In this section:
Related articles:
The Packet Service Profile supports up to four audio encoding entries, or Codecs, using ERE. The
In order to properly handle a call compression negotiation such as that described above, it is necessary to examine the codec list on both the local and remote gateway to find one or more codecs that are common to both. The precedence of the resultant codecs is controlled by the local precedence setting, or the precedence of the remote peer. This provisioning directive is provided by the honorRemotePrecedence
See Packet Service Profile Provisioning Examples for provisioning examples.
The PSX supports configuring up to 12 codecs in the Packet Service Profile and Preferred Packet Service Profile. The SBC supports receiving all 12 codecs from the PSX in the PSP and Preferred PSP. This applies to interworking with an external PSX (Advanced ERE deployment scenario). See Routing and Policy Management for deployment scenario details. Additionally, the SBC supports up to 12 codecs over Gateway links to SBCs and/or GSXs. An SBC-POL-RTU license is needed to enable more than four codecs.
, fmtp
, and T38
. The SBC also manages bandwidth for audio streams in pass-through calls. Audio transparency is controlled by the following PSP and Trunk Group parameters/flags.Packet Service Profile:
Enable transcoderFreeTransparency
for the session (enable on either of the PSPs)
Configure audioTransparency
Enable/disable reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec
SIP Trunk Group:
Enable sdpAttributesSelectiveRelay
on both ingress and egress Trunk Groups that receive the relayed SDP
See SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for transparency implementation details.
Both the
The following
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile <unique_profile_name> aal1PayloadSize <0-999> audioTransparency <unknownCodecBitRate | unknownCodecPacketSize> codec <codecEntry1-codecEntry12> <codec> dataCalls initialPlayoutBufferDelay <5-50> packetSize <10 | 20 | 30 | 40> preferredRtpDataPayloadType <0-127> dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile <profile name> dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback <disable | enable> enableDtlsSrtp <disable | enable> flags HDCodecPreferred <disable | enable> MatchOfferedCodecGroupIfNbOnly <disable | enable> digitDetectSendEnabled <disable | enable> disallowDataCalls <disable | enable> dscpPassthrough <disable | enable> forceRoutePSPOrder <disable | enable> interworkDtmfWithoutTranscoding <disable | enable> preferNBPassthruOverHDTranscode <disable | enable> reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec <disable | enable> ssrcRandomize <disable | enable> useDirectMedia <disable | enable> validatePeerSupportForDtmfEvents <disable | enable> honorRemotePrecedence <disable | enable> mediaPacketCos <0-7> packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding otherLeg <amr | efr | evrc | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | t38> thisLeg <amr | efr | evrc | g711a | g711u | g722 | g726 | g729 | g7221 | g7222 | g7231 | ilbc | opus | t38> conditionsInAdditionToNoCommonCodec applyFaxToneTreatment <disable | enable> different2833PayloadType <disable | enable> differentDtmfRelay <disable | enable> differentPacketSize <disable | enable> differentSilenceSuppression <disable | enable> honorAnswerPreference <disable | enable> honorOfferPreference <disable | enable> transcode <conditional | determinedByPspForOtherLeg | only | transcoderFreeTransparency> peerAbsenceAction <none | peerAbsenceTrap | peerAbsenceTrapAndDisconnect> preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay <0-128> qosValues msrpDscp <0-255> rtcpOptions rtcp <disable | enable> packetLossAction <none | packetLossTrap | packetLossTrapAndDisconnect> packetLossThreshold <0-32767> terminationForPassThrough <disable | enable> secureRtpRtcp cryptoSuiteProfile <profile_name> flags allowFallback <disable | enable> allowPassthru <disable | enable> enableSrtp <disable | enable> resetEncDecROCOnDecKeyChange <disable | enable> resetROCOnKeyChange <disable | enable> updateCryptoKeysOnModify <disable | enable> sendRoutePSPPrecedence <disable | enable> silenceFactor <0-50> silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType <0-127> heartbeat <disable | enable> t38 dataRateManagementType <type1LocalGenerationOfTcf | type2TransferOfTcf> ecm ecmPreferred <disable | enable> lowSpeedNumberOfRedundantPackets <0 | 1 | 2> maxBitRate <2.4Kbits_s | 4.8Kbits_s | 9.6Kbits_s | 14.4Kbits_s> numberOfRedundantPackets <0 | 1 | 2> protocolVersion <0 | 3> typeOfService <0-255> videoCalls audioOnlyIfVideoIsPrevented <disable | enable> codecListProfile <name> ieee8021QVLanCos <0-7> ipv4Tos <0-255> ipv6TrafficClass <0-255> maxVideoBandwith <0-50000> videoBandwidthReductionFactor <0-100> voiceInitialPlayoutBufferDelay <1-50>
The Packet Service Profile Parameters are as shown:
Packet Service Profile Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Specifies a unique identifier (name) for packet service profile. You can define any name or use Default as the parameter. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 0-999 | The ATM Adaption Layer Type 1 (AAL-1) payload size (default = 47). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
audioTransparency | N/A | Use this object to configure Audio Transparency settings.
If the bandwidth is not configured, the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| codecEntry1-codecEntry12 |
SBC-POL-RTU license is needed to enable more than four codecs.
The codecEntry IDs are listed below:
For each codecEntry ID, select a codec name. Example default codec names are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Data calls pertaining to restricted or unrestricted digital data.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dtls | N/A | Use this object to control DTLS-SRTP and DTLS fallback behavior in this Packet Service Profile.
