In this section:
Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].
The SBC is enhanced in this release to configure up to three RADIUS servers per SBC with the addition of radiusServer
and retryCriteria
parameters to radiusAuthentication
configuration object.
% set oam radiusAuthentication radiusServer <server name> mgmtInterfaceGroup <string> priority <#> radiusNasIp <default=> radiusServerIp <x.x.x.x> radiusServerPort <#> radiusSharedSecret <8-128> state <[disabled] | enabled> retryCriteria oosDuration <# minutes> retryCount <1-[3]> retryTimer <500-3000 milliseconds, default=1000>
The flag allowPassthru
is added to secureRtpRtcp
of Packet Service Profile.
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <packetServiceProfile_name> secureRtpRtcp flags allowPassthru <[disable] | enable>
The default value of hostPort
configuration under ipPeer pathCheck
is updated to 5060.
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> ipPeer <IP peer name> pathCheck hostPort <0-65535, default=5060>
The following new flags are introduced in Packet Service Profile to configure this feature:
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <packetServiceProfile_name> audioTransparency unknownCodecBitRate <1-1000 KB/s, default=124> unknownCodecPacketSize <5-100 ms, default=10> % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <packetServiceProfile_name> flags reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec <[disable] | enable>
The flag processSGConfigWhenTGOOS
is added to SIP Trunk Group object to support this feature.
% set addressContext default zone <zonename> sipTrunkGroup <Trunkgroup name> processSGConfigWhenTGOOS <[disabled] | enabled>
The following CLI changes made to implement this feature:
The description of Packet Service Profile's maxVideoBandwith
and videoBandwidthReductionFactor
are modified to:
: Specifies the maximum session bandwidth that can be used for a call with video streams. It Includes the bandwidth for all streams in the call (audio, video, BFCP, and so on). If "0" is the value, video calls are not allowed and only audio calls can be set up which follows the normal allocation process. The value ranges from 0 to 50000 kbps and the default value is 10 kbps.videoBandwidthReductionFactor
: Specifies the amount to reduce the session bandwidth allocation for the calls that include video streams. This does not affect the signaling, but affects only the internal allocation of bandwidth used for the calls. The value of this flag is on percentage reduction factor. For example: If the value of this flag is 20, the allocation of bandwidth for the calls is reduced by 20%. So, if the normal bandwidth allocation for calls is 1000 kbps, it gets reduced to 800 kbps.Two new statistics, ingressSessionBandwidthkbps
and egressSessionBandwidthkbps
, are added to callDetailStatus
object to display the allocated session bandwidth on each leg.
> show status global callDetailStatus callDetailStatus 524288 { mediaStreams audio,video; state Stable; callingNumber 6033317777; calledNumber 9811587876; addressTransPerformed none; origCalledNum ""; scenarioType SIP_TO_SIP; callDuration 7; mediaType passthru; associatedGcid1 524288; associatedGcid2 524288; associatedGcidLegId1 1; associatedGcidLegId2 0; ingressSessionBandwidthkbps 525; egressSessionBandwidthkbps 525; ...
The SIP trunk group flag clearTcpConnectionsforRegistration
is added to allow the SBC to clear the TCP connection between UE and SBC once the registration becomes inactive.
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone Name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> signaling clearTcpConnectionsforRegistration <[disabled] | enabled>
The flag gr317ChargeNumberCompliance
is added to the ISUP Signaling Profile configuration to check the charge number digit length is in compliance with GR317 which specifies a maximum of 10 digits in IAM message.
% set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile name> gr317ChargeNumberCompliance <supported | [unsupported]>
The SIP Param Filter Profile is added in this release to allow the operator to create a profile defining a set of SIP header tags and methods to transparently pass or block, and then assign that profile to a trunk group. The SIP headers configured in this profile for pass-through are transparently passed to the Egress trunk group if received in the Ingress SIP message.
