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In this section:

This section lists CLI commands to configure common IP attributes for communicating with the peer regardless of call direction.

Command Syntax

commonIpAttributes High Level Syntax
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP commonIpAttributes
commonIpAttributes Detailed Syntax
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> commonIpAttributes 
		forceReRouteViaPsxQuery <disable | enable> 
			<rejectCall | routeViaDefaultZoneIptg | routeViaDefaultiptg | routeViaTransferringIptg> 
		addPChargingFuncAddr <disable | enable> 
		addPathServiceRoute <disable | enable> 
		callHoldInterworking <disable | enable> 
		clearmodeForDataCalls <disable | enable>
		contactTransparencyForIsFocusMediaTag <disable | enable>
		createPChargingVector <disable | enable>
		createPVisitedNetworkId <disable | enable> 
		createPathHeader <disable | enable> 
		createServiceRouteHeader <disable | enable> 
		customizedSessionTimerBehavior <disable | enable> 
		disableAlsoHeader <disable | enable> 
		disableHostTranslation <disable | enable> 
		disableMediaLockDown <disable | enable> 
		disableReferToUriParameters <disable | enable> 
		discardReceivedReasonHeader <disable | enable> 
		doNotIncludeSsAttributeInReInvite <disable | enable> 
		enableDefaultPUIProcedures <disable | enable> 
		enableDialStringHandling <disable | enable> 
		endToEndBye <disable | enable>
		fromHeaderAnonymisation <disable | enable>
		includeIpPortsInFromAndToHeaders <disable | enable> 
		includeReasonHeader <disable | enable> 
		includeSsAttributeInInitialInvite <disable | enable> 
		includeTransportTypeInContactHeader <disable | enable> 
		insertPeerAddressAsTopRouteHeader <disable | enable>
		lockDownPreferredCodec <disable | enable>
		mapCauseLocation <disable | enable> 
		mapSuspendResumeEventInPSvcInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		mapUuiInPSigInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		mimeCausePrecedeReasonHeaderCause <disable | enable> 
		minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll <disable | enable> 
		noContentDisposition <disable | enable> 
		noPortNumber5060 <disable | enable> 
		noUserinfoInContactHeader <disable | enable> 
		onlySelectedCodecInSessionRefresh <disable | enable> 
		pCalledPartyIDSupport <disable | enable> 
		pChgMsgInfo <disable | enable> 
		publishIPInHoldSDP <disable | enable> 
		reQueryPsxOnRegisterRefresh <disable | enable> 
		rejectRefer <disable | enable>
		relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg <disable | enable>
		replaceHostOnViaHeader <disable | enable> 
		restrictHistoryInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		routeUsingRecvdFqdn <disable | enable>
		sdpOlineOnlyCompares <disable | enable> 
		sendAllAllowedCodecsForLateMediaInviteOrReInvite <disable | enable> 
		sendDirectMediaInfoInSdpAttribute <disable | enable> 
		sendOnlyPreferredCodec <disable | enable>
		sendPtimeInSdp <disable | enable> 
		sendRtcpPortInSdp <disable | enable> 
		sessionTimerRefreshUpdate <disable | enable> 
		setAcceptHeaderToApplicationSdpOnly <disable | enable> 
		setOlineDash <disable | enable> 
		setSessionVersionZero <disable | enable> 
		setSlineDash <disable | enable> 
		skipPsxQueryForRefer <disable | enable> 
		storePChargingFuncAddr <disable | enable> 
		storePChargingVector <disable | enable> 
		storePathHeader <disable | enable> 
		storeServiceRouteHeader <disable | enable>
		supportSCSCFRestorationProcedures <disable | enable>
		suppressMinSeIfNotReceived <disable | enable>
		terminalPortabilityInterworking <disable | enable>
		usePsxRouteforRegisteredInvite <disable | enable>
		validateAccessNwInfoHeader <disable | enable>
	headerEncryptionFlags <TBD>
		suppressReplaceTag <disable | enable> 
	optionTagInSupportedHeader <optionTagInSupportedHeader> 
		suppressReplaceTag <disable | enable> 
		conferenceEventPackage <disable | enable>
		dialogEventPackage <disable | enable> 
		dtmfBody <disable | enable> 
		force503to500Relay <disable | enable> 
		info <disable | enable> message <disable | enable>
		messasge <disable | enable>
		notify <disable | enable> options <disable | enable> 
		options <disable | enable>
		publish <disable | enable> refer <disable | enable> 
		refer <disable | enable>
		referToHeaderRelay <disable | enable>
		regEventPackage <disable | enable> 
		sonusMediaBody <disable | enable> 
		statusCode3xx <disable | enable> 
		statusCode4xx6xx <disable | enable> 
		thirdPartyBodies <disable | enable>
		updateWithoutSdp <disable | enable>
		supportRegEvent <disable | enable>
  		usePSXRouteForSBCInitiatedSubscribe (NOT SUPPORTED)
		acceptContactHeader <disable | enable> 
		acceptHeader <disable | enable> 
		acceptLanguageHeader <disable | enable>
		alertInformationHeader <disable | enable> 
		authcodeHeaders <disable | enable> 
		callInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		contactHeader <disable | enable> 
		errorInfo <disable | enable> 
		externalBody <disable | enable>
		fromHeader <disable | enable> 
		geolocation <disable | enable> 
		geolocationError <disable | enable> 
		geolocationRouting <disable | enable> 
		historyInfo <disable | enable> 
		maxForwardsHeader <disable | enable> 
		messageExternalBody <disable | enable>
		mwiBody <disable | enable> 
		pAccessNetworkInfoHeader <disable | enable> 
		pCalledPartyID <disable | enable> 
		pChargingVectorHeader <disable | enable> 
		pEarlyMedia <disable | enable> 
		pVisitedNetworkIDHeader <disable | enable> 
		passCompleteContactHeader <disable | enable> 
		pathHeader <disable | enable> 
		pidfBody <disable | enable>
		pidfDiffBody <disable | enable>
		qsigBody <disable | enable> 
		reasonHeader <disable | enable> 
		referredByHeader <disable | enable> 
		requestURI <disable | enable> 
		resourceListBody <disable | enable>
		resourcePriorityOptionTag <disable | enable>
		rlmiBody <disable | enable>
		routeHeader <disable | enable> 
		serverHeader <disable | enable>
		serviceRouteHeader <disable | enable> 
		simpleFilterBody <disable | enable>
		sipBody <disable | enable> 
		sipfragBody <disable | enable> 
		toHeader <disable | enable> 
		toneBody <disable | enable> 
		unknownBody <disable | enable> 
		unknownHeader <disable | enable> 
		userAgentHeader <disable | enable>
		userToUserHeader <disable | enable> 
		viaHeader <disable | enable>
		warningHeader <disable | enable>
		watcherInfoBody <disable | enable>

