. At least one group must be given in argument.
        --display: Display rules for any of the specified groups. At least one group must be given in argument.
        --group: New group name. The rules will be applied to this group. Else the name will be derived from default group

The options allow you to display and/or create CLI output files for one or more groups at a time. The user group name is required and/or display (--display) or a cli (--cli) option as mandatory parameters.

If the –cli option is given, the SBC stores the CLI output in the user home directory and can modify it.

SBX-65775 Generate CDRs in Q-Series SBC CDR Format

The SBC Core provides new global configurations to enable generating CDRs in Q-SBC format, to enable checksum validation of the CDR files, and to specify call duration rounding policy. A user must have admin privileges to configure these options.

Command Syntax

The configuration options added to support generating CDRs in Q-SBC format have the following syntax. 

% set oam accounting qSbcCdr admin 
     addChecksum < disabled | enabled >    
     callDurationRoundUp <enabled | disabled>
     checksumKey <key>
     state  <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

addChecksum n/a

Enable this flag to add checksum validation to the Q-SBC format CDR file. When enabled, the SBC inserts a file header into each CDR log file and then executes the HMAC-MD5 hashing algorithm to generate a checksum for the file, using an operator-configured, private shared key. The SBC converts the resulting binary output from the algorithm to a text format that is consistent with the rest of the CDR file and appends it as the last line in the CDR log file. The options are:

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Note: To enable this option, you must also configure a checksumKey and you must enable the option to rename open CDR files (set oam eventLog typeAdmin acct renameOpenfiles enabled).


 n/a Enable this flag to have the SBC round up to the next second in Q-SBC CDR call duration fields 3 and 6 if the call duration includes any part of a second. When disabled the SBC rounds down if the partial second duration is less than 500 milliseconds. The options are:
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


16 to 64 charactersSpecifies the checksum key to use when generating the CDR file checksum. The key value can contain upper/lower case characters and digits only.


n/aWhen enabled, the SBC generate CDR files in Q-SBC format. When disabled, the CDR file format is the standard SBC Core (former Sonus) CDR format. The options are:
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

If the SBC is configured to generate intermediate CDRs, a switch of CDR formats to either format type will generate an intermediate CDR for each active call.

Ribbon recommends that you change the state value prior to deployment or in a maintenance window.

SBX-74192 - SWe-Estimation-Framework Support

SWe traffic profiles support four parameters when creating custom SWe traffic profiles. These parameters provide additional options to characterize the anticipated call mix for a SWe system. 

Command Syntax

% set system SweTrafficProfiles <profile name>  
      mediaCostFactor <media factor>
      rxPPSFactor <Rx PPS factor> 
      sigCostFactor <signaling factor>
      txPPSFactor <Tx PPS factor>

Command Parameters

The following table describes the new parameters added to SWe traffic profiles.

mediaCostFactor0.0001 to 1001.0Use this parameter to specify a media cost factor to use during capacity estimation. This factor affects the media plane estimation,such as crypto session and pass-through session estimation.
sigCostFactor0.0001 to 1001.0Use this parameter to specify a signaling cost factor to use during capacity estimation. This factor affects the signaling plane estimation, such as cps estimation.
rxPPSFactor1.0 to 1001.0Use this parameter to specify a received (rx) PPS factor to use during capacity estimation.
txPPSFactor1.0 to 1001.0Use this parameter to specify a transmitted (tx) PPS factor to use during capacity estimation. Use the Rx/Tx parameters for scenarios such as SIPREC where the received/transmitted PPS may not be the same (asymmetric).

SBX-86182 OAM Node - Phase 2

For SBC SWe cluster deployments operating in OAM configuration mode, new command parameters provide additional options for managing configuration changes when using the CLI.

The request system admin command supports three new parameters to manage configuration changes on the OAM node and a new show utility that outputs configuration change information in the form of transaction logs.

Command Syntax

The following statements show the syntax for the new request command options for managing configuration on the OAM node.

> request system admin <SYSTEM NAME> 
    restoreRevision revision <revision number>
       revision <revision number>

The following statements show the syntax for the new show utils command options for listing the candidate configuration or changes for a specific revision.