% set profiles services sipParamFilterProfile <profile name> action block <all, or comma-separated list of tags/methods to include> passthru <all, or comma-separated list of tags/methods to include> rejectRequest <[disabled] | enabled> (flag is applicable to sipHeader 'require' only) sipHeader <[allow] | require | supported> state <[disabled] | enabled>
The parameter iceKeepaliveTimer
is added to NAT Traversal of SIP Trunk Group to extend the existing implementation of full-ICE. This enhancement allows the SBC to inter-operate with other ICE peers which require the connecting peer to act as a full-ICE agent.
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> services natTraversal iceSupport iceFull iceKeepaliveTimer <0 to 60 secs, default=15>
The following flags and attribute are added are added to enhance DTLS-SRTP support and allow a relay mechanism that transparently passes the DTLS, SRTP and SRTCP packets end-to-end without DTLS certification or SRTP cryptographic encryption and decryption taking place at SBC.
New DTLS flags:
New QOS Values attribute:
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile_name> dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay <[disable] | enable> % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile_name> dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSctpRelay <[disable] | enable> % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile_name> qosValues dtlsSctpDscp <[0]-255>
The flag, ednsSupport
, is added to dnsGroup
object to support Extension mechanisms for Domain Name Systems (EDNS) for statically configured and dynamically learned DNS servers.
% set addressContext <addressContext_Name> dnsGroup <dnsGroup_Name> ednsSupport <[disabled] | enabled>
Additionally, two statistics, ednsStatus
and ednsFailures,
are added to dnsServerStatistics
object to display the current status of DNS server and the number of EDNS failed queries.
> show table addressContext addr_1 dnsGroup DNSGrp1 dnsServerStatistics TCP TCP TOTAL TCP CONNECTION CONNECTION TCP TCP EDNS EDNS INDEX IP ADDRESS QUERIES TIMEOUTS ERRORS REFERRALS CONNECTION FAILED SUCCESS CONNECTIONTORNDOWN FALLBACK STATUS FAILURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 supported 0
Several SMM enhancements are included in this release.
The following IPSP parameters are added in support of quick re-registration on an alternate SIP server when the primary server is down :
The registrarRecovery parameter is added to IPSP commonIpAttributes object, and includes following flags:
The SIP Trunk Group queryPsxOnNextRefreshRegister request command is added with the following options:
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IpSignalingProfile Name> commonIpAttributes registrarRecovery Possible completions: registerToAlternateOnPrimaryDown - Register to Alternate on Primary Down. overrideInternalExpiresTimer - Override Internal Expires Timers. revertToPrimaryOnRecovery - Revert to Primary Registrar on Recovery. deRegisterAlternateOnPrimaryRecovery - Deregister Alternate On Primary Registrar Recovery.
% request addressContext <addressContextName> zone <zoneName> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroupName> cmds queryPsxOnNextRefreshRegister Possible completions: newRegistrarIndex - Route index to attempt after force PSX query. overRideInternalExpires - Over-ride SBX intenal expires timer. registrarFqdn - Command applies only for registrations towards this REGISTRAR: FQDN. registrarIpAddress - Command applies only for registrations towards this REGISTRAR: IP Address.
The SBC is enhanced to support various flavors of LI and a generic Call Data Channel (CDC) model to support any new flavors of LI.
The following parameters are added under CDC object:
% set addressContext <addressContext name> intercept callDataChannel (CDC name) interceptStandard < etsi | [packetcable] | threeGpp> vendorId <[none] | ss8 | utimaco | verint> mediationServer <mediationServer name, 1-8 characters> media <tcp | udp> signaling dscpValue <0-63, default=16> ipAddress <IPv4/IPv6 address> mode <inService | [outOfService]> portNumber <[0]-65535> protocolType <[tcp] | udp> state <[disabled] | enabled> rtcpInterception <[disabled] | enabled>
The SBC is enhanced to allow a percentage of sessions beyond the purchased session license capacity to measure the maximum amount of simultaneously active and stable sessions over a configurable time interval.
Two statistics, callCountCurrentStatistics
and callCountIntervalStatistics
are added to the Global object.