See Configuring SBC for WRTC for configuration details. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | See Packet Service Profile Flags table below for flag descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Flag to set precedence of audio encoding priority order of the local packet service profile over the remote peers audio encoding priority order when creating the priority order of the audio encodings that are common to both. Options are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 0-7 | Specifies Class of Service (COS) value to be set in the IEEE 802.1D User Priority field of media packets transmitted on a call leg that uses this Packet Service Profile. This parameter only has an effect if the network interface supports 802.1Q tagged Ethernet frames. (default = 0 which is interpreted as best effort). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this object to define the packet-to-packet control parameters:
The SBC, when configured with the appropriate codecs, transcodes for differences in the codecs. Use ‘
honorAnswerPreference vs. honorOfferPreference
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Specifies the action to take when
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay | 0-128 | Specifies the preferred RTP payload type in the RTP header of audio packets for this encoding. (default = 128). This parameter is only used for 8 kHz clock rate. DTMF payload type of each subsequent clock rate (16 kHz, 24 kHz, etc.) is incremented by 1. Using the default value of "128" for If | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
qosValues | N/A | Use this object to configure the Quality of Service (QoS) DSCP value for this Packet Service Profile.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this object to specify Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) options for the call. RTCP is used to report network traffic congestion data. Various actions (for example call disconnect) may be taken when congestion threshold settings are exceeded. The RTCP options are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Specifies whether secure RTP Real Time Control Protocol (SRTP) is enabled for the call:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this flag to allow audio encoding order preference in outgoing messages only.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | The percentage of call time that silence is expected. This parameter is used to reduce expected call bandwidth. (range: 0-50 / default = 40). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this object to define the Silence Insertion Descriptor (SID) attributes.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this object to specify T.38 data rate attributes using following parameters:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 0-255 | Use this object to Use this parameter to set six most significant bits of Type of Service byte in an IP header for DSCP marking of MSRP packets. Default value is 0. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| N/A | Use this object to define video call parameters.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 1-50 | The delay (in milliseconds) by the initial playout buffer required to absorb the maximum expected data packet delay across the network. Must be in increments of 1 ms. (default = 10). |
Packet Service Profile Flags
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
| This flag only applies when Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables" is configured with ePSX and/or external PSX.Enable flag to set HD codecs as preferred codec over non-HD codecs even if transcoding is required. When flag is disabled, continue with existing PSP/IPSP behavior.
When enabled,
If The flag | ||||||||
| Enable this flag to allow the SBC to send only NB in outgoing offer if only NB is received in the ingress offer. Otherwise, do nothing. While sending the offer, this flag becomes is ignored if either HD-only or (HD+NB) is received in incoming offer. If this flag is disabled, the SBC uses existing behavior.
The flag | ||||||||
digitDetectSendEnabled | Enable this flag to allow digit detection for pass-through calls on digits sent to the network.
If interworking without DSP resources is desired for this Packet Service Profile, this flag must be enabled. | ||||||||
disallowDataCalls | Enable flag to disallow data calls.
| ||||||||
dscpPassthrough | When enabled on both the Ingress and Egress call leg, the DSCP value in the IP header of the media packets is transparently passed through the system. Once media is received from the peer, any value set in the
| ||||||||
| Enable this flag to send the outgoing offer in the same order as egress route Packet Service Profile irrespective of HD/NB priorities.
If this flag is enabled, The flag | ||||||||
interworkDtmfWithoutTranscoding | Enable flag to interwork DTMF with out-of-band RFC2833 without the use of transcoding (DSP resources).
If | ||||||||
| Enable this flag to allow the SBC to choose NB-NB pass-through over HD-HD transcoded call. When disabled, the SBC prefers HD-HD transcoded call over NB-NB pass-through.
This flag is valid only if
HDCodecPreferred flag is enabled, and is applied when selecting a codec from answer.The flag | ||||||||
reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec | By default, the SBC reserves the worst case common audio codec bandwidth for pass-through calls on trunk groups and IP interfaces, and polices the same bandwidth. Use this flag to reserve the bandwidth associated with the preferred common codec and police on the worst case codec. This flag applies to both known and unknown codecs, and can be used independently or in conjunction with Audio Transparency feature.
This flag is active for a call when both the PSPs have this flag enabled. If this flag is disabled in any of the PSPs, the flag is not applied. | ||||||||
ssrcRandomize | Enable flag to generate a new SSRC (using a random value) along with a new time stamp on a new RTP stream whenever a resource is reactivated (due to change in codec, etc.). SSRC randomization reduces the probability of collision in large groups and simplifies the process of group sampling that depends on uniform distribution of SSRCs.
| ||||||||
useDirectMedia | Enable flag to use direct media as needed.
| ||||||||
| Flag to validate peer support for DTMF events. Enable this flag for all peer devices that support RFC 4733.
To configure RTCP options:
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP-1 rtcpOptions rtcp enable % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP-1 rtcpOptions packetLossAction packetLossTrap % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP-1 rtcpOptions packetLossThreshold 10000 % commit % show profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP-1 rtcpOptions { rtcp enable; packetLossThreshold 10000; packetLossAction packetLossTrap; }
To configure PSP to transcoderFreeTransparency
on both legs:
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_INT packetToPacketControl transcode transcoderFreeTransparency % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_EXT packetToPacketControl transcode transcoderFreeTransparency
To configure audioTransparecy feature on both legs:
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_INT audioTransparency unknownCodecBitRate 124 % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_EXT audioTransparency unknownCodecBitRate 124 % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_INT audioTransparency unknownCodecPacketSize 10 % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_EXT audioTransparency unknownCodecPacketSize 10 % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_INT flags reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec enable % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_EXT flags reserveBwForPreferredAudioCommonCodec enable