> show utils transactionLog 
    revision <revision number>

Command Parameters

request system admin



Issue this request command to discard candidate configuration changes that have been committed on the OAM node, but not yet activated on the managed SBC nodes with the saveAndActivate command. This command also restarts the OAM nodes, although it does not impact the managed SBC nodes.

restoreRevision revision <revision number>

Issue this request command along with a specific, prior configuration revision number to revert to that configuration. The OAM nodes and the SBC nodes automatically restart when you restore a prior configuration.

revision <revision number>

The behavior of this request command depends on whether you provide an optional revision number.

Issue this request command without specifying a revision number to list the candidate configuration changes that have been committed on the an OAM node, but not yet activated on the managed SBC nodes with the saveAndActivate command.

Specify a revision number to list the configuration changes associated with the specified revision.

Note that viewing of configuration related to lawful intercept (LI) is restricted to authorized users and therefore output is filtered accordingly. LI-related changes are not present in the output shown to users that lack LI privileges. Similarly, users with only LI privileges can see only LI-related configuration changes.

show utils


transactionLog revision <revision number>

Use the transaction log utility without specifying a revision number to list the candidate configuration changes that have been committed on the an OAM node, but not yet activated on the managed SBC nodes with the saveAndActivate command.

Specify a revision number to list the configuration changes associated with the specified revision.

Note that viewing of configuration related to lawful intercept (LI) is restricted to authorized users and therefore output is filtered accordingly. LI-related changes are not present in the output shown to users that lack LI privileges. Similarly, users with only LI privileges can see only LI-related configuration changes.

SBX-76710 Consolidate SBC HA Models

Corresponding to the consolidation of HA models, the mgmtMode keyword is replaced with haMode. Options for the types of haMode are changed to haMode1to1 and haModeNto1 from the previous options of "centralized" and "distributed."

Command Syntax

> show table system admin <system name>
     haMode <haMode1to1 | haModeNto1>

Command Parameters




  • haMode1to1 (default) - Is the traditional HA/redundancy model (1:1 scenario) where one active instance is backed up by one standby instance. In centralized mode, the SBC configuration is synchronized between active and standby SBCs.
  • haModeNto1 - Up to N active SBC instances are backed up by a single standby instance (N:1). In this mode, a 1:1 HA pair of dedicated Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) nodes is deployed to configure and manage SBC nodes. The SBC instances in such deployments have homogeneous configuration. The active OAM node holds the active configuration for the cluster and is responsible for sharing this configuration with the SBC nodes in the cluster. N:1 is supported by SBC SWe cluster deployments in the OpenStack cloud and when SBC SWe is deployed in VMware using the IaC environment.

SBX-76034 Support for CPU+GPU Hybrid Transcoding Instances

The following changes are applicable for SBC SWe on Openstack and KVM, particularly GPU-ISBC and GPU-TSBC:

  • A new codec G7112G711 is introduced in the list of supported codecs in sweCodecMixProfile . The percentage value of this parameter indicates the proportion of total number of sessions designated for pure G711 transcoding (G711-G711). This is applicable for Hybrid Transcoding, as well as pure CPU transcoding solutions.


    The percentage value for G7112G711 is used for estimating transcode and bandwidth cost.

    The percentage value for G711 is not used for estimating transcode cost, but is used for bandwidth calculation of PXPAD scenarios.

    The percentage value for G711 cannot be greater than the percentage value of non-G711 codecs.

    The sum of all codec percentages is 100.


    DSP-based Tone detection is supported only on GPU-ISBC profile.

  • The existing codec T38 is added as a supported codec in sweCodecMixProfile.


    With the enhancements mentioned above, the following CPU and GPU codecs are supported for SBC SWe on Openstack and KVM:

            GPU + CPU codecs : AMR-NB, AMR-WB, EVRC, EVRCB, G729, G722, G711

            CPU only codecs :  G723, G726, G7221, ILBC, OPUS, SILK_8, SILK_16, EVS, G7112G711, T38

    Note that you can provision CPU codecs in the codec profile and associate it with the GPU traffic profile; however, you must provision at least one GPU codec in the sweCodecMixProfile.

