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Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

New CLI in 7.2.0R0


SBX-50672 Stir/Shaken Support

To enable authenticated identity management, stiProfile is added and is associated to a SIP Trunk Group. If the state of the stiProfile attached to the ingress trunkgroup is enabled, the SBC sends STI related information to the PSX, which is provisioned to either sign, verify or tag the call. The SBC then receives information from the PSX about the service provided that is signing, verification or tagging

The provisioning on the PSX  dictates whether STI related headers are signaled on the egress. 

The stiProfile has to be enabled on the egress sip trunkgroup for STI headers to be signaled on the egress.

For transparently passing Date Header, existing Header Transparency feature is used.

A new action "retryWithoutIdentity" is added to the retryProfile. When this action is configured for a SIP response code, on receipt of the response code the same route is tried without Identity Headers.

For the next route to be tried, the user provisions the reasonCode in the crankback profile. If the reasonCode is not provisioned in the crankback profile, the call fails.

Command Syntax

A new stiProfile is added under Services:


set profiles services stiProfile <profileName>
Possible Completions
state - enabled or disabled.


A new parameter retrywithoutIdentity is added to action type:


 set profiles services retryProfile <retryprofile_name> triggerActionRule <Rule_Number> sipResponseCode <SipresponseCode> actionType retryWithoutIdentity


Command Parameters

STI Profile Parameters:

state enabled, disableddisabledIndicates whether STI procedures should be applied.M
stiProfileNANA Indicates the new services profile for STI feature.M

Retry Profile Parameters

retryWithoutIdentityNANA Indicates the new action type for trying the same route without identityNA


SBX-51418 Increase in the number of Rules in SMM Profile

Rule parameter upper range limit changed to 256:






The name of the SIP Adaptor profile. Up to 512 profiles are configurable.


Enable flag to apply advanced SMM logic, such as dialog stateful variables, to INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE messaging. For an example SMM rule, see How to Treat Hostpart Based on the Received Format.

  • disabled  (default)
  • enabled

NOTE: Dialog Stateful variables are not applied for the NOTIFY messages received prior to receiving 200 OK response to the Egress SUBSCRIBE.


When creating a SIP Adaptor Profile, use this parameter to specify whether a SIP Adaptor Profile is to be used for flexible policy or message manipulation.

  • messageManipulation (default) – The SBC performs message manipulation based on this SIP Adaptor Profile.
  • flexiblePolicy – The SBC performs dynamic policy and routing based on SIP message information elements as specified in this SIP Adaptor Profile.



Use this object to define the SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) rule within the SIP Adaptor Profile. Specify the SSM rule index number, and then configure the parameters as listed in the Rule Parameters section below.



The administrative state of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


SBX-52861 Add a Dynamic SIP Signaling Port

The existing CLI command to configure the system-wide media port range is modified to incorporate an optional configuration that divides the media port range into a high-priority port range and a low-priority port range. Under congestion conditions, all the packets received on ports outside high priority media range will be dropped automatically by NP layer. The new CLI allows you to configure the high priority media port range. 

The High Priority port range is a contiguous range of ports that can lie either at the top or at the bottom of the media port range.

  • The high-priority media port range can be configured only at the Top or Bottom of the system level media port ranges.
  • Whenever the system level media port range changes, the high-priority media port range changes automatically with respect to the system-level media port range. 
  • The size of the high priority media port range cannot exceed 25 percent of the overall configured media port range. 
  • Packets received on the ports falling in the high priority port range will not be subjected to discard by NP even in congestion conditions.

Ribbon recommends that signalling ports inside the media port range reside within the high priority port range, if configured.

For the sigport feature, the high-priority media port range will have impact only the ISBC because the pool for udp port is common for media and signalling.

Fot the DSBC, this configuration should appear on MSBC.

If signaling port lies outside the media port range then no CONTROL-XRES will be allocated for the configured port.

Command Syntax



% set system media mediaPortRange baseUdpPort <base> maxUdpPort <max>
    highPriorityPortRangeLocation <top/bottom>
    highPriorityPortRangeSize <value (<25)> 


Command Parameters


Contiguous range of ports that can lie either at the top or at the bottom of the media port range.

top – highest port number for the range

bottom – lowest port number for the range

value (<25)N/AThe size of the high priority media port range; cannot exceed 25 percent of the overall configured media port range.


SBX-54420 Create Different Triggers Based on TLD (Top Level Domain)

The SBC now allows users to create multiple ENUM services for same service type (sipAor, CNAM, or LNP), and to create different triggers based on TLD (Top level Domain).

For example:

Service1 -> SIPAoR type -> Trigger1 as TG1 -> ENUM TLD

Service2 -> SIPAOR type -> Trigger2 as TG2 -> ENUM TLD

Command Syntax

Configuring ENUM services

The mandatory priority parameter must be assigned when creating Enum Service. A lower value represents a higher priority.

> set global servers enumService <EnumService Name> priority <value>


Showing configured ENUM services

To display configured ENUM servers:


% show global servers enumService <service name>


Configuring skipFurtherEnumServices

When enabled, the SBC skips all the next services and goes directly to routing.


set global servers enumService <EnumService Name> flags skipFurtherNumberTranslationServices  <disable/enable>


Command Parameters

priority0-255N/ASpecifies the priority (order) of ENUM service execution. M
skipFurtherNumberTranslationServices <disable | enable>N/A disable Skips all further services if enabled. O


SBX-57592 Trap to notify of a DB out of sync condition

An entity, dbSyncCheckProfile, is added. A parameter, syncCheckInterval is added to dbSyncCheckProfile to configure the time interval for verifying the database integrity. It will raise an existing TRAP "sonusDatabaseConfigPolicyDataOutOfSyncNotification" when a DB Out of Sync condition arises. 

Command Syntax

Execute the following command to show the dbSyncCheckProfile and syncCheckInterval parameter:


% show profiles dbSyncCheckProfile <DEFAULT>
syncCheckInterval 5;


Execute the following command to configure dbSyncCheckProfile:


% set profiles dbSyncCheckProfile <DEFAULT>
<unsignedInt, 0 | 5 .. 30>


Command Parameters

db Sync Check Profile Parameters

syncCheckInterval0 or 5-305

Timer interval, in minutes, at which the db integrity will be checked.

If the value is set to 0, it will check the integrity every 1 minute, but traps will not be generated. However, If there is a DB Out Of Sync Condition, it will write to the .SYS log file.


Command Syntax

To display the dbSyncCheckProfile entity details, a new show command has been added.


% show table profiles dbSyncCheckProfile


Command Parameters

Sync Check Interval Statistics Details


Timer interval, in minutes, at which the db integrity will be checked.

If the value is set to 0, it will check the integrity every 1 minute, but traps will not be generated. However, If there is a DB Out Of Sync Condition, it will write to the .SYS log file.



SBX-62287 EVS Pass-Through Support

The EVS codec and its options to the choice of codecs to configure in a codecEntry are added. EVS has also been added as a possible parameter value for toneCodecEntry and for codecRoutingPriority

Command Syntax

The following new set of options are available in codecEntry configuration to configure a codec entry utilizing the EVS codec. The new parameters added for EVS are maxBitRate and minBitRate. The rest of the parameters listed are existing parameters used to define other types of codecs and descriptions of the parameters are already documented in the context of coedEntry configuration. 

% set profiles media codecEntry <name> codec evs
        relay <relay_type>
        removeDigits <disable | enable>
    maxBitRate <5.9 | 7.2 | 8 | 9.6 | 13.2 | 16.4 | 24.4 | 32 | 48 | 64 | 96 | 128> 
    minBitRate <5.9 | 7.2 | 8 | 9.6 | 13.2 | 16.4 | 24.4 | 32 | 48 | 64 | 96 | 128>
    packetSize <20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100>
    preferredRtpPayloadType <0-127>


New Command Parameters

New command parameters

CLI Parameter
EMA Parameter

Specifies the maximum bit rate for the EVS codec. Default is 5.9 and the supported values are 5.9, 7.2, 8, 9.6, 13.2, 16.4, 24.4, 32, 48, 64, 96, or 128 Kbps. This value must be greater than or equal to minBitRate.

Max Bit Rate

Specifies the minimum bit rate for the EVS codec. Default is 5.9 and the supported values are 5.9, 7.2, 8, 9.6, 13.2, 16.4, 24.4, 32, 48, 64, 96, or 128 Kbps. This value must be less than or equal to maxBitRate.

Min Bit Rate

New Parameter Values

The EVS codec is added to the list of codecs that can be assigned as an Ingress or Egress Codec Group as part of configuring HD Codec Routing Priority (codecRoutingPriority), as follows:


 % set profiles media codecRoutingPriority <ingress codec group: AMRWB | EVS | G722 | G7221 | G7291 | MSRT | OPUS | SILK>
    entry <egress codec group: AMRWB | EVS | G722 | G7221 | G7291 | MSRT | OPUS | SILK> <priority number>


The EVS codec is added to the list of codecs that can be configured as part of a Tone Codec Entry (toneCodecEntry codec), as part of configuring Playing Tones as Announcements. Tone codec entries including the EVS codec do not require configuring the law or codingRate parameters. The following command parameters configure a tone codec entry for EVS specifically.


 % set profiles media toneCodecEntry <toneCodecEntry name>
    codec evs
       codingRate <EVS-0-7.2kbps | EVS-1-8.0kbps | EVS-2-9.6kbps | EVS-3-13.2kbps | EVS-4-13.2kbps | EVS-5-16.4kbps | EVS-6-24.4kbps | EVS-7-32kbps | EVS-8-48kbps |
EVS-9-64kbps | EVS-10-96kbps | EVS-11-128kbps>


SBX-62919 SILK Transcoding Support

The SBC currently provides pass-through support for the SILK codec in narrowband (NB), mediumband (MB), wideband (WB), and super-wideband (SWB) formats. It will now also support transcoding for the NB and WB SILK codec variants. SILK transcoding support applies to the SBC 5110, 5210, 5400 and 7000 platforms only.

Command Syntax

Two new parameters are added to codecEntry configuration when the codec type is one of the SILK variants: maxAverageBitRate and useSilkDTX. These are added to the existing syntax below:

% set profiles media codecEntry <name> codec <silk8|silk12|silk16|silk24>
        relay <relay_type>
        removeDigits <disable | enable>
        failureHandling <continue | disconnect>
        toneTreatment <treatment_type>
    maxAverageBitRate <silk8:6000-20000|silk12:7000-25000|silk16:8000-36000|silk24:12000-40000>  
        failureHandling <continue | disconnect>
        toneTreatment <treatment_type>
    packetSize <packetSize>
    preferredRtpPayloadType <0-128>
    silenceSuppression <disable | enable>
    useSilkDTX <0 | 1>


Command Parameters


CLI Parameter
EMA Parameter

Specifies the maximum bit rate for the codec entry, in bits per second. Allowed ranges and default values differ based on SILK codec band:

  • silk8 - 6000-20000 (default: 20000)

  • silk12 - 7000-25000 (default: 25000)

  • silk16 - 8000-36000 (default: 36000)

  • silk24 - 12000-40000 (default: 40000)

Max Average Bit Rate Silk<x>

 Specifies whether to enable discontinuous transmission (DTX). Options are:

  • 0 - disabled (default)
  • 1 - enabled
Use Silk DTX


New Parameter Value

The SILK codec is added to the values that can be assigned to the PSP parameter Codecs Allowed For Transcoding (codecsAllowedForTranscoding) under Packet To Packet Control, as follows:


% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <unique_profile_name>  packetToPacketControl
        otherLeg <amr | efr | evrc | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | silk | t38>
        thisLeg <amr | efr | evrc | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | silk | t38>


SBX-64225 SBC SWe - Count Out of Dialog Messages for Reporting and Billing

Networks with a Caller ID Name (CNAM) gateway use an out of dialog Subscribe/Notify and there aren't any "sessions" as part of the transaction. The SBC now reports peak transactions for all Out of Dialog (OOD) in order to facilitate reporting of OOD SIP transactions. 

A configurable is added to configure and modify the licensed OOD rate limit at a global level:

  • set global sipOod licensedMaxRateLimit

Two new statistics have been added to show table global command:

  • oodMessageCurrentStatistics
  • oodMessageIntervalStatistics

Command Syntax:

To configure licensed Out-Of-Dialog rate limit:


% set global sipOod licensedMaxRateLimit


Command Parameters





Use this object to configure the maximum OOD licensed rate limit value.


Command Syntax:

To display the Out-Of-Dialog Current Statistics:


 % show status global oodMessageCurrentStatistics


Command Parameters



Describes the current global OOD message statistics.


Command Syntax:

To display the Out-Of-Dialog Interval Statistics:


% show status global oodMessageIntervalStatistics


Command Parameters



Describes the global interval OOD message statistics.


SBX-65402 RTCP Relay Feature With RTCP Generation

The RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) in conjunction with RTP, provides the report of PDUs exchanged between the source and the destination. It provides feedback on the quality of the data distribution. The RTCP monitors the transmission statistics and Quality of Service (QoS) status of the media streams and aids synchronization of multiple streams.

When the SBC generates an RTCP packet toward the outgoing direction, it relays the received RTCP packets from one leg to another leg. The SBC supports  RTCP monitoring and generates RTCP for pass through calls regardless of the leg where the RTCP is received. The SBC generates RTCP on one leg, even if other leg sends RTCP, without any dependency on the RTCP-related configuration on the other leg.


Command Syntax

 % set profiles media packetServiceProfile <unique_profile_name>
    rtcpOptions <disable | enable>

Command Parameters




Use this object to specify Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) options for the call. RTCP is used to report network traffic congestion data. Various actions (for example call disconnect) may be taken when congestion threshold settings are exceeded. See RTCP Options Parameters table below for details.



SBX-65508 Domain-based Licensing on SBC SWe Cloud

SBC SWe cloud deployments support a domain-based licensing model referred to as network-wide domain licensing (NWDL). In contrast to node-locked licensing, a domain license is tied to an administrative domain rather than the hardware ID for a specific host server or the UUID for a specific node instance. A domain license is bound to the domain through public/private key-pairing and it defines the features and capacity allowed for all nodes within the domain. NWDL provides flexibility in cloud environments where the number and placement of nodes sometimes varies.


Command Syntax

To set license mode.

% set system licenseMode mode <domain | legacy | network>


To set license restrictions while in domain license mode. 

% set system licenseRequired <licensed feature key> maxCount <2-1000000, or "unlimited">


To display information about the domain license bundles loaded into the system.

> show status system licenseDomainBundleInfo  or
> show table system licenseDomainBundleInfo 


Command Parameters


licenseMode modelegacy

Use this parameter to specify the licensing mode for the node:

  • domain - available in some SBC SWe cloud deployments. The license is tied to an administrative domain and shared by clusters within that domain. Contact your Ribbon representative for more information on licensing options that are available in your environment.
  • legacy (default) - applies to deployments using a node-locked license tied to a specific hardware identifier or node UUID.
  • network - (obsolete) applies only to existing SBC SWe cloud deployments that continue to use network licensing from a prior release. New implementations of network licensing are not supported.
licenseRequired<feature key>


<feature key> Is the license key for a license feature that you want to enable for the specific node.

 maxCount2–1000000, or "unlimited" The maximum number of uses of the licensed feature allowed for the specified node within what is allowed for the domain. The default is unlimited. For license keys that are not counted (on/off), or for counted features you do not want to limit, it is not necessary to enter a maxCount value.


License details for the domain licenses available on the SBC.

  • activeLicenseMode – The licensing mode currently in use by the SBC
  • bundleName – License bundle name
  • expirationDate – License expiration date
  • featureName – license keys for each licensed feature
  • generationDate – The date the license was generated
  • installDate – The date the license was installed
  • licenseId – License ID
  • lineId – The line ID for the license feature entry
  • purchaseOrderId – The purchase order ID specified when the license was generated
  • usageLimit – Usage limit for the licensed feature

SBX-67789 Disable/OOS per Peer with DNS query

The SBC is enhanced to disable/set Out of Service the server at the IP peer level. In order to do so, your network must know the server IP address of the peer.

The SBC uses a Domain Name Server (DNS) server to resolve the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), and obtains multiple IP peer addresses. After a carrier notifies your network that a particular server has an issue and is out of service, your network server's peer mode is set to Out Of Service

This feature provides the flexibility to block peers individually within a trunk group. The can be set to out of service, rejecting both incoming and outgoing calls.


Command Syntax

This command controls the feature flag. When enabled, then only other commands are visible.

% set addressContext <adddress context name> zone <zone name> advancePeerControl <disabled | enabled>


Command Syntax

This commands allows the user to accept or reject call through that IP peer.

% set addressContext <adddress context name> zone <zone name> ipPeer <ip peer name> mode <inService | outOfService>


Command Syntax

This command allows the user to terminate calls immediately or after some specified time.

% set addressContext <adddress context name> zone <zone name> ipPeer <ip peer name> action <dryUp | force>


Command Syntax

This command allows the user to select range timeout values to terminate the call.

%  set addressContext <adddress context name> zone <zone name> ipPeer <ip peer name> dryUpTimeout <1-1440 mins>


Command Syntax

This command allows user to block incoming /outgoing calls based on the selected direction.

% set addressContext <adddress context name> zone <zone name> ipPeer <ippeer name> blockDirection <bothways | incoming | none | outgoing>


Command Parameters




 dryUpThe action when putting this IP peer outOfService.M


N/AdisabledControls the mode, action and Block Direction features, this should enabled at Zone level.M


N/AnoneThe block direction for this IP Peer. Options include:
  • bothways – The peer blocks calls in both directions.
  • incoming – Calls inbound to this peer are blocked.
  • none (default) – No calls are blocked by this peer.
  • outgoing – Calls outbound from this peer are blocked.


1-1,444 minutes5

Specifies the time in minutes for calls and registrations to dryUp before terminating them.



 inServiceThe operational mode for this SIP ipPeer.M

SBX-67797 Multiple Bindings per SIP line (several phones share same number)

When a subscriber registers from multiple devices with the same username, there is an inherent issue on the private side of the SBC. In Access mode, the SBC traditionally does not manipulate the username for the AOR, but does manipulate the host portion. The host portion is changed to the private side IP of the SBC when sending to the Registrar. If a subscriber registers from multiple devices it causes the same AOR to be created from the SBC to the registrar.

To make this unique, the SBC inserts a parameter called reg-info and inserts a unique value in this parameter. Some registrars do not cache the parameters inserted by the SBC which causes this use case to fail.

To remediate this type of failure, the SBC privately assigns a unique new value to the username. The SBC maintains a mapping from this unique username value on the private side, and the original username on the public side.


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling embeddedRegInfoinUserPart <disabled | enabled>


Command Parameters





If enabled, reg-info value will be appended to UserInfo of contact header in REGISTER method.



SBX-67830 Remove enumdi Parameter Inserted in Egress R-URI after ENUM Query from PSX

In its default behavior, the SBC adds an enumdi (ENUM dip indicator) parameter to the outgoing Request URI when the PSX performs an ENUM query. Some peering carriers do not support this parameter and want the option to not have the SBC insert the parameter the egress Request URI.  A global flag, egressRemoveEnudmi, controls whether the parameter is present. By default the flag is disabled to maintain the SBC default behavior. When the egressRemoveEnudmi flag is enabled the SBC does not add an enumdi parameter even if the PSX performs an ENUM query.


The CLI change consists of adding a new option within the existing, global sipSigControls options.

Command Syntax

% set global signaling sipSigControls egressRemoveEnudmi <disabled | enabled>



Command Parameters


ParameterLengthDefaultDescriptionMandatory/ Optional



This flag controls whether the SBC removes the enumdi (ENUM dip indicator) parameter from the egress Request-URI that the SBC inserts when the PSX does an ENUM query. The options are:

disabled (default) - The SBC includes the enumdi parameter in the egress Request-URI when the PSX does an ENUM query.

enabled - The SBC does not include the enumdi parameter in the egress Request-URI even if the PSX does an ENUM query.


SBX-69821 Update MetaVariables Table to Add New SIP Signaling Port

The system metaVariableDynamic table is added to allow adding the meta variable information on an already instantiated SBC instance with the following parameters:

  • ceName
  • name
  • value 


Command Syntax

set system metaVariableDynamic ceName < name of the SBC instance> name <name of the metavariable> value <metavariable>


Command Parameters


ceName1 - 255 charnoneThe name of the instance along with HA IP address.M
name1 - 255 charnoneThe name of the interface definition parameters.M
value 0 - 255 charnoneThe value associated with the IDP.M

Deprecated CLI

Deprecated CLI

Command / CLI Object ImpactedDeprecated CLIEffective Release
show table systemCongestionStatussystemCongestionMemLevel4.2.6R0
set system congestion"static" option4.2.6R0
set system congestion adaptive MCLevel"mc0" level4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfilestaticMode parameter4.2.6R0
set profiles system overloadProfile "memory" option for setDuration, clearDuration, setThreshold, clearThreshold configurations4.2.6R0
set system adminmanagementIpVersion5.0.0R0
request system admin commandcommitSoftwareUpgrade5.0.0R0
show status system serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus
"committed" option5.0.0R0
show status addressContext <addressContext name> sipSubCountStatistics sipSubCountTotal5.0.5R0
request system admin <system Name> revertSoftwareUpgrade
request system admin <system Name> commitSoftwareUpgrade
H.323 IP Signaling Profile commonIpAttributes flags
  • addPChargingFuncAddr
  • disableMediaLockDown
  • fromHeaderAnonymisation
  • sendRTCPBandwidthInfo
  • sendRtcpPortInSdp
  • terminalPortabilityInterworking
  • usePsxRouteforRegisteredInvite
Packet Service ProfilemediaLockDownForPassThrough5.1.0R0
  • primaryTcpChannelStatus.
  • secondaryTcpChannnelStatus.
  • DSRSuccess
  • DSRFailures
show table global siprecStatussiprecStatus6.2.0R0
show status system
  • licenseLocalBundleInfo
  • licenseMode
show table system
  • licenseLocalBundleInfo
  • licenseMode
set system
  • licenseMode
eventLog typeAdmin
  • syslogRemoteHost
  • syslogRemoteProtocol
  • syslogRemotePort



  • No labels