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Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

New CLI in 6.2.1R0

SBX-25205 SRTP to RTP Fallback on Receipt of 488

A new profile retryProfile is added to the profiles object to configure a trigger/action rule to specify that when a particular response code (and optional warning code) is received (the trigger), the SBC performs a fallback action (fallback SRTP to RTP, fallback to IPV4 or fallback to IPV6). The SBC then reattempts an INVITE with the updated Session Description Protocol (SDP) offer based on the action configured for the received error response and warning code.


% set profiles services retryProfile <retryProfile name>
  attemptRecordGeneration <[disabled] | enabled>
  state <[disabled] | enabled>
  triggerActionRule <1-16>
       sipResponseCode <300-699>
       sipWarningCode <300-399>
       action <1-16>
              actionType <fallBackSrtpToRtp | fallBackToIPV4 | fallBackToIPV6>


SBX-54065 and SBX-35444 SWe Capacity Improvement and Estimation

The performance of the SBC VM can be optimized by providing the call mix while configuring the SBC SWe instance. The SBC includes a set of predefined call mixes also known as standard traffic profiles. Additionally, a user can create custom traffic profiles containing a call mix that is more appropriate for the SBC SWe.

The following system profiles are added/updated in this release:

SWe Profile
sweTrafficProfilesProfile configuration of all the standard and custom profiles and their respective call mix.New SWe profile.

Profile configuration of  the name of active profile and time-stamp of activation.

New standard profile added to the existing configuration at SWe Active Profile - CLI:

  • standard_highcps_callmix_profile

The standard and custom codec mix profile configuration.

New SWe profile.
% set system sweTrafficProfiles <profile name> accessScenario true callHoldTime 125 passthroughCodecProfile cmix1 transcodePercent 30 transcodingCodecProfile G711_G729_20ms


SBX-60738 Capacity License for Network Wide Licenses

Several licenses of the SBC are "count-based;" the features dependent on those licenses (known as count-based features) can scale only up to the count permitted by the available number of corresponding licenses. The Service Capacity License, referred as the "SBC-CAPACITY" license, allows the count-based features to use the full capacity of the SBC.  The following changes are made to the SBC CLI:

  • The set system licenseRequired command now includes SBC-CAPACITY license as a possible option. Since SBC-CAPACITY is an "on/off" license, configuration of the the minCount and maxCount parameters is not required. 
  • On successful activation of the SBC-CAPACITY license, the show commands display the license status.
  • Two statistics are added to the show table global command:
    • serviceAuthorisedCurStats
    • serviceAuthorisedIntStats


To configure SBC-CAPACITY:


% set system licenseRequired SBC-CAPACITY



To display the table for serviceAuthorisedCurStats:


> show table global serviceAuthorisedCurStats



To display the table for serviceAuthorisedIntStats:


> show table global serviceAuthorisedIntStats


SBX-61136 Add 1:1 HA option support for AWS and non D-SBC Cloud

The parameter mgmtMode is added to the system admin status command in this release, and  specifies whether SBC SWe instances are managed manually or through EMS/VNFM.

Two modes for managing the HA/Redundancy of SBC SWe Cloud Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are supported:

Centralized (default) - Use this mode for traditional HA/redundancy model (1:1 scenario) where one active instance is backed up by one standby instance. In Centralized mode, the SBC configuration is synchronized between active and standby SBCs. The Centralized mode is preferred for deployments where the scale/sessions requirements are low.

Distributed - Use this mode for SBC SWe Cloud deployments where up to N active SBC instances are backed up by a single standby SBC instance (N:1). In this mode, each node is configured separately, and the configuration on active and standby instances are not synchronized. 

The changes in CLI are:

  • The parameter mgmtMode is added to system. This parameter specifies whether the instances are managed either manually, or through EMS/VNFM. There are two supported modes:
    • centralized (default)
    • distributed
  • The rgstatus, serverStatus, and serverAdmin commands are supported on AWS for 1:1 redundancy group. For centralized mode, the commands display details of both active and standby volumes.


> show table system admin <system name> mgmtMode


New CLI in 6.2.0R0

SBX-30086 SBC7K/5K sharedCacLimitsPool Enhancement to Encompass Gateway Trunk Group

The SBC in enhanced with the following CLI to support Gateway CAC functionality. 

% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> gwTrunkGroup <gateway_trunk_group_name> parentSharedCacLimitsPoolName <shared_Cac_limits_pool_name>

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> gwTrunkGroup <name> cac
    bandwidthLimit <0-2147483647>
    callLimit <0-2147483647>
    emergencyOversubscription <0-1000>
    hpcOversubscription <0-100>


SBX-43651 SBC Supports Pushing Audit Records to Remote Server Using rsyslog.conf File

The SBC is enhanced with the following CLI in support of configuring a remote server IP address, port, and protocol type to push the audit logs to the remote server.

% set oam eventLog platformAuditLogs auditLogRemoteHost <IPv4/IPv6 address>
% set oam eventLog platformAuditLogs auditLogPort <1 to 65535>
% set oam eventLog platformAuditLogs auditLogProtocolType <relp | [tcp] | udp>
> show table oam eventLog platformAuditLogs


SBX-44333 SIPREC Forking to two Recorders

The SBC is enhanced with the following CLI in support of SIPREC on multiple recorders.

The following parameters are added to startRecord of SIPREC object:

  • numOfStreams
  • srsIpAddress2
  • srsPort2
  • trunkGroup2
  • transport2

The parameter recorderAddress is added to stopRecord.


> request global siprec
        gcid <0-2147483647>
        srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS>
        srsPort <IP port number>
        srsPort2 <Ip port number>
        transport <tcp | udp>
        transport2  <tcp | udp>
        trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME>
        gcid <0-2147483647>


Additionally, the srsGroupProfile is added to the global servers object.


% set global servers srsGroupProfile <profile name>
    description <0-199 characters>
    loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence>
    numSimultaneousStream <1-2>
    srsGroupData <0-7>
        ipAddress <IP address>
        ipPort <IP port>
        ipTGId <IP TG Id>
        transport <tcp | udp> 


SBX-45806 Pathcheck Ping using ICMP

The SBC is enhanced with the following configurations in support of Pathcheck ping enhancements:

  • The Path Check Path configuration is added to the System object.
  • The parameter, replyTimeout, is added to the pathCheckProfile configuration.
% set system pathCheckPath <Path Check Path name>
    addressContext <addressContext name>
    ipInterface <IP Interface name>
    ipInterfaceGroup <IPIG name>
    pathCheckProfile <Patch Check Profile name>
    reportSignalIpAddress <IP address>
    reportSignalIpPort <Port Id>
    sourceIpAddress <Ip address>
    state <[disabled] | enabled>
    targetIpAddress <IP address>
    zone <Zone name>
% set profiles services pathCheckProfile <profile name>
    failureResponseCodes <400-699 | all |all4xx | all5xx | all6xx>
    protocol <icmp | sipOptions>
    recoveryCount <1-10>
    replyTimeoutCount <1-10>
    sendInterval <1-600>
    transportPreference <preference1 | preference2 | preference3 | preference4>


SBX-46173 CLI Implementations Improvements

The SBC is enhanced to populate the encapsulated Integrated Service Digital Network User Part (ISUP) calling party even when it is not mapped to P-Asserted_ID in the INPUT DATA that is sent to the PSX. In support of this, the following flags are added to the SIP Trunk Group Signaling object.

  • mapFromHeaderToIsupGap
  • mapIsupCgpnToPAI 


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling callingParty
    cpcParamFromHeader <[default] | fromheader | paitel>
    fromHdrForCallingParty <disabled | [enabled]>
    mapFromHeaderToIsupGAP <[disabled] | enabled>
    mapIsupCgpnToPAI <[disabled] | enabled>
    paiForCallingParty <disabled | [enabled]>
    ppiForCallingParty <disabled | [enabled]>
    rpiForCallingParty <disabled | [enabled]>
    trustedSourceForIsup <disabled | [enabled]>


SBX-47758 DNS Query to an Interface Group Outside the Address Context

The parameter dnsGroup is added under System > Policy Server > Global Config to allow a DNS Group associate with the global configuration of the policy server. This allows the PSX FQDN resolution with a particular DNS Group.

% set system policyServer globalConfig dnsGroup <dnsGroupServer_name>


SBX-54065 and SBX-35444 SWe Capacity Improvement and Estimation - Phase 1

The SBC is enhanced with the addition of the following  configuration and status commands in support of SBC SWe capacity improvements.

% set system sweActiveProfile name <profile name>
> show table system sweTrafficProfiles
> show table system sweActiveProfile
> show table system sweCodecMixProfile
> show table system sweProcessorCapacity
> show table system sweCapacityEstimate


SBX-54575 Remove Direct Log Access from sftproot

The SBC is enhanced with the addition of the following flag sftpadminLoginEnabled to the Account Management object to enable or disable the sftpadmin user.


% set system admin <admin-name> accountManagement sftpadminLoginEnabled <false | [true]>


SBX-56559 Alert-Info and P-Early Media Headers Interworking

The SBC is enhanced with the addition of the following SIP Trunk Group flags:

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup sipTrunkGroup name> signaling
      aiToPemInterworking <[disabled] | enabled>
      convertAlertToProgress <[disabled] | enabled>


SBX-58385 SMM Switch Semantics

The SBC is enhanced with the addition of the switch parameter  to the sipAdaptorProfile


% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <name> rule <Index> criterion <Index> switch <Index>
	switchAction <1-128>
	switchValue <value>
	switchRegexpString <regular expression>

Deprecated CLI

Deprecated CLI

Command / CLI Object ImpactedDeprecated CLIEffective Release
show table systemCongestionStatussystemCongestionMemLevel4.2.6R0
set system congestion"static" option4.2.6R0
set system congestion adaptive MCLevel"mc0" level4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfilestaticMode parameter4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfile "memory" option for setDuration, clearDuration, setThreshold, clearThreshold configurations4.2.6R0
set system adminmanagementIpVersion5.0.0R0
request system admin commandcommitSoftwareUpgrade5.0.0R0
show status system serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus
"committed" option5.0.0R0
show status addressContext <addressContext name> sipSubCountStatistics sipSubCountTotal5.0.5R0
H.323 IP Signaling Profile commonIpAttributes flags
  • addPChargingFuncAddr
  • disableMediaLockDown
  • fromHeaderAnonymisation
  • sendRTCPBandwidthInfo
  • sendRtcpPortInSdp
  • terminalPortabilityInterworking
  • usePsxRouteforRegisteredInvite
Packet Service ProfilemediaLockDownForPassThrough5.1.0R0
  • primaryTcpChannelStatus.
  • secondaryTcpChannnelStatus.
  • DSRSuccess
  • DSRFailures
show table global siprecStatussiprecStatus6.2.0R0

The Service Capacity License, referred as the "SBC-CAPACITY" license, allows the count-based features to use the full capacity of the SBC.

  • No labels