  • For sweCodecMixProfile:
    • p80 and p100 are added to the list of supported packetization time values (ptime value), indicating 80ms and 100ms of packetization times respectively.


      For SBC SWe Cloud 8.1, ptime values p80 and p100 are not tested.

    • Floating point values are supported as percentage values; the allowed percentage range is 0.00-100.00. Prior to the enhancement, only integers were supported.

  • For sweTrafficProfiles, a new parameter useGPUForTranscoding is added.

Command Syntax

For the enhancements mentioned above, the following syntax shows a valid configuration:

  • sweCodecMixProfile

    % set system sweCodecMixProfile <profile_name>
        < codec: all_cuurently_applicable_codecs | G7112G711 | T38 > 
        < ptime value: p10 | p20 | p30 | p40 | p60 | p80 | p100 >
        percentage < percentage value range: 0.00 - 100.00 >

    For SBC SWe Cloud 8.1, ptime values p80 and p100 are not tested.

  • sweTrafficProfiles

    % set system sweTrafficProfiles <profile_name> 
        transcodePercent <percent>
        transcodingCodecProfile <profile_name>
        useGPUForTranscoding <false | true>

Command Parameters




N/AThe percentage value of this codec indicates the proportion of total number of sessions designated for pure G711 transcoding (G711-G711). This is applicable for Hybrid Transcoding and CPU transcoding solutions.O




falseUse to specify the type of transcoding, GPU (true) or CPU (false).
  • false (default)
  • true

SBX-73700 IMS LI Server Load Sharing

The CLI changes are as follows:

  • You can configure a maximum of 16 mediation servers.
  • The parameter dsrProtocolVersion is added to callDataChannel
  • groupTwoThousand is added as a vendorId

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <address_context> intercept callDataChannel <CDC_name>
    mediationServer <server_1> ... <server_16>
    dsrProtocolVersion <protocol_version>
	vendorId <existing vendor ids | groupTwoThousand>
	mediaIpInterfaceGroupName <media_Ip_Interface_Group_Name> 
	ipInterfaceGroupName <ip_Interface_Group_Name>


Command Parameters


Signifies the intercepted X2 signaling protocol version towards the mediation servers. The default value 0 maintains backward compatibility with SBC Core 8.0 or earlier

  • 0 (default)
  • 1


SBX-71966 Call Trace to Capture SIPREC Legs

The flag sipRecLegsCapture is introduced under callFilter parameter of the global callTrace object. 

Command Syntax

% set global callTrace callFilter <callFilterName> sipRecLegsCapture <disable | enable>

Command Parameters





Enable this flag to trace and capture packets for SIPREC legs.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

SBX-70429 IMS LI: Buffering DSR Messages when Mediation Server Connection is Down

The CLI changes are as follows:

  • The show command described below displays signaling and media statistics information for a maximum of 16 mediation servers, as configured by an authorized CALEA user. Note that no new statistics are added; the existing statistics display for up to 16 configured mediation servers.
  • The parameter dsrProtocolVersion is added to callDataChannel
  • groupTwoThousand is added as a vendorId

Command Syntax

For signaling status:

> show status addressContext <address_context> intercept callDataChannel <CDC_name> mediationServerSignalingStatus <mediation_server_1> ... <mediation_server_16>

For media status:

> show status addressContext <address_context> intercept callDataChannel <CDC_name> mediationServerMediaStatus <mediation_server_1> ... <mediation_server_16>

For Call Data Channel, the show command displays the parameter dsrProtocolVersion:

> show addressContext <address_context> intercept callDataChannel <CDC_name>

interceptStandard         threeGpp;
vendorId                  groupTwoThousand;
ipInterfaceGroupName      LIF2;
liPolDipForRegdOodMsg     enabled;
rtcpInterception          enabled;
mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2;
dsrProtocolVersion        1;

Command Parameters


Signifies the intercepted X2 signaling protocol version towards the mediation servers. The default value 0 maintains backward compatibility with SBC Core 8.0 or earlier

  • 0 (default)
  • 1


SBX-53178 D-SBC: Support Legacy LI, IMS LI and P-DCS-LAES LI

The CLI of D-SBC (S-SBC and M-SBC) is enhanced with commands to configure Default LI and IMS LI. This enhancement is in addition to the existing support for PSCI LI.


The commands and the parameters are not new; they are already available on hardware platforms and/or on I-SBC for virtual platforms. For more information, refer to Intercept - CLI.

Command Syntax


 As a prerequisite to configure LI (any supported variety) on D-SBC, ensure that the Call Data Channel (CDC) and the Mediation Server are enabled and running.

To provision IMS LI on S-SBC, configure the Signaling (X2) interface using the two commands shown below:


Perform a commit after each step.

% set addressContext <address context name> intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name> 
    interceptStandard <IMS LI supported Value> 
    vendorId <IMS LI Supported Values> 
    ipInterfaceGroupName <LIF Group information>

% set addressContext <address context name > intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name> 
    mediationServer <mediation server name> signaling
      ipAddress <ip address of mediation server> 
      portNumber <port number of mediation server> 
      protocolType <tcp | udp>


To configure IMS LI on M-SBC, configure the Media (X3) interface using the two commands shown below:


Perform a commit after each step.

% set addressContext <address context name> intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name> 
    interceptStandard <IMS LI flavor> 
    vendorId <IMS LI Falvour> 
    mediaIpInterfaceGroupName <LIG1 from where data is sent>

% set addressContext <address context name> intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name> 
    mediationServer <mediation server name> media <transport type> 
      ipAddress <ip address of mediation server> 
      portNumber <port number of mediation server>


To configure Default LI on S-SBC:

% set addressContext <address context name> intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name>
    interceptStandard <Default LI supported Value> 
    vendorId <Default LI Supported Values>
    ipInterfaceGroupName <LIG1 from where data is sent>
    priIpAddress <IPv4 address> 
    priPort <port>
    priState <disbled | enabled>
    priMode <active | outofservice | standby>

In the above example, you can also configure secondary IP address, by including the following parameters:

  • secIpAddress <IP_Address>
  • secMode <active | outofservice | standby>
  • secState <disabled | enabled>


To configure Default LI on M-SBC:

% set addressContext <address context name> intercept callDataChannel <CDC Name> 
    interceptStandard <Default LI supported Value> 
    vendorId <Default LI Supported Values>


SBX-50524 Prioritize GETS-related Ingress Packets Based on Provisioned DSCP

A new profile, dscpProfile, is added to services. The parameters associated with dscpProfile are as follows:

  • dscpValue
  • hpcDscpValue
  • state

For DSCP marking of DIAMETER+ packets, associate the DSCP profile with the policy server (policyServer globalConfig).

Command Syntax

To configure DSCP values for HPC and non-HPC calls, use the following syntax:

% set profiles services dscpProfile <dscp_profile_name> 
    dscpValue <dscp_value> 
    hpcDscpValue <hpc_dscp_value> 
    state <disable | enable>

To associate the DSCP profile with the policy server for DSCP marking of DIAMETER+ packets, use the following syntax:

% set system policyServer globalConfig dscpProfile <dscp_profile_name>

Command Parameters





Use this profile to configure the DSCP values for HPC and non-HPC calls. Provide the name of the profile immediately after dscpProfile. The parameters associated with this profile are as follows:

  • dscpValue - The permissible values are integers in the range 0-63; default is 0.
  • hpcDscpValue - Specifies the DSCP value reserved for HPC calls.
  • state - Enable the state to configure the DSCP values for HPC and non-HPC calls. The options are:
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

Configuration Examples

To configure DSCP values for HPC and non-HPC calls, refer to the following example:

% set profiles services dscpProfile test_dscp_profile dscpValue 36 hpcDscpValue 18 state enabled

To associate the DSCP profile with the policy server for DSCP marking of DIAMETER+ packets, refer to the following example:

% set system policyServer globalConfig dscpProfile test_dscp_profile

To reserve a part of the Media Port Range (MPR) and LIF bandwidth for GETS/HPC calls on media-bearing SBC platforms, use the following command syntax:

% set system media mediaPortRange highPriorityPortRangeLocation <bottom | top> highPriorityPortRangeSize <0-25>

The percentage specified as highPriorityPortRangeSize is used as the High Priority reserve for both MPR and LIF bandwidth.

