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New/Modified CLI in This Release

Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].


SBX-48: E-CSCF Support

The following parameters are added to sipTrunkGroup services:

  • dialogEventNotificationSupported
  • colocatedPandEcscf
dialogEventNotificationSupported / colocatedPandEcscf
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> services dialogEventNotificationSupported <enabled | [disabled]>

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> services colocatedPandEcscf <enabled | [disabled]>


SBX-50: OMR plus TRF Insertion and Transparency Support

The following configurations are added in this release in support of Optimal Media Routing (OMR) and Transit and Roaming Function (TRF) features.

  • The realm parameter is added to Address Context object
  • The flag omrAllowed is added to SIP Trunk Group media object .
  • The parameter omrPrimaryRealm is added to SIP Trunk Group media object
  • The Zone parameter remoteDeviceType is enhanced with two new values: core, nni
% set addressContext <ADDR_CONTEXT_NAME> realm <RealmName> connectedRealm <connectedRealmName> 
omrAllowed / omrPrimaryRealm
% set addressContext <ADDR_CONTEXT_NAME> zone <Zone_Name> sipTrunkGroup <TrunkGroupName> media omrAllowed <[disabled] | enabled | ravelCallOnly>

% set addressContext <ADDR_CONTEXT_NAME> zone <Zone_Name> sipTrunkGroup <TrunkGroupName> media omrPrimaryRealm <OMR primary realm name>
% set addressContext <ADDR_CONTEXT_NAME> zone <Zone_Name> remoteDeviceType <CORE | NNI | accessDevice | appServer | [none]>

SBX-366: Stateless REGISTER Relay for Peering

The following parameters are added to SBC in support of Stateless Register Relay functionality:

  • The flag sipRegRelay is added to Zone object to enable Register Relay functionality.
  • The System Security command generateSipHeaderEncryptionKeys is added to generate header encryption keys for AES encryption.
  • The following Header Encryption flags are added to IP Signaling Profile (IPSP):
    • encryptPathHeader
    • encryptServiceRouteHeader
  • The flag noServiceRouteHdrForEmergencyRegistration is added to IPSP

New Zone flag:

% set addressContext <address context name> zone <zone name> sipRegRelay <[disable] | enable>

New System Security request command:

> request system security generateSipHeaderEncryptionKeys

New IP Signaling Profile Flags:

encryptPathHeader / encryptServiceRouteHeader / noServiceRotueHdrForEmergencyRegistration
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP name> commonIpAttributes headerEncryptionFlags encryptPathHeader <[disable] | enable> 

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP name> commonIpAttributes headerEncryptionFlags encryptServiceRouteHeader <[disable] | enable>

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP name> commonIpAttributes flags noServiceRouteHdrForEmergencyRegistration <[disable] | enable>


SBX-570: Event Accounting Methods Enhancements

The following methods are added to eventAcctMethods.

  • eventNotify
  • eventRegister
  • eventRefer
  • eventSubscribe
% set oam accounting admin eventAcctMethods <eventMessage | eventNotify | eventOptions | eventPublish | eventRegister | eventRefer | eventSubscribe>  

SBX-1344: TCP Relay Enhancements

The SBC is enhanced in this release to support the relaying TCP traffic in addition to SIP/SDP traffic with the addition of a relayProfile, a relayPort configuration on a per-Zone basis.

% set profiles services relayProfile <relayProfile name>
	maxEgressConn <[1000]>
	maxEgressRate <[50/sec]>
	maxIngressConn <[1000]>
	maxIngressRate <[50/sec]>
	tcp keepAlive <1-1000 seconds. default=200>
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> id <zoneId> relayPort <1-4000>
	ipAddress <IPv4 or IPv6 address>
	ipInterfaceGroupName <ipInterfaceGroup name>
	mode <inService | [outOfService]>
	portNumber <1-65535, default=5269>
	relayProfile <relayProfile name>
	state <[disabled] | enabled>
	transportProtocolsAllowed <[tcp]>

% request addressContext <addressContext name> deleteRelayPortTransId transId <transactionId>

Additionally, several statistics are added to report on these new configurations.

The relaySessionStats object is added to addressContext and includes the following statistics.

% show table addressContext default relaySessionStats 3
transId            1;
packetRxTx         2/2;
dataRxTx           34/34;
inboundZone        ZONE_IAD;
outboundZone       ZONE_IAD;

The relayCurrentStatistics object is added to addressContext and includes the following statistics.

% show table addressContext default relayCurrentStatistics
         NEW                  CONN TERM
         CONN     CONN TERM   NON
default  2        1           0 

The relayIntervalStatistics object is added to addressContext and includes the following statistics.