> show table global callCountCurrentStatistics CALL NAME COUNT -------------- entry 0 > show table global callCountIntervalStatistics INTERVAL CALL NUMBER NAME VALID TIME COUNT -------------------------------------- 2 entry true 1548 0 3 entry true 2448 0 4 entry true 3348 0 5 entry true 4248 0
A new configuration flag, callCountTimeInterval
, is added to intervalStatistics
% set system intervalStatistics callCountTimeInterval <5-60 minutes, default=15>
The following parameters are added to the sipTrunkGroup
to allow the SBC to support MS Lync/Skype remote desktop sharing.
% set addressContext <addressCnotext_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_name> media lyncShare <disabled | [enabled]> % set addressContext <addressCnotext_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_name> services natTraversal iceSupport iceLync iceTcpRole <active| [passive]>
The 'request alarms' command is enhanced with the following options.
> request alarms current comment alarm id <integer> text <operator comment> state alarm acknowledgeState <acknowledge | unAcknowledge> id <integer>
The following statistics are added to addressContext sipActiveRegisterNameStatus
table to allow the SBC to search the registration name status based on part of the Address of Record (AOR), plus provides the ability to search the entries which are not in the statistics table but registered in the SBC application using a part of the AOR name or the entire AOR name. :
In this example, userPart is used as first parameter to retrieve the entry status that is not in the table but registered in the SBC application.
> show status addressContext default sipActiveRegisterNameStatus 67891 0 state completed; contactURI sip:67891@; nextHopIpAddress; nextHopPortNum 7070; registrarIpAddress; registrarPortNum 7080; externalExpirationTime 1800; internalExpirationTime 3600; creationTime 2016-01-28T06:39:34+00:00; registrarDomainName ""; endPointBehindNapt 0; natPinholeLearningStatus none; securityMechanismType none; registrationType normal; e2aeMediaSecurity none; isRoaming 0; transportProtocolToEndpoint udp; transportProtocolToAS udp; externalExpirationTimeLeft 1602; internalExpirationTimeLeft 3052; regId 9996;
The SBC is enhanced to support Dialog Stateful variables for Out-of-Dialog SUBSCRIBE messages when advancedSMM is enabled, in addition to INVITE and REGISTER.
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_Test advancedSMM <[disabled] | enabled>
The SBC is enhanced to provide bandwidth Call Admission Control (CAC) per supported media type by limiting video streams to specified bandwidth limits in order to provide a level of protection from video calls consuming call bandwidth otherwise needed for audio calls. This protection is implemented on SBC Core by setting video thresholds (bandwidthVideoThreshold
) to specific limits at the zone, trunk group, endpoint and shared CAC levels. The thresholds are a percentage of the total bandwidth limit such that any traffic above this level is reserved for audio-only calls. This video threshold limit behaves the same for emergency as well as non-emergency calls. Any video calls above the video threshold limit are dropped to allow audio calls to use this bandwidth.
NOTE: Bandwidth CAC is not available for MSRP, data channels, FECC and BFCP streams.
set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> cac bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100> set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sip tg name> cac bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100> set global cac sharedCacLimitsPool <pool name> bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100> set profiles sipCacProfile <profile name> bandwidthVideoThreshold <0-100>
The following status and statistics commands are added in support of this feature:
show status addressContext default zone ZONE_AS callFailureCurrentStatistics videoThresholdLimit show status addressContext default zone ZONE_AS callFailureIntervalStatistics videoThresholdLimit show status global cac sharedCacFailureCurStats videoThresholdLimit show status global cac sharedCacFailureIntervalStats videoThresholdLimit show status addressContext zoneCurrentStatistics videoThresholdLimit show status addressContext zoneIntervalStatistics videoThresholdLimit show status addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD sipPeerCacStatus videoThresholdLimit
The storeICID
flag is added to SIP Trunk Group signaling object to allow the SBC to retain the same ICID value generated during the first egressed INVITE in the P-Charging-Vector header in an egressed INVITE. This flag is configured on the egress trunk group.
% set addressContext <addressContext_Name> zone <zone_Name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_Name> signaling storeICID <[disabled] | enabled>
A new system status command, softwareUpgradeDetailedStatus
, is added to view the detailed upgrade log of the LSWU upgrade process including the number of steps involved, the time taken to complete the upgrade and the results of the upgrade process.