Command Parameters

The IP Signaling Profile SIP Common IP Attributes are listed in the tables below.

Call Transfer Flags

Call Transfer Flags




forceReRouteViaPsxQuery N/A

Enable this flag to allow 

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to perform a PSX query for new routes instead of using the IP address received in the Refer-To header.

  • disabled (default) – When this flag is disabled, the 

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    does one of following:

    • If the IP address in the Refer-To header is zero or matches the 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      signaling IP address, the 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      performs a PSX query for new routes.
    • If IP address in Refer-To header does not match 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      signaling IP address and it is present in 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      Network Selector table, the 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      sends an INVITE message to the IPTG selected from the Network Selector table.
    • If IP address in the Refer-To header does not match 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      signaling IP address and is not present in the 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      Network Selector table, 
      Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
      handles the transfer via the Handle IP Addresses Not Present In Network Selector Table NST field (see below).
  • enabled – Enable flag to cause 

    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    to always perform a PSX query for new routes, regardless of the IP address received in the Refer-To header.




Use this parameter to define how to handle a transferred call when the 
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does not perform a PSX query for new routes and the IP address from the Refer-To header is not present in the Network Selector table. Options are:
  • rejectCall – The 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    always rejects the call transfer.
  • routeViaDefaultZoneIptg – The 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    sends the call transfer INVITE out from the Default Zone's IPTG.
  • routeViaDefaultiptg – This option is not applicable at this time.
  • routeViaTransferringIptg (default) – The 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    sends the call transfer INVITE back out the transferring IPTG (i.e. the IPTG on which the REFER request arrived).






Enable flag for SBC to process the URI specified in the Alert-info header received in the 180 ringing message and use the tone specified in the Alert-Info header as the Local Ring Back Tone to play.

When this flag is enabled, the tones processed override any incoming tones in the media stream. For example, when Accept Alert-Info is enabled, the SBC plays the tone specified in the Alert-info header of 180 ringing message overriding the inband tones included in the 180 ringing message.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

 When using PSX in your network, enable the acceptAlertInfo flag from PSX's IP Signaling Profile.


Set (enable) this flag to add the stored value of the PCFA header to a request or response.The PCFA header value is stored based on the flag.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
addPathServiceRouteEnable this flag to allow 
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acting as P-CSCF or IBCF to add two Path headers in REGISTER request towards the Core (createPathHeader must be enabled) OR allow 
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acting as IBCF to add two Service-Route headers in 200 OK response for REGISTER towards the P-CSCF (createServiceRouteHeader must be enabled).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
callHoldInterworkingSet flag to enable Call Hold Interworking service between ISUP and SIP. The service converts an ISUP call hold to an SIP call hold, or vice-versa. Call holds are invoked by ISUP or SIP/H.323 endpoints. When disabled, call hold indications are dropped.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
clearmodeForDataCallsSet flag to enable the clearmode function for data calls.
  • disable – (default) If disabled for the SIP Egress call leg, legacy operation is signaled and payload type is assumed implicit (same on both sides). If disabled for the SIP Ingress call leg, legacy G.711 operation is accepted as well as Clearmode.
  • enable – If enabled for the SIP Egress call leg, Clearmode is sent using dynamic payload type. If enabled for SIP Ingress call leg, only Clearmode data calls are accepted.