% show table addressContext default relayIntervalStatistics
                                    NEW                  CONN TERM
                  INTERVAL          CONN     CONN TERM   NON
299     default   true      269098  0        0           0
300     default   true      269998  0        0           0
302     default   true      270898  0        0           0 

SBX-1368: Reg-Event Subscription Initiation Support

The flag supportRegEvent is added to IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) to configure support for registration event package per IP Trunk Group.

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP name> commonIpAttributes subscriptionPackageSupport supportRegEvent <[disable] | enable> 

Additionally, two Address Context statistics are added to SBC in support of the Reg-Event Subscription feature.

  • sipGeneratedSubscriptionStatus – List of individual subscriptions. All subscriptions present in the system display in the command results. Terminated subscriptions, however, will not display.
  • sipSubscriptionCountStatistics – A count of subscription statistics in the system from the time system is up. These are reset on SBC reboot.
Example Statistics
> show table addressContext default sipGeneratedSubscriptionStatus
              REGISTRAR  EXT
ID   NAME     ADDRESS    TIME        STATE         NAME
516 REG-EVENT    3660        active

> show table addressContext default sipSubscriptionCountStatistics
       SIP           SIP                         SIP
entry  5             4             1             0             1 

SBX-3830/SBX-33543: Routing Enhancements for Route Header and Roaming User

The following CLI changes are made in support of routing enhancements for Route Header and Roaming User features:

  • Added rcbNexthopAndStored and roamingOrStored options to SIP Trunk Group useRouteSet object

  • Added flag useRUriForRegisterRouting to SIP Trunk Group signaling registration object

  • Added flag disableZoneLevelLoopDetection to Zone object

  • Added flag sendRouteUriToPsx to SIP Trunk Group callRouting object

useRouteSet options 'rcbNextHopAndStored' and 'roamingOrStored'
useRouteSet options 'rcbNextHopAndStored' and 'roamingOrStored'
% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sip_trunk_group_name> callRouting useRouteSet <disabled | rcbNextHopAndStored | received | roamingOrStored | stored | storedAll>
useRUriForRegisterRouting Flag
useRUriForRegisterRouting Flag
% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sip_trunk_group_name> signaling registration useRUriForRegisterRouting <disabled | enabled> 
disableZoneLevelLoopDetection Flag
disableZoneLevelLoopDetection Flag
% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> disableZoneLevelLoopDetection <disabled | enabled> 
sendRouteUriToPsx Flag
sendRouteUriToPsx Flag
% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sip_trunk_group_name> callRouting sendRouteUriToPsx <disabled | enabled> 


SBX-3888: ATCF and EATF Support

The srvcc parameter is added to global signaling object for configuring SRVCC functionality. The parameter is also added to zone object for enabling/disabling EATF functionality for the zone.

% set global signaling srvcc
	atcfUri (1-63 chars)
	callLingerTimer (1-32 seconds, default-32)
	eStnSr (1-32 chars)
	stnSr (1-32 chars)
zone srvcc
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS srvcc eatf <[disable] | enable>

SBX-3948: Rx Interface Improvements

The following SIP Trunk Group media PCRF parameters are added in this release to configure Access side to take advantage of Rx interface improvements:

  • signalingPath
  • fetchLocationInfo
  • provSignalingFlow    
  • terminateOnNwFailure
SIP Trunk Group Media PCRF Parameters
% set addressContext <address context name> zone  <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> media Pcrf fetchLocationInfo <none | retrieveInOffer | retrieveInAnswer> 
% set addressContext <address context name> zone  <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> media Pcrf provSignalingFlow <disabled | enabled>
% set addressContext <address context name> zone  <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> media Pcrf signalingPath <disabled | enabled> 
% set addressContext <address context name> zone  <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> media Pcrf terminateOnNwFailure <disabled | enabled>

The following IP Signaling Profile flags are added in this release to configure Core side to take advantage of Rx interface improvements:

  • insertPAccessNetworkInfo
  • insertUEFlowInfo
IP Signaling Profile Common IP Attributes Flags
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile name> commonIpAttributes flags insertPAccessNetworkInfo <disable | enable>
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile name> commonIpAttributes flags insertUEFlowInfo <disable | enable>

SBX-4000: Lawful Intercept Support

The following parameters are added in this release in support of Lawful Intercept.

Call Data Channel Parameters:

  • TCPMediaTransport
    • tcpMediaIpAddress
    • tcpMediaPort
  • UDPMediaTransport 
    • udpMediaIpAddress
    • udpMediaPort
  • dsrTcpPort
  • liPolDipForRegdOodMsg
  • mediaTypeIntercepted


Call Data Channel Parameters
% set addressContext <address_context> intercept callDataChannel <CDC_name>
        tcpMediaIpAddress <tcp_Media_Ip_Address>
        tcpMediaPort <tcp_Media_port>
        udpMediaIpAddress <udp_Media_Ip_Address>
        udpMediaPort <tcp_Media_port>
	dsrTcpPort <0..65535>
    liPolDipForRegdOodMsg <enabled | disabled>
	mediaTypeIntercepted <default | multimedia>

LI Performance Statistics:

  • DSRSuccess
  • DSRFailures
  • primaryTCPChannelStatus
  • secondaryTCPChannelStatus


> show status addressContext <address_context> intercept interceptCallDataChannelStatistics default 

SBX-28890: Preconditions Transparency Support

A new option, transparent, is added to SIP Trunk Group preconditions object. This configuration must be enabled on both Ingress and Egress legs.