For more information on Media Port Range, refer to Media System - CLI.


Starting with SBC Core 8.1, the SBC supports configuring the existing mediaPortRange parameters highPriorityPortRangeLocation and highPriorityPortRangeSize across all supported hardware, software, and cloud platforms.

Prior to this release, the parameters were restricted to hardware platforms.

Best Practice

The configuration for the parameters highPriorityPortRangeLocation and highPriorityPortRangeSize defines the High Priority Media Port Range (HPMPR) as a subset of the overall MPR. The SBC uses the configuration to quickly identify UDP packets (both media and non-media) arriving within the overall MPR, and prioritizes them while processing ingress UDP packets. For GETS/HPC applications, Ribbon recommends reserving 10% of the MPR as HPMPR. If additional SIP Signaling Ports (besides the default port 5060), and/or other Control UDP ports are within the overall MPR, Ribbon recommends configuring them within the HPMPR. Such configuration ensures that during congestion, they are prioritized while processing ingress packets.

For example, if the overall MPR is defined as 1024-65535, and the High Priority Port Range is 10% (starting with the lower limit of MPR), then the HPMPR is 1024-7475. Ribbon recommends configuring additional SIP Signaling and other Control UDP ports within the range 1024-7475. In case of congestion, such configuration ensures that while processing ingress packets, packets received at ports within the range configured for HPMPR are prioritized. Normal calls are allocated local UDP ports ranging from 7476-65535, and GETS/HPC calls are allocated local UDP ports ranging from 1024-7475.


SBX-50523 SIP Call Queuing for GETS

The SBC CLI is enhanced with the following:

  • The queue object, with its parameters and flags, are added to the profile services hpcCallProfile:
    • queue
      • length
      • timeout
      • state
  • The callQueuing object, with its parameter queueLength, are added to global:
    • callQueuing
      • queueLength
  • The commands show status global callCountCurrentStatistics and show status global callCountIntervalStatistics displays the following new statistics related to this feature:

    • hpcQueueAttempts

    • hpcQueueOverflows

    • hpcQueueAbandons

    • hpcQueueTimeouts

Command Syntax

hpcCallProfile queue

% set profile services hpcCallProfile <hpc_call_profile> 
      length <queue_length_value> 
      timeout <queue_timeout_value> 
      state <disable | enable>

global callQueuing

% set global callQueuing queueLength <queue_length_value>

With the CLI enhancements, the command show table profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpc_call_profile> displays the objects dscp and queue.  For more information, refer to Show Table Profiles - Services - HPC Call Profile.

Command Parameters

  • The parameters and flags for the new object queue under hpcCallProfile are as follows:

    hpcCallProfile queue




    Use this object to configure queuing of HPC calls at the trunk group level. The associated parameters and flags are as follows:

    • length - Specifies the maximum number of calls that can be simultaneously queued at each trunk group. The allowed values are integers in the range 1-256; default is 5.
    • timeout - Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) for which a HPC call remains queued, before the attempt to connect the call in the associated trunk group is abandoned. The allowed values are integers in the range 1-90; default is 30.
    • state - Enable the state to start queuing HPC calls. The options are:
      • disable (default)
      • enable

  • The parameters for the new object callQueuing under global are as follows:

    global callQueuing




    Use this object to configure queuing of HPC calls at the global level. The associated parameters and flags are as follows:

    • queueLength - Specifies the maximum number of HPC calls that can be queued by the SBC, combining all trunk groups. The allowed values are integers in the range 1-4096; default is 1024.

SBX-50090 SIP Priority Call Handling for GETS

Coming soon; awaiting approval of ICD from SMEs.

Deprecated CLI

SBX-86182 OAM Node - Phase 2

Only the clusterComm parameters under system clusterAdmin remain user-configurable and these options apply only to M-SBC instances within a distributed SBC deployment. The clusterAdmin options listed below are no longer visible in the CLI.

% set system clusterAdmin  



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