> show table system softwareUpgradeDetailedStatus <SYSTEM_NAME> detailedStatus
The following attributes are added to rtcpOptions
of packetServiceProfile
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile name> rtcpOptions rtcp enable enableRTCPForHeldCalls <[disable] | enable> % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile name> rtcpOptions rtcp enable enableRTCPForHeldCalls enable rrBandwidth <100-4000, default=250> % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <profile name> rtcpOptions rtcp enable enableRTCPForHeldCalls enable rsBandwidth <100-3000, default=250>
The flag, initialCodecMode
, is added to the codec
of codecEntry
object. This flag is applicable for AMR and AMR-WB codecs.
% set profiles media codecEntry <codecEntry object> codec <AMR, AMRWB codec> initialCodecMode <[disable] | enable>
The flag, sendRTCPBandwidthInfo
, is added to Common Flags
of IP Signaling Profile
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile name> commonIpAttributes flags sendRTCPBandwidthInfo <[disable] | enable>
The default value of localAuth user m2mAccess
flag is changed to "enabled
" for Administrator and Calea users (only) to enable SBC REST M2M access by default for these.
% set oam localAuth user <user name> m2mAccess <disabled | [enabled]>
The advertiseAudioOnly
is added to SIP trunk group object to allow the SBC to send only the main audio/image stream in the SDP offer for the following LSWU scenarios:
flag by default is enabled.advertiseAudioOnly
flag is disabled. You must manually enable the flag if required.advertiseAudioOnly
flag value is retained.
> set addressContext default <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <SIP_trunk_group_name> media advertiseAudioOnly <disabled | enabled>
By default, the SBC reserves the worst case common audio codec bandwidth on trunk groups and IP interfaces for pass-through calls, and polices for the same bandwidth. To facilitate asymmetric pass-through calls scenarios/cases and to police on the heaviest codec in the offer or answer, the PSP flag policeOnHeaviestAudioCodec
is added in this release.
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <packet ServiceProfile name> flags policeOnHeaviestAudioCodec <[disable] | enable>
The setHaConfig
configuration is included in this release to configure SBC for Geographical Redundancy High Availability (GRHA) mode when active and standby servers are located in two different data centers to protect SBCs against data center and network failures. To configure/change just one setting, use currentValue
option for the other setting.
> request system admin <system name> setHaConfig bondMonitoring <currentValue | direct-connect | network-connect> leaderElection <currentValue | enhanced | standard>
Bond monitoring is only applicable to SBC 5000/7000 series platforms.
This feature is not configurable during software installation nor is it changeable during an upgrade.
A new object, bruteForceAttackOS
is added to Account Management to configure the number of consecutive failed login attempts to Linux OS, and includes the following parameters:
% set system admin <System_Name> accountManagement bruteForceAttackOS allowOSAutoUnlock <[disabled] | enabled> consecutiveFailedOSAttemptAllowed <1-10, default=3> OSstate <[disabled] | enabled> unlockOSTime <[30]-5400 seconds>
The sipCauseMapping
object is added to Egress IP Attributes of the IP Signaling Profile to create Cause Mapping profile names using the following parameters.
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile_Name> egressIpAttributes sipCauseMapping sipToInternalCauseMappingProfileName <sipToInternalProfile_Name> % set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile_Name> egressIpAttributes sipCauseMapping internalToSipCauseMappingProfileName <internalToSIPProfile_Name>
The causeMap object is added to signaling profiles to create profile to map CPC and SIP using the following parameters:
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile <sipToCpcCauseMapProfile_Name> baseProfile defaultSipCpc causeMap <causeMap_Value> cpcCause <cpcCause_Value> % set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile <cpcToSipCauseMapProfile_Name> baseProfile defaultCpcSip causeMap <causeMap_Value> sipCause <sipCause_Value>
No CLI objects or statistics were deprecated in this release.
Historical List of deprecated CLI: