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New CLI Commands in This Release

Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

SBX-49: ICS, Service Continuity, and Miscellaneous Enhancements


The flag contactTransparencyForIsFocusMediaTag is added under commonIpAttributes.

ipSignalingProfile commonIpAttributes flags contactTransparencyForIsFocusMediaTag
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipSignalingProfile name> commonIpAttributes flags contactTransparencyForIsFocusMediaTag <enable | disable> 



The flag dialogTransparency is added to zone object.

zone dialogTransparency
% set addressContext <addressContext Name> zone <zone Name> dialogTransparency <enabled | disabled>   



The flag supportSCSCFRestorationProcedures is added to IP Signaling Profile's commonIpAttributes object.

ipSignalingProfile commonIpAttributes flags supportSCSCFRestorationProcedures
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ipSignalingProfile_name commonIpAttributes flags supportSCSCFRestorationProcedures <enable | disable> 



The following parameters are added to sipSigPort object:

  • action
  • dryUpTimeout
zone sipSigPort action / dryupTimeout
% set addressContext <adddressContext name> zone <zone name> sipSigPort <sipSigPort index> action <dryup | force>

% set addressContext <adddressContext name> zone <zone name> sipSigPort <sipSigPort index> dryUpTimeout <1...1440> 



The parameter transitIOI is added to SIP Trunk Group signaling object.

sipTrunkGroup signaling transitIOI
% set addressContext <addressContext Name> zone <zone Name> sipTrunkGroup <Sip Trunk Group Name> signaling transitIOI <string> 

SBX-153: Ability to Define Independent Media Port Range

The parameters mediaPortRange and tcpPortRange are added to both System and SIP Trunk Group Media objects:


sipTrunkGroup media mediaPortRange
% set addressContext <addressContext_Name> zone <zone_Name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_Name> media mediaPortRange
Possible completions:
  baseUdpPort - Base UDP port number for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive).
  maxUdpPort  - Maximum UDP port number for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive). 
system media mediaPortRange
% set system media mediaPortRange
Possible completions:
  baseUdpPort - Base UDP port number for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive).
  maxUdpPort  - Maximum UDP port number for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive). 


sipTrunkGroup media tcpPortRange
% set addressContext <addressContext_Name> zone <zone_Name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup_Name> media tcpPortRange
Possible completions:
  baseServerPort - Base TCP port number for MSRP media (inclusive)
  maxServerPort  - Maximum TCP port number for MSRP media (inclusive) 
system media tcpPortRange
% set system media tcpPortRange
Possible completions:
  baseServerPort - Base port number for TCP media Server (inclusive).
  maxServerPort  - Max port number for TCP media Server (inclusive).  

SBX-296: Support for SIP Digest with TLS

The tls option is added to sipSecurityMechanism parameter.

% set profiles services sipSecurityProfile <sipSecurityProfile name> sipSecurityMechanism <ipsec-3gpp | tls> precedence <1-65535>

SBX-430: Call Trace Option Enhancements For SBC

A new option, level4, is added to the callFilter to trace calls for SIP PDUs only.

% set global callTrace callFilter < callFilter_name> level <level1 | level2 | level3 | level4> 

SBX-438: Enhanced SIP URI Transparency Capabilities

The parameter rewriteIdentities is added to the SIP Trunk Group Signaling object to support SIP URI transparency for SIP-URIs present in outbound SIP message.

% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <STG1> signaling rewriteIdentities <enabled | [disabled]> 

SBX-570: Generating CDRs for SIP Registrations

The following flags and parameter are added in support of logging event records for MESSAGE, OPTIONS and PUBLISH SIP methods:

  • eventAcctState
  • eventAcctPsxInfoState
  • eventAcctMethods (eventMessage, eventOptions, eventPublish)
eventAcct flags/parmaeter
% set oam accounting admin eventAcctState <disable | enable>
% set oam accounting admin eventAcctPsxInfoState <disable | enable>
% set oam accounting admin eventAcctMethods <eventMessage | eventOptions | eventPublish>

SBX-686: SBC Fallback to G.711 When Detecting a FAX CED tone

The option fallbackToG711AllowPeerToNegotiateFaxRelay is added to the parameter fax toneTreatment.

% set profiles media codecEntry <codecentry_name> fax toneTreatment <disconnect | fallbackToG711 | fallbackToG711AllowPeerToNegotiateFaxRelay | faxRelay | faxRelayOrFallbackToG711 | ignoreDetectionAllowPeerToNegotiateFaxRelay | [none]> 

SBX-1256: Remove Max Simultaneous SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY Soft Limit

The parameter initialSipSubscribe is added to system congestion policer preferences configuration to define the preference of the initial Subscribe requests during policing. Default value is "2".

Internal cause code congestionPolicing is added to internalSipCauseMapProfile object.

The following counters are added to systemCongestionCurrentStatistics table:

  • avgSubsRate – The average Subscribe rate since the current interval started
  • peakSubsRate – The peak Subscribe arrival rate during the collection interval
  • sipsSubsArrivals – The number of SIP Subscribe arrivals since the current interval started
  • sipsSubsRejects – The number of SIP Subscribe rejects since the current interval started

The following counters are added to systemCongestionIntervalStatistics table:

  • avgSubsRate – The average Subscribe rate during the specified interval
  • peakSubsRate – The peak Subscribe arrival rate during the specified interval
  • sipsSubsArrivals – The number of SIP Subscribe arrivals during the specified interval
  • sipsSubsRejects – The number of SIP Subscribe rejects during the specified interval

The systemCongestionSubsArrivalRate counter is added to systemCongestionStatus table to provide a snapshot of the number of Subscribe arrivals in the last second.


% set system congestion policer preference initialSipSubscribe <0-3> 
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> causeMap congestionPolicing <SIP cause value> 
> show status system systemCongestionStatus
systemCongestionStatus entry {
    systemCongestionMCLevel           0;
    systemCongestionCPULevel          0;
    systemCongestionMemLevel          0;
    systemCongestionCallRateLevel     0;
    systemCongestionIRTTLevel         0;
    systemCongestionMCDuration        217339;
    systemCongestionCallArrivalRate   0;
    systemCongestionCallAcceptRate    100;
    systemCongestionCallAcceptCount   65535;
    systemCongestionCallEqArrivalRate 198;
    systemCongestionRegArrivalRate    0;
    systemCongestionSubsArrivalRate   792;
> show status system systemCongestionCurrentStatistics
systemCongestionCurrentStatistics entry {
    levelMC1Count         0;
    levelMC1TotalTime     0;
    levelMC2Count         0;
    levelMC2TotalTime     0;
    levelMC3Count         0;
    levelMC3TotalTime     0;
    overloadRejects       0;
    avgCallRate           0;
    peakCallRate          0;
    callArrivals          0;
    emergencyCallArrivals 0;
    emergencyCallRejects  0;
    sipRegArrivals        0;
    sipRegRejects         0;
    avgRegRate            0;
    peakRegRate           0;
    maxActiveCalls        0;
    sipSubsArrivals       144509;
    sipSubsRejects        0;
    avgSubsRate           305;
    peakSubsRate          803;
> show status system systemCongestionIntervalStatistics
systemCongestionIntervalStatistics 336 entry {
    intervalValid         true;
    time                  302394;
    levelMC1Count         0;
    levelMC1TotalTime     0;
    levelMC2Count         0;
    levelMC2TotalTime     0;
    levelMC3Count         0;
    levelMC3TotalTime     0;
    overloadRejects       0;
    avgCallRate           0;
    peakCallRate          0;
    callArrivals          0;
    emergencyCallArrivals 0;
    emergencyCallRejects  0;
    sipRegArrivals        0;
    sipRegRejects         0;
    avgRegRate            0;
    peakRegRate           0;
    maxActiveCalls        0;
    sipSubsArrivals       483888;
    sipSubsRejects        0;
    avgSubsRate           537;
    peakSubsRate          817;

SBX-2286: Signaling Port Range Support for Interworking with CUCM

The flag, usePortRangeFlag, is introduced under Signaling of Sip Trunk Group object to allow SBC to use a different IP-Port as a contact for each active registration.

% set addressContext <address context name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> signaling usePortRangeFlag <enabled | [disabled]> 

The sipTrunkgroupPortRangeStatistics  command is added to display portRangeActivePorts and portRangeRegistrationFailures for the specified SIP trunk group.


> show table addressContext ac1 zone ZONE_AS sipTrunkgroupPortRangeStatistics
             RANGE   PORT RANGE
ASX_LABSIP3  0       0

SBX-2308: ICE-Lite Support

The following parameters are added to sipTrunkGroup services natTraversal object:

  • iceSupport
  • iceSourceAddressFilterPriority

The ice parameter is added to sipTrunkGroup media object with following options:

  • offerPreference
  • answerPreference


% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> services natTraversal iceSupport <[none] | iceWebrtc | iceLync | iceFull> 
% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> services natTraversal iceSourceAddressFilterPriority
	serverReflexivePrefixLength <unsignedInt | 0..32, default=16>
	state <disabled | [enabled]>
% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> media ice
	answerPreference <honorRecvPrec | ipv4 | ipv6 | [matchSigAddrType]>
	offerPreference <ipv4 | ipv6 | [matchSigAddrType]>

SBX-2309: DTLS-SRTP Support

The dtlsProfile object is added to Security profiles. The following parameters are added to dtlsProfile. The SBC automatically generates a default DTLS profile once the system is up and running.

The following parameters are added to enable DTLS-SRTP handshake in the Packet Service Profile. 

  • dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile
  • enableDtlsSrtp
  • allowDtlsFallback

Two fields per media stream are added to the global callDetailStatus command (SBC supports six media streams).

  • ingressDtlsSrtpStream
  • egressDtlsSrtpStream

The dtlsSrtpStatistics table is added to the global profile.


% set profiles security dtlsProfile <profile name> 
	cipherSuite1 (default = rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha)
	cipherSuite2 (default = nosuite)
	cipherSuite3 (default = nosuite)
	cookieExchange <disabled | [enabled]>
	dtlsRole <client | [server]>
    handshakeTimer <1-60 seconds, default = 5> 
    hashType <md2 | md5 | [sha1] | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512>
    sessionResumpTimer <0-86400, default = 300>
    v1_0 <disabled | [enabled]>
    v1_1 <[disabled] | enabled>
    v1_2 <[disabled] | enabled>
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <PSP Name> dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile <Crypto Profile Name>
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <PSP Name> dtls dtlsFlags 
	enableDtlsSrtp <enable | [disable]>
	allowDtlsFallback <enable | [disable]>

SBX-2311/2312: Interworking RBWF, SIP-I and ASX Subscribers/RBWF for UK-ISUP To BT-IUP

The following parameters are added to the isupSignalingProfile

  • sendPRIonRELforCBWF
  • sendAPPinAPMforCBWF
% set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile_name> sendPRIonRELforCBWF < supported | [unSupported] > 
% set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile name> sendAPPinAPMforCBWF < supported | [unSupported] > 

SBX-3087: Need A Command To Dump TLS Certificate Content

The retrieveCertContent parameter is added to request system security command to retrieve content of an existing PKI certificate (local, local-internal and remote).

> request system security pki certificate <certName> retrieveCertContent 

SBX-3503: Granular Control of HD Codec Offer or Answer and Transcoding Behavior

The following flags are added to Packet Service Profile configuration to support granular control of HD codec prioritization using Packet Service Profile:

  • HDCodec Preferred
  • Prefer NBPassthru Over HDTranscode
  • Match Offered Codec Group If Nb Only
  • Force Route PSPOrder
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <name> flags HDCodecPreferred <[disable] | enable>
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <name> flags HDCodecPreferred enable preferNBPassthruOverHDTranscode <[disable]| enable>  
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <name> flags MatchOfferedCodecGroupIfNbOnly <[disable] | enable>  
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <name> flags forceRoutePSPOrder <[disable] | enable>   

SBX-3889: Embedded Headers Support in 3xx Contact Headers

The flag honorEmbeddedHeadersin3xx is added to IP Signaling Profile's egressIpAttributes redirect flags command to allow SBC to handle embedded headers in 3xx Contact headers.

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile name> egressIpAttributes redirect flags honorEmbeddedHeadersin3xx <[disable] | enable> 

SBX-3949: IMS Media Security Protocol Negotiation

The e2aeMediaSecurity statistic is added to the sipActiveRegisterNameStatus command to display status of the media-security setting by the UE in the registration record. The  possible values are sdes-srtp or none.

show status addressContext ADDR_CONTEXT_1 sipActiveRegisterNameStatus 
sipActiveRegisterNameStatus 3000@ 256 {
state terminated;
contactURI "";
nextHopPortNum 5060; 
registrarPortNum 6092;
externalExpirationTime 3600;
internalExpirationTime 0;
creationTime 2014-08-05T10:13:29+00:00;
registrarDomainName "";
endPointBehindNapt 0;
natPinholeLearningStatus none;
securityMechanismType none; 
e2aeMediaSecurity sdes-srtp; 

SBX-4204: IPSec or IMS Authentication and Key Agreement for TCP

The parameter sbxSecMode is added to SIP Security Profile object to specify which mode the SBC will operate under for IMS access security deployments.

set profiles services sipSecurityProfile <Security_Profile_Name> sbxSecMode <[sbc-pcsf] | sbc-only>

SBX-4418: MSRP DSCP Marking Configurable

The qosValues parameter msrpDscp is added to Packet Service Profile object to provide the capability to configure a MSRP DSCP value.

% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <Profile_Name> qosValues msrpDscp <[0]-255> 

SBX-4858: Enabling 60 ms Packet Size for G711 and G729 Codecs

SBC is enhanced to configure a packet size of 60 ms for G.711, G.711ss, G.729a and G.729ab codecs.

g711 / g711ss packetSize
% set profiles media codecEntry <Codec Entry Name> codec g711 packetSize <[10] | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 |>

% set profiles media codecEntry <Codec Entry Name> codec g711ss packetSize <[10] | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 |>
g729a / g729ab packetSize
% set profiles media codecEntry <Codec Entry Name> codec g729a packetSize <[10] | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60>

% set profiles media codecEntry <Codec Entry Name> codec g729ab packetSize <[10] | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60>

SBX-4903 MS Lync Video Relay

The iceLync enumerator is added to iceSupport parameter as a choice when configuring SBC to interwork with a Microsoft Lync 2010 or 2013 client.

% set addressContext <AC name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> services natTraversal iceSupport <none | iceWebrtc | iceLync | iceFull> 

SBX-23665: SBC MUST Preserve Req-URI Received

SBC is enhanced to transparently send custom and standard userinfo parameters, such as tgrp, trunk-context, cic, rn, received in ENUM response using the IP Signaling Profile includeEnumParameters flag.

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <ipsignalingprofile> egressIpAttributes flags includeEnumParameters < enable | [disable] > 

SBX-29604: Move XRM Debug Show Commands to Operational Data

New ipPolicing Statistic

The uFlowStats statistic is added to the command "show system ipPolicing" to provide microflow statistics.

> show status system ipPolicing uFlowStats
uFlowStats 1 {
    sourceIpPort         45506;
    ipProtocol           udp;
    lifGrpId             2;
    policerMode          PktRate;
    policerBucketSize    50;
    policerCreditRate    1023;
    aggPolicer           "ZONE AGG";
    aggPolicerPriority   1;
    packetAccept         1;
    packetDiscard        0;
    byteAccept           527;

Enhancements to Existing CLI Show Commands

The CLI command  "show status/table global callMediaStatus" is enhanced to include the following statistics:

sRTP/sRTPC statistics

  • ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure – The number of RTP authentication failures on ingress leg
  • ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure – The number of RTP anti-replay failures on ingress leg
  • egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure – The number of RTP authentication failures on egress leg
  • egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure – The number of RTP anti-replay failures on egress leg

RTCP Statistics

  • ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived – The number of RTCP packets received on ingress leg
  • ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent – The number of RTCP packets transmitted on ingress leg
  • egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived – The number of RTCP packets received on egress leg
  • egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent – The number of RTCP packets transmitted on egress leg

ICE Statistics

  • ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived – The number of STUN/DTLS packets received on ingress leg
  • ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded – The number of STUN/DTLS packets discarded on ingress leg
  • egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived – The number of STUN/DTLS packets received on egress leg
  • egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded – The number of STUN/DTLS packets discarded on egress leg
> show status global callMediaStatus
callMediaStatus 786432 {
    mediaStreamsInCall                          audio;
    ingressMacHeader                            0-1B-21-AF-EA-CB;
    egressMacHeader                             0-1B-21-AF-EA-CB;
    ingressBearerType                           voice;
    egressBearerType                            voice;
    ingressCfgAudioType                         G711;
    egressCfgAudioType                          G729AB;
    ingressActAudioType                         g711ulaw;
    egressActAudioType                          g729ab;
    ingressRemPacketsLost                       0;
    ingressRFactorInbound                       93;
    ingressRFactorOutbound                      93;
    egressRemPacketsLost                        0;
    egressRFactorInbound                        82;
    egressRFactorOutbound                       82;
    mediaStream1Label                           audio;
    mediaStream1Codec                           G711;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsSent              4656;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsReceived          4651;
    ingressMediaStream1OctetsSent               744960;
    ingressMediaStream1OctetsReceived           799972;
    ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent          0;
    ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived      0;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsLost              0;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded         0;
    ingressMediaStream1PacketLatency            0;
    ingressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter       0;
    ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived  0;
    ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded 0;
    ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure          0;
    ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure        0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsSent               2373;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsReceived           4642;
    egressMediaStream1OctetsSent                17158;
    egressMediaStream1OctetsReceived            148544;
    egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent           0;
    egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived       0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsLost               0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded          0;
    egressMediaStream1PacketLatency             0;
    egressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter        0;
    egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived   0;
    egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded  0;
    egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure           0;
    egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure         0;

The CLI command "show status addressContext ipAccessControlList defaultAclStatistics" is enhanced to include configuration and statistics data for all VM guest-based default ACL rules.

The existing ACL statistics table is expanded to include the following:

  • "Owner" of each ACL entry (SBC, ePSX, VM, etc.).
  • <Guest Id> of each ACL entry (host, VM1, VM2, etc.)
> show status addressContext default ipAccessControlList defaultAclStatistics
defaultAclStatistics 9 {
    protocol             UDP;
    application          dns_udp_guest;
    addressContextId     *;
    lifGrpId             *;
    sourceIpAddress      "* (53)";
    destinationIpAddress "* (0)";
    policingMode         PktRate;
    bucketSize           "50 pkt";
    creditRate           "1000 pkt/s";
    polId                0;
    polPriority          0;
    packetAccept         0;
    packetDiscard        0;
    aggPol               none;
    owner                vm;
    vmGuestId            Vm1;

Deprecated Commands in This Release

The following CLI commands and statistics are deprecated in this release.

  1. Removed "commitSoftwareUpgrade" attribute from "request system admin" command.

  2. Removed "acceptPercentage" parameter from Overload Profile staticMode object.
  3. Removed “committed” status from “show table system serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus”  command.
  4. Removed 'systemCongestionMemLevel' statistic from systemCongestionStatus command.
  5. Removed "managementIpVersion" parameter from System Admin command.

  • No labels