Enable flag to transparently pass Contact header for all requests and responses in outgoing message when "isFocus" parameter is received in Contact header.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

This flag is configurable from ePSX or external PSX.

createPChargingVectorEnable flag to create a new PCharging-Vector header in outgoing message for INVITE and REGISTER messages. The PCharging-Vector header is also supported in SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, PUBLISH and REFER messages when received from same direction as REGISTER message. The P-Charging-Vector header contains the ICID value, ICID Generated at value and orig-ioi value. The string for orig-ioi value can be configured at egress trunk group.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
createPVisitedNetworkIdEnable flag to allow 
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acting as P-CSCF to insert a P-Visited-Network-ID Header in the egress REGISTER request with the P-Visited-Network-ID configured string.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
createPathHeaderEnable flag to create a new Path header in the outgoing REGISTER request.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
createServiceRouteHeaderEnable flag to create a new Service-Route header in the outgoing 200 OK response for REGISTER.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable
customizedSessionTimerBehaviorWhen enabled, the remote peer expects customer-specific session timer behavior. When disabled, the remote peer expects the standard session timer behavior.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable
disableAlsoHeaderEnable this flag to allow 
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to ignore the Also header if received from the remote peer and 
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does not send the Also header to the remote peer. When disabled, the 
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uses the Also header for call forwarding as usual.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
disableHostTranslationUse this flag to enable/disable host name translation. This applies to all URL style headers that require transparency and defines the processing that SBC is to apply to the host name portion of these headers before forwarding.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable

Enable this flag to allow 

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to disable media lock-down by not sending SIP Re-INVITE/UPDATE messages in the following scenarios:

  • Multiple codecs are sent in the offer and multiple codecs (or their subsets) are received in the answer, and the call becomes transcoded.
  • Multiple codecs are sent in the offer and a single codec is received in the response.
  • Multiple codecs are sent in the offer and a single codec with codec attributes is received in the response.

 If the result is a pass-through codec, and the most preferred codec in the answer (first codec in the list) is same as the selected codec, the

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disables media lock-down by not informing the egress peer using a re-INVITE.

If the

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offers both pass-through and transcoding codecs, the minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll flag effectively suppresses the re-INVITEs to peers when the peer answers with a single codec. However, if the peer has multiple codecs, the minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll flag in certain situations cannot suppress the re-INVITEs as a change in one of the common codecs is detected. In these situations, if the
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’s most preferred codec matches the peer's most preferred codec, enable the disableMediaLockDown flag to suppress this Modify Offer initiated by the
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to lock down the codec.

If this flag is disabled, the 

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sends a modify offer to lock down the codec.

  • disable  (default)
  • enable
disableReferToUriParametersBy default, this flag is disabled thereby allowing parameters in the SIP URI Refer-To header to pass through to the outgoing INVITE URI. Enable this flag to prevent the parameters from passing through.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable
discardReceivedReasonHeader Enable flag to ignore cause code in received Reason header. When disabled, the 
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uses the cause code in the received Reason header.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
doNotIncludeSsAttributeInReInviteEnable flag to prevent 
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from sending silence suppression (no a=silenceSupp is sent) in the SDP to the remote peer. When disabled, and when silence suppression is off, the 
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sends a=silenceSupp:offin the SDP to the remote peer.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

a=silenceSupp:on is never sent to remote peer in current implementation when silence suppression is on.

enableDefaultPUIProceduresEnable this flag to allow default PUI procedures on egress trunk group. Note that the Privacy 'Transparency' flag must be disabled to allow this feature.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
enableDialStringHandling This flag is primarily used to enable/disable transparency of dial string (i.e username) received in request URI of INVITE message. Transparency does not occur, however, if PSX/ERE returns globalized or non-private called address. SBC performs dial string identification based on RFC 4967.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
endToEndBye For SIP-to-SIP calls, enable flag to prevent 
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from issuing the 200 BYE on the side initiating the disconnect until the 200 BYE is received from the other leg. When disabled, the 
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issues the 200 BYE on the side initiating the disconnect regardless of whether a 200 BYE is received from the other leg.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


Enable this flag to prevent the FROM header of INVITE message from being anonymized. The SBC always relays the FROM header of INVITE.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
includeIpPortsInFromAndToHeaders When enabled, port numbers are included with IP addresses in the From and To headers of SIP messages. When disabled, port numbers are not included with IP addresses.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
includeReasonHeader When enabled, the 
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includes the Reason header in 18x, 4xx, 5xx, Cancel, and Bye messages in the forward direction. It is provisioned on the egress trunk group.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
includeSsAttributeInInitialInvite Enable this flag to send the 'a=silenceSupp:off' in the Initial Invite SDP to the remote peer when Silence Suppression is OFF. When disabled, 'a=silenceSupp' is not sent in the Initial Invite SDP to the remote peer. Note that 'a=silenceSupp:on' is never sent to the remote peer in the Sonus implementation when Silence Suppression is ON.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


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is configured for PSX/ePSX, this flag is used by the PSX SIPE to control inclusion/exclusion of the Transport Type parameter in the Contact headers of 3XX responses. When enabled, the PSX SIPE includes the Transport Type parameter in the Contact headers of 3XX responses. When disabled, the PSX SIPE does not include the Transport Type parameter.


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is configured for ERE, this flag is used by the
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to control inclusion/exclusion of the Transport Type parameter in the Contact headers of SIP requests and backward 2xx messages when the selected transport is not UDP.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
insertPeerAddressAsTopRouteHeaderWhen enabled, the 
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SIPE inserts the IP address of the next hop in the top route header of the egress INVITE. This is required when the 
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acts as a IMS BGCF proxy, and also supports SIPconnect compliance for direct inward dialing.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable this flag to maintain the most preferred codec of the leg on which it is enabled even if it requires transcoding. This feature also suppresses the re-INVITE triggered on the leg (on which it is enabled from the SBC) due to a MODIFY offer received from the other leg as part of mid-call codec modification.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

This flag must be enabled in conjunction with minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll flag.

When this flag is enabled, the flag “relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg” must also be enabled to propagate HOLD Modify Offers (any modify offer that changes the data-path-mode).

mapCauseLocationEnable this flag to add the cause location is added to or retrieved from the SIP Reason header when mapping ISUP-to-SIP or SIP-to-ISUP signaling (you must also enable the Include Reason Header function). ISUP (and other protocols) indicate where in the network a call release was initiated from; this option enables the SIP Reason header to carry the cause location as well as the cause value. When flag is disabled, cause location mapping is off.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
mapSuspendResumeEventInPSvcInfoHeaderEnable this flag to map the suspend/resume event in the P-Svc-Info header. When disabled, the 
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does not map the suspend/resume event in the P-Svc-Info header.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable
mapUuiInPSigInfoHeaderEnable this flag to map the UUI parameter into the SIP P-Sig-Info header. When disabled, the 
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does not map or include the UUI parameter.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
mimeCausePrecedeReasonHeaderCauseWhen enabled, the cause value is mapped from the MIME body of the incoming message based on the Q.1912 standard. When disabled, the cause value is mapped from the Reason header based on the RFC3398 standard 
  • disable (default)
  • enable

The advertised Sonus SIP SDP is described as a set of capabilities that the

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can receive. The
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by default issues a Modify Offer ( re-INVITE, UPDATE) whenever it detects a change in receive capabilities. In certain scenarios, the Modify Offer can be perceived as redundant. Enabling this flag suppresses redundant Modify offers being sent from the
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When enabled, the SBC suppresses modify offers that have no changes to the “common codecs” that impact the end-user experience. “Common codecs” are codecs that exist both in the initial offer and answer (G711U in commonIpAttributes - SIP - CLI). Changes to common codecs imply changes to DTMF, packetization time, codec specific FMTP attributes and data-path-mode.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
noContentDispositionThe Content Disposition header format in SIP messages expected by the remote peer. When enabled, the remote peer expects no Content Disposition header. When disabled, remote peer expects the standard SIP message format which includes Content Disposition header.
  • disable  (default)
  • enable
noPortNumber5060Use this parameter to control whether port number 5060 is sent to the remote peer in the Request-URI of PRACK, ACK, and BYE messages. 
When enabled, the outgoing SIP URI does not include port number 5060 (sip:user@host). In addition, 
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only sends out the Record-Route and Route headers of SIP request and response messages with the port number it receives, such that if the 
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does not receive a port number in Record-Route headers, the 
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does not send out a port number in the Record-Route and Route headers.

When disabled, the outgoing SIP URI includes port number 5060 (sip:user@host:5060). In addition, if SBC does not receive a port number in Record-Route headers of SIP request and response messages, the 
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inserts port number 5060 into the outgoing Record-Route and Route headers.
  • disable (default)
  • enable 

Enable this flag to allow DNS NAPTR/SRV lookups.

noUserinfoInContactHeaderWhen this flag is enabled, the remote peer expects no userinfo component in the Contact header URI. When disabled, the remote peer expects the standard format of the Contact header, which includes the userinfo component.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
onlySelectedCodecInSessionRefreshWhen this flag is enabled, the SDP in a session keep-alive re-INVITE message will only include the currently-selected codec for the call. When disabled, the SDP in a session keep-alive re-INVITE message will be identical to that in the last offer. See example below.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


--> The SBC sends an INVITE including Codec-A and Codec-B

<-- An 18x message is received identifying Codec-B.

--> The SBC sends a keep-alive reINVITE depending upon the flag setting:

    • disable: SBC sends keep-alive reINVITE with both Codec-A and Codec-B included
    • enable: SBC sends keep-alive reINVITE including Codec-B

The o-line of the SDP will be identical to that in the last offer.

pCalledPartyIDSupportEnable flag to allow 
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acting as P-CSCF to store pCalledPartyID header when a call destined to UE is received from IMS core network.
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 inserts P-Asserted-Identity header in the 18x/2xx responses received from UE towards core and places the stored P-Called-Party-ID information in the PAI header.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pChgMsgInfoWhen enabled, the 
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adds a P-ChgMsg header to a SIP INFO or a 183 Session Progress (which it selects depends on the call state). The P-ChgMsg header contains the interworked ISUP CHG with TLEC information. When disabled, this function is disabled.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


Enable flag to include the SBC's IP address in the SDP  for hold.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
reQueryPsxOnRegisterRefreshWhen enabled, the 
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will re-query the 
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when it receives a register refresh message, which may result in a new or updated result for the register relay. When disabled, the 
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does not re-query the 
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on a register refresh. This setting must be made on the ingress trunk group profile facing the registered endpoint.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
rejectReferWhen enabled, the 
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rejects SIP REFER messages from the peer and responds with a 405 Method Not Allowed message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
replaceHostOnViaHeaderUse flag to replace IP address of the top-most via header on the outgoing request with IP address or hostname present in the top-most via header received.
  • disable (default) – SBC defaults to B2BUA behavior where the VIA header contains local SIP signaling address.
  • enable Replaces the IP address of via header on the initial outbound INVITE or REGISTER with the address received in the via header of the incoming request.
The relayDataPathModeChangeFromOtherCallLeg flag is only available when minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll is enabled.

When this flag is enabled in conjunction with minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll flag,the HOLD modify offers (more specifically, any modify offer that changes the data-path-mode) are propagated.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
restrictHistoryInfoHeaderEnable this flag to restrict History InfoHeader Flag depending upon the Privacy header or Privacy URI.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
routeUsingRecvdFqdnEnable flag to use the FQDN received in contact header of Refer-To/3xx for routing.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sdpOlineOnlyComparesWhen enabled, the SBC checks only the o-line when comparing SDPs. When disabled, the SBC checks the entire SDP body when comparing SDPs.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

The sendAllAllowedCodecsForLateMediaInviteOrReInvite flag controls the handling of audio codecs that the SBC offers in response to a late media INVITE or Re-INVITE without SDP for transcoded calls.

  • When this flag is in disabled state for transcoded calls (default behavior), the SBC offers the codec used for transcoding on the leg.
  • When this flag is in enabled state for transcoded calls, the SBC offers multiple codecs which include:
    • The subset of the codecs that the associated peer supports.
    • The transcoded codecs that the associated DSP channel supports which includes the codec currently used for transcoding.

For pass-through calls, the SBC always offers a subset of the codecs advertised by the associated peer. The SBC Offer codec list is classified as a subset because the list applies the codec policy filters.

See SDP Support for examples of the above behavior.

Configuration options:

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendDirectMediaInfoInSdpAttributeEnable flag to send direct media information in the SDP attribute X-DMI.
  • disable (default)

  • enable

The 'directMediaAllowed' flag must be disabled on the associated trunk group.


Enable this flag on Answer side to send a single preferred codec in an Answer for an Initial Offer or Re-Invite. Enable flag on Offer side to send the most preferred codec in a re-INVITE offer. When disabled, the SBC sends all possible pass-through codecs in the route Packet Service Profile when the call is answered.

This flag is used primarily in pass-through cases where more than one pass-through codec is possible. When generating an answer, the SBC chooses the most preferred codec based on the ordered list created by Send Route Preference (SRP)/Honor Remote Preference (HRP). Note that when this flag is disabled SBC sends all possible pass-through codecs in the answer or the Route Packet Service Profile when generating a re-INVITE offer. For offers generated by the SBC, especially in HOLD/RESUME cases, only the most preferred codec is sent in a re-INVITE offer when this flag is enabled.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendPtimeInSdpEnable flag to allow the SBC to send a=ptime in the SDP.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendRtcpPortInSdpWhen enabled, 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
adds the attribute,a=rtcp:<rtcpPort> to the audio and video m lines in the outgoing SDP (Rtcp port mentioned will be SBC RTP port + 1).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sessionTimerRefreshUpdateEnable flag to control session timer refresh method with SIP peers via UPDATE messages. When disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
sends INVITE messages.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

This flag is only accessible when the flag "minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll"  is set to "enable".

setAcceptHeaderToApplicationSdpOnlyUse flag to specify the Accept header format in SIP messages expected by the remote peer. When enabled, the remote peer receives a short Accept header format containing the application/SDP value only. When disabled, the remote peer receives the standard Accept header format containing all of the standard parameters.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setOlineDashSpecifies the SDP O-Line format in the SDP of SIP messages expected by the remote peer. When enabled, the remote peer receives an O-Line format in which the username component is set to a "-" (dash). When disabled, the remote peer receives the standard O-Line format containing all of the O-Line parameters, including the username.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setSessionVersionZeroEnable flag to set the session version to zero in the o-line of the outbound SDP. When disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
assigns a session version randomly.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setSlineDashSpecifies the SDP S-Line format in the SDP of SIP messages expected by the remote peer.
  • disable (default) – Remote peer receives standard S-Line format containing all of the S-Line parameters.
  • enable – Remote peer receives a short S-Line format containing a dash only (s=-).
skipPsxQueryForReferSet flag to skip the ERE query for Refer flag.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
storePChargingFuncAddrSet this flag to store the values received in the PCFA header in a request or response. The stored value is added to a subsequent response or a request based on the flag addPChargingFuncAddr.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When this flag is enabled, the SBC stores the P-Charging-Vector (PCV) received in requests. When the response is forwarded back, the stored PCV is inserted and sent. If the SBC receives the PCV when this flag is disabled, the SBC ignores the PCV and does not log the CDR.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Example of SBC acting as IBCF:
           INVITE (PCV1) --> SBC --> INVITE
           200 OK (PCV1) <-- SBC <-- 200 OK

storePathHeaderSet this flag to locally store (cache) a Path header received in an incoming REGISTER request.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
storeServiceRouteHeaderSet this flag to locally store (cache) a Service-Route header received in an incoming 200 OK response to REGISTER.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

SBC acting as P-CSCF rejects a request with 504 (Server Time-out) response carrying MIME body of type application/3gpp-ims+xml, if SBC does not receive any response to the request from S-CSCF network or the next hop address is blacklisted as part of ARS (Address Reachability Service) service (see IMS Restoration Procedures for addtional details).

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to add Min-SE header to re-INVITEs/UPDATEs only if it exists in the previous offer/answer. When this flag is disabled, Min-SE is always added to session refreshes.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
terminalPortabilityInterworkingEnable flag to provide a service between ISUP and SIP to move a terminal from one socket to another, or to move a call from one terminal to another while the call is active.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


Enable flag to route INVITE from the core to the received PSX route for registered users, but not to the contact address of the RCB.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to prevent forwarding P-Access-Network-Info header when network-provided parameter is present. This flag is associated with Egress TG with respect to Request and Response message (Core Side).

  • disable (default)
  • enable

This is applicable for both INVITE and non-INVITE message and their responses.

Option Tags

Option Tags






Use this control to suppress REPLACE tag in the Require header.
If the Replaces header is present in a received SIP REFER request, the 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
includes the contents of the Replaces header (callID, From Tag and To Tag) in the outgoing INVITE without a full ERE query. This enables one 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to transfer two independent calls and connect them together using IP trunk group (IPTG) routing. IPTG routing must be enabled for this feature.

  • suppressReplaceTag – Controls the content in Require headers to be sent to the peer. When enabled, the REPLACE tag is suppressed in the Require header. If disabled, the REPLACE tag is included in the Require header.
    • disable (default)
    • enable



Use this control to suppress the REPLACE tag in the Supported header.
If the Replaces header is present in a received SIP REFER request, the 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
includes the contents of the Supported header (call ID, From Tag and To Tag) in the outgoing INVITE, OPTIONS, and INVITE/OPTIONS without a full ERE query. This enables one 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to transfer two independent calls and connect them together using IP trunk group (IPTG) routing. IPTG routing must be enabled for this feature. This control suppresses this feature.

  • suppressReplaceTag – Controls the content in Supported headers to be sent to the peer. When enabled, the REPLACE tag is suppressed in the Supported header. If disabled, the REPLACE tag is included in the Supported header.
    • disable (default)
    • enable

Relay Flags

For a list of SIP headers that cannot be controlled using relay flags in relay scenarios, see Relay Flags.

Relay Flags




conferenceEventPackageN/AEnable to relay conference event xml message body (application/conference-info+xml body ) to the peer.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
To pass this body transparently, enable the conference-info xml body relay flag.

dialogEventPackage  N/A Enable this flag to allow 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to send the Dialog Event Package to the peer.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

This flag only applies to unregistered users.

dtmfBodyN/AEnable flag to allow 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to relay DTMF body to the peer for responses to INVITE and BYE messages, relayed INFO, REFER, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE request messages, and relayed 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 6xx in response to INVITE messages. Provision this flag on the ingress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
force503to500RelayN/AEnable flag to force 503 Service Unavailable message to map to 500 Internal Server Error message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
infoN/AEnable to relay SIP INFO method to the peer. If disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP INFO methods locally.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
messageN/AEnable to relay SIP MESSAGE method to the peer. If disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP MESSAGE methods locally.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
notifyN/AEnable this flag to relay SIP NOTIFY method to the peer. If disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP NOTIFY methods locally.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
optionsN/AEnable this flag to relay SIP OPTIONS method to the peer. If disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP OPTIONS methods locally.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
publishN/AControls the transfer of instant messages (IMs). Enable flag to allow 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to relay SIP PUBLISH methods to the peer. When disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP PUBLISH methods locally. Provision this flag on the ingress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
referN/AWhen enabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
relays SIP REFER methods to the peer. When disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
processes SIP REFER methods locally.
  • disable (default)
  • enable



Use this flag to relay the replaces in refer-To header of relayed REFER request. The options are:

  • rejectReferIfnoMatchForcallId (default) – If no match is found for the call-Id received, the REFER is rejected.
  • relayReferIfNoMatchForCallId – The SBC tries to match the received call-Id. If  a match is found, the SBC translates the replaces header and relays the REFER message. If no match is found for call-id, the SBC relays the replaces without any changes.
  • relayReferWithoutMatching  The SBC always relays the replaces in refer-to without searching for match of call-id.
regEventPackage Enable this flag to relay Registration Event Package information to the peer. If disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
rejects the Registration Event Package.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sonusMediaBodyN/AEnable this flag to relay Sonus media body to the peer for responses to INVITE and BYE messages, relayed INFO, REFER, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE request messages and relayed 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 6xx in response to INVITE messages. Provision this flag on the ingress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
statusCode3xxN/AEnable this flag to relay 3xx status code to the peer in response to INVITE requests. Provision this flag on the trunk group that receives the 3xx response (the egress leg of the call).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
statusCode4xx6xxN/AEnable this flag to relay the error status codes (4xx, 5xx, or 6xx) in response to initial INVITE requests (does not apply to re-INVITEs). Provision this flag on the trunk group that receives the error response (the egress leg of the call).
  • disable (default)
  • enable

You must enable this flag when using authcodeHeaders transparency flag.

thirdPartyBodies N/AEnable this flag to relay third party bodies to the peer in response to INVITE and BYE messages, relayed INFO, REFER, MESSAGE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, SUBSCRIBE request methods and relayed 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, and 6xx responses to INVITE methods. Provision this flag on the ingress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable



Enable this flag to relay UPDATE message without SDP.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Subscription Package Support Flags

Subscription Package Support Flags




Use this object to configure subscription support package.

  • supportRegEvent – Enable flag to allow SBC to subscribe to reg-event package for obtaining updates on registration status when the registration from the user is successful.
    • disable (default)
    • enable

The flag usePSXRouteForSBCInitiatedSubscribe is currently visible in CLI under subscriptionPackageSupport object as well, but it is not supported.

Transparency Flags

For a list of SIP headers that cannot be controlled using transparency flags in relay scenarios, see IPSP Transparency Flags.

Transparency Flags




acceptContactHeaderN/ASet flag to allow P-CSCF to transparently pass the received Accept-Contact Header.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
acceptHeaderN/AUse this flag to determine Accept header behavior.
  • disable (default) – Accept header includes: application/sdp, application/isup, application/dtmf, application/dtmf-relay, multipart/mixed information.
  • enable – Accept header is transparently passed from ingress to egress.
acceptLanguageHeaderN/AEnable to allow Accept-Language Header transparency.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
alertInformationHeaderN/ASet this flag to transparently copy the ALERT INFO header from the ingress SIP INVITE method to the egress SIP INVITE message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
authcodeHeadersN/AEnable this flag to transparently copy the WWW Authentication header for SIP 401/407 response messages or SIP Authorization/Proxy Authorization headers.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

You must enable statusCode4xx6xx relay flag when using authcodeHeaders transparency.

 callInfoHeader N/A Set flag to transparently pass Call-Info header, if present, in the incoming message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
contactHeaderN/ASet flag to transparently pass the Contact Header Flag in egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
errorInfoN/AEnable this flag to transparently copy the Error-Info header from the ingress leg to the egress leg.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
externalBodyN/AEnable to send message/external-body transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
fromHeaderN/AEnable this flag to transparently copy the userinfo@host component of the FROM header from the ingress SIP INVITE message to the egress SIP INVITE message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Even when this flag is enabled, the IP port information is not included unless the "Include IP Ports in From and To Headers" flag, elsewhere in this IP Signaling Profile, is also enabled.

geolocationN/ASet flag to transparently pass Geolocation header, if present, in incoming message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
geolocationError N/ASet flag to transparently pass Geolocation-Error header, if present, in incoming message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
geolocationRouting N/ASet flag to transparently pass Geolocation-Routing header, if present, in incoming message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
historyInfoN/AControls History-info header transparency in SIP INVITE messages. When enabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
passes the History-Info header transparently from the ingress message to the egress message. When disabled, the SBC does not copy the history-info. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
maxForwardsHeaderN/AEnable this flag to decrement the value in Max-Forwards header by 1 for requests traversing through the SBC. By default (disable), the SBC populates the Max-Forwards header with the value configured in maxFwdsDefault (default value is 70).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
messageExternalBodyN/AEnable flag to pass Message External Body transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
mwiBody N/AEnable flag to transparently copy the MWI body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pAccessNetworkInfoHeaderN/AEnable flag to transparently pass the p-Access-Network-Info (PANI) header from ingress to egress.
  • disable (default) –
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    suppresses the PANI header towards egress messages when the incoming message contains PANI header.
  • enable – 

    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    transparently passes PANI header from ingress to egress.

Enable this flag when 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
is configured as P-CSCF node.


N/ASet flag to transparently pass the P-Called-Party-ID header from ingress to egress call leg.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pChargingVectorHeaderN/AWhen enabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
transparently copies the P-Charging-Vector header from the ingress message to the egress message. When disabled, the 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
does not copy the header. PCharging- Vector header transparency is supported in INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, OPTIONS, MESSAGE, PUBLISH, NOTIFY, REFER, and INFO messages.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pEarlyMediaN/AControls P-Early Media header transparency in INVITE or non-100 RESPONSE requests and their responses if they are relayed. When enabled, the SBC transparently copies the P-Early Media header from the incoming message to the outgoing message. When disabled, the PEarly- Media header is not copied to the egress leg. Provision this flag on egress leg with respect to message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pidfBodyN/AEnable to send application/pidf+xml body transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pidfDiffBodyN/AEnable to send application/pidf-diff+xml body transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pVisitedNetworkIDHeaderN/AEnable flag to pass the P-Visited-Network-ID header transparently to the egress leg.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
passCompleteContactHeaderN/AEnable flag at egress IPSP (with respect to message direction) to copy the Contact header and its parameters from the ingress message and insert in the egress message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
pathHeaderN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Path header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
qsigBodyN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the QSIG body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
reasonHeaderN/AWhen enabled, the ingress Reason header value is passed through unchanged.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
referredByHeaderN/AWhen enabled, 
Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
transparently copies the Referred-By Header (in INVITE requests/responses) from the incoming message to the outgoing message. When cleared, the Referred-By Header is not copied. Provision this flag on the egress leg (with respect to the message direction).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
requestURIN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Request URI from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY. Provision this flag on the egress leg (with respect to the message direction).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
resourceListBodyN/AEnable to send application/resource-lists+xml body transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
resourcePriorityOptionTagN/AEnable to transparently pass 'resource-priority' option tag received in Require or Supported header of SIP messages.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
rlmiBodyN/AEnable to send application/rlmi+xml transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
routeHeaderN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Route header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
serverHeaderN/AEnable to allow Server Header transparency.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
serviceRouteHeaderN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Service-Route header from the ingress SIP message to the egress SIP message.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
simpleFilterBodyN/AEnable to send application/simple-filter+xml content-type transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sipBodyN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the SIP body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE, if relayed. Provision this flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sipfragBodyN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the SIPFRAG body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to transparently copy the userinfo@host component of the TO header from the ingress SIP INVITE message to the egress SIP INVITE message. When flag is disabled, SBC generates its own TO header.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Even when this flag is enabled, the IP port information is not included unless the "Include IP Ports in From and To Headers" flag, elsewhere in this IP Signaling Profile, is also enabled.

toneBodyN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Tone body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
unknownBodyN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Unknown body from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
unknownHeaderN/AEnable flag to transparently copy the Unknown header from the incoming message to the outgoing message for INVITE, REGISTER, BYE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, REFER, and SUBSCRIBE. Provision flag on the egress leg with respect to the message direction.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
userAgentHeaderN/AEnable to allow User-Agent header transparency.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
userToUserHeaderN/AWhen the ingress INVITE contains the User-to-User header and this transparency flag is enabled, the User-to-User header passes through to the egress.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
viaHeaderN/AUse this flag to specify the behavior of VIA header, the source address of the call originator.
  • disable – (default) Default behavior where IP address on the VIA header is the local SIP signaling address.
  • enable – Transparently pass all the VIA headers received in original INVITE or REGISTER. With only the transparency flag enabled,  the SBC will still include the local SIP signaling address and port as the top most VIA header.
warningHeader N/AEnable to allow Warning Header transparency.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
watcherInfoBody N/AEnable to send application/watcherinfo+xml transparently.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Command Example

From system-level prompt, use following command to view IP signaling profile flags for DEFAULT_SIP profile in table format.

 > show table profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags 
bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency disable; 
convertInactiveToSendrecv disable; 
disable2806Compliance disable; 
disableOptionalRegisterParameters disable; 
map181Or182MessageTo183 disable; 
mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader disable; 
suppressUnregister disable; 
ttcIsupMapping disable; 
useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable; 
useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter disable; 
validateIsubAddress disable; 
qosBasedRouting disable;

Call Flow Examples

Call Flow Examples for 'Disable Media Lockdown' Flag


In the following call flow, the Modify Offers (in green) are suppressed if the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled:

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer



SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel





SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call





Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed and the DSP channel de-allocated.
Default behavior is to send Modify Offer; to suppress, the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag should be enabled








Example 2:

The messages (in green) can be suppressed if the Disable Media Lock Down field is enabled.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer



SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel





SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call





Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed and the DSP channel de-allocated.
Default behavior is to send Modify Offer; the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag cannot suppress this Modify Offer as a common codec in the original offer and answer (G729A) has been removed; To suppress this re-INVITE, enable DML








Ingress Peer




Egress Peer



SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A,G726 as transcode options by reserving a DSP channel





Transcode G711-G729A call. Egress codec is locked down to G729A





Receive capabilities of SBC have changed to G729A due to transcode.
Default behavior is to send Modify Offer to lockdown to G729A; the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag cannot suppress this Modify Offer as a common codec in the original offer and answer (G726) has been removed; To suppress this re-INVITE, enable DML








Example 3:

Scenario in which Disable Media Lockdown field can not suppress the media lock down messages (in green).

The codecs configured at Egress route PSP are G711U, G726, G729A with HRP disabled.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer



SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G726,G729A as transcode options by reserving a DSP channel





Transcode G711-G726 call. Egress codec is locked down to G726





Receive capabilities of SBC have changed to G726 ( i.e. HRP is disabled). Since, the codec selected by SBC is different from Peer’s preferred codec (G729), though the flag DML is enabled SBC sends a Modify Offer to lockdown to G726.








Call Flow Examples for 'Minimize relaying of Media Changes From Other Call Leg All' Flag


The re-INVITEs (in green) are suppressed if the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer



SBC offers G711U as pass-through codec and G729A as a transcode option by reserving a DSP channel





SBC releases the DSP channel resulting in a G711U pass-thru call





Receive capabilities of SBC have changed as a codec G729A was removed; send Modify Offer to Peer to advertise the latest set of capabilities









SBC suppresses a Modify Offer from the ingress peer. The offer changes the maxptime from 10 to 20ms. An increase in maxptime can be suppressed – a device that advertises a maxptime of 20ms can also receive 10ms packets.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U 10ms




G711U 10ms






Re-INVITE (G711U 20ms)


Suppress the re-INVITE if minimize media is enabled and respond to ingress peer; else forward the re-INVITE to egress


G711U 20ms






Conversely, irrespective of the state of the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag All field cannot suppress a change of maxptime from 20ms to 10ms.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U 20ms




G711U 20ms






Re-INVITE (G711U 10ms)











A change of data-path-mode from sendrecv to sendonly ( HOLD request) can also be suppressable. The rational is that SBC can always ignore the media received from the peer and continue to send it media.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U sendrecv




G711U sendrecv






Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly)


Suppress the re-INVITE if minimize media is enabled and respond to ingress peer; else forward the re-INVITE to egress


G711U sendonly






Conversely, SBC irrespective of the state of the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag, cannot suppress a change of data-path-mode from sendonly to sendrecv.

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U sendonly




G711U sendonly






Re-INVITE (G711U sendrecv)




G711U sendrecv






Call Flow Examples for 'Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg' Flag


When Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled, and when Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg is disabled:

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U,G729A sendrecv




G711U,G729A sendrecv






Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly)


Suppress the re-INVITE and respond to ingress peer. Discard media received from the egress peer









When the Minimize Relaying Of Media Changes From Other Call Leg flag is enabled, and when Relay Data Path Mode Change From Other Call Leg is enabled:

Ingress Peer




Egress Peer

G711U,G729A sendrecv




G711U,G729A sendrecv






Re-INVITE (G711U sendonly)




G711U sendonly







  • No labels