% set addressContext <addressContext_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_name> services preconditions <none | required | supported | transparent> 

SBX-30207/SBX-30227/SBX-30264: DNS Enhancements

TCP Enhancements

SBC is enhanced in this release to provide support of DNS servers over TCP by the addition of transportProtocol configuration object. Additionally, the flag tcpFallback is added to support TCP fallback when the configured protocol is UDP.

% set addressContext <addressContext_name> dnsGroup <dnsGroup_name> server <server_name> ipAddress <ipAddress> transportProtocol <udp | tcp>

% set addressContext <addressContext_name> dnsGroup <dnsgroup_name> server <server_name> ipAddress <ipAddress> transportProtocol udp tcpFallback <enabled | disabled>

Manual DNS Query

SBC is enhanced to perform a manual query to update the cache of the IP address, TTL and port received in response to the query sent to the server. The response is updated if record is already present; otherwise, it creates new entry.

> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> query dnsServer <dnsServerName> fqdn <fqdnValue> recordType <a | aaaa | srv | ns | naptr>

Cache Management and Override TTL

The SBC is enhanced with ability to:

  • Flush DNS Cache
  • Override Time To Live (TTL)

To clear the full DNS Cache, use the command:

> request global dnsClearCache

To clear the particular DNS group cache (under Address Context), use the command:

> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache

 To clear a particular Domain Name/FQDN under a DNS Group (under Address Context), use the command:

> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache domainName <domainName>

To clear a particular record (under Address Context), use the command:

> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache domainName <domainName> recordType <a | aaaa | srv |naptr>

To override the Time To Live (TTL), use command syntax:

> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> updateTtl fqdn <fqdnValue> recordType <a |aaaa | srv | naptr > ttl <ttlvalue>


Performance Statistics

To view the DNS Server Statistics, use the command:

% show status addressContext addr_1 dnsGroup DNSGrp1 dnsServerStatistics
dnsServerStatistics 1 {
    queries        4;
    timeouts       6;
    errors         0;
    referrals      0;
    totalTcpConnection    2;
    tcpConnectionFailed   1;
    tcpConnectionSuccess  1;
    tcpConnectiontorndown 0;
    tcpFallback           0;


SBX-30265: Alert-Info Header Support

The SBC is enhanced with the addition of IP Signaling Profile flag acceptAlertInfo.

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile_name> commonIpAttributes flags acceptAlertInfo <disable | enable> 

SBX-30269: SIP Current Statistics Enhancements

The following emergency-relates statistics are added to Zone sipCurrentStatistics object:

  • emergencyOODAccept
  • emergencyOODRejectPolicer    
  • emergencySubscribeAccept    
  • emergencySubscribeRejectLimit    
  • emergencySubscribeRejectPolicer

SBX-32115: Enhancement to Transcode Calls Using Different RFC2833 Payload Types

The PSP option different2833PayloadType is added to packetToPacketControl object in this release.

% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <PSP_name> packetToPacketControl conditionsInAdditionToNoCommonCodec different2833PayloadType <disable | enable> 

SBX-32155: Flexible Policy and Routing Support

To support flexible policy and routing, the following CLI objects are added.

  • profileType parameter

  • flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile Zone object

  • flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile SIP Trunk Group object

SIP Adaptor Profile Object 'profileType'

% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile name> profileType <flexiblePolicy | messageManipulation> 

Zone object 'flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile'

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile <flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile name>

SIP Trunk Group Object 'flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile'

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> signaling flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile <flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile name>



Deprecated CLI in This Release

The following CLI objects and statistics are deprecated in this release.



Historical List of Obsoleted CLI:

Command / CLI Object ImpactedObsolete CLI
request system admin commandcommitSoftwareUpgrade
Overload Profile staticMode commandacceptPercentage
"committed" option
system adminmanagementIpVersion
H.323 IP Signaling Profile commonIpAttributes flags
  • addPChargingFuncAddr
  • disableMediaLockDown
  • fromHeaderAnonymisation
  • minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll
  • sendRtcpPortInSdp
  • terminalPortabilityInterworking
  • usePsxRouteforRegisteredInvite


  • No labels