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Table of Contents


Document Overview

This document provides a configuration guide for Sonus Session Border Controller 5XX0Series (SBC) when connecting to Skype for Business 2015 and Exchange Unified Messaging.

  • For additional information on Microsoft, visit
  • For additional information on Sonus SBC, visit 


The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound calls flow between Sonus SBC 5200 and Microsoft Skype for Business, using TCP, TLS, and SRTP.

Document History

Document History

23/June/2017Ankit ShuklaInitial Draft


This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Sonus SBC and the third-party product. Navigating the third- party product as well as the Sonus SBC Command Line Interface (CLI) is required. Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP, IP/Routing, and SIP/RTP are also necessary to complete the configuration and any required troubleshooting.


The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration provided:




Software Version

Sonus Networks

Sonus SBC 5200
ConnexIP OS


Third-party Equipment


Skype For Business 2015 and Exchange Unified Messaging

Reference Configuration

The following reference configuration shows connectivity between the third-party and the Sonus SBC 5XX0. 


Microsoft Skype For Business Setup




Microsoft Online and Exchange Setup




For any questions regarding this document or the content herein, contact your maintenance and support provider.

Third-Party Product Features

Kindly refer to the Microsoft's Skype for Business test plan for complete product features details.



Microsoft's Skype For Business enterprise topology should be deployed with at least two Mediation servers.


Verify License

Verify you have necessary licences for making enterprise voice call.


Configuration  - SBC Configuration

This section provides a “snapshot” of the Sonus SBC 5200 configuration used during compliance testing. The Sonus SBC 5200 is typically configured for customers by Sonus Networks. The screenshots and partial configuration shown below, supplied by Sonus Networks, are provided for reference only. Other configurations are possible.  

1. Global Configuration

1.1 Codec Entry

Create a Codec Entry with the supported codec on the network.


set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 dtmf relay rfc2833
set profiles media codecEntry G711_2833_20 packetSize 20
set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 codec g711ss sendSid enable dtmf relay rfc2833
set profiles media codecEntry G711SS_2833_20 packetSize 20

1.2 RTCP

Configure RTCP interval.


set system media mediaRtcpControl senderReportInterval 5

1.3 SIP Domain

Specify the global SIP Domain name.


set global sipDomain
set global sipDomain
set global sipDomain
set global sipDomain
set global sipDomain

1.4 Feature Control Profile (FCP)

Create a Feature Control Profile (FCP) for the Skype side. The FCP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles featureControlProfile SKYPE_FCP 

1.5 DSP Resource Allocation

This configuration only applies if the SBC has been deployed with (hardware) DSP resources. If it has not, executing this configuration step has no negative impact.

Subsequent configuration sections (Packet service profiles) do not attempt transcoding, so the lack of compression resources will not impact the overall SBC configuration in this document.


set system mediaProfile compression 75 tone 25


1.6 LRBT Profile

Create LRBT profile that will be attached to the Skype side. Enable Dynamic LRBT.


set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF
set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone signalingTonePackageState enable makeInbandToneAvailable enable
set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags useThisLrbtForIngress enable
set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF localRingBackTone flags dynamicLRBT enable


1.7 Path Check Profile

Create path Check profile that will be attached to the Skype side.


set profiles services pathCheckProfile SKYPE_OPTIONS protocol sipOptions sendInterval 20 replyTimeoutCount 1 recoveryCount 1
set profiles services pathCheckProfile SKYPE_OPTIONS transportPreference preference1 tcp
Change the transport preference to TCP-TLS if Skype server is listening on TLS.


2. Skype for Business and Exchange On Premise Configuration


2.1 Packet Service Profile (PSP)

Create a Packet Service Profile (PSP) for the Skype side. The PSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP flags ssrcRandomize enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable

2.2 IP Signaling Profile (IPSP)

Create an IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) for the Skype side. The IPSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags disable2806Compliance enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes redirect flags forceRequeryForRedirection enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes relayFlags notify enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes relayFlags statusCode4xx6xx enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeTransportTypeInContactHeader enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters callForwarding dataMapping none
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters callForwarding diversionHeaderTransparency enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags mwiBody enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes optionTagInRequireHeader suppressReplaceTag enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP


2.3 IP Interface Group

The below configuration is for a Sonus 52x0 system using a single port for Internal connectivity.


set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 ceName IOTNEXUS portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 24 altIpAddress fc00::103:f:f:f:118 altPrefix 64
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 mode inService state enabled


2.4 Zone

This Zone groups the set of objects that are used for the communication to Skype for Business. Configure the domain name.


set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE id 4
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE domainName

2.5 SIP Signaling Port

A SIP Signaling port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone which is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets.


set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE id 4 sipSigPort 4 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 ipAddressV6 fc00::103:f:f:f:118 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp