In this section:
The SBC SWe Cloud inter-operates with a third-party transcoding platform called Media Resource Function (MRF) to transcode audio and relay video/T140. Only the SBC SWe Cloud on OpenStack (D-SBC) supports this feature.
This section provides the CLI syntax, parameter descriptions and command examples for configuring a MRF profile on a S-SBC.
For additional configuration details, refer to Invoke MRF as a Transcoder for D-SBC.
Use the global callRemoteMediaStatus and callResourceDetailStatus commands to see when MRF is used for transcoding a call (resType
= "dresMrf").
% set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfFqdn <domanin name> mrfIpAddress <IP address> mrfPort <5060 | 0> mrfRequestUri <Request URI> mrfRoutingType <IpAddress | fqdn> mrfTgName <trunking group name> mrfTransportType <TCP| TLS| UDP> state <disabled | enabled>
The MRF server is configured as either FQDN or IP address based on the mrfRoutingType
set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType fqdn mrffqdn mrfRequestUri mrfTransportType UDP mrfPort 5060 mrfTgName MRF-TG state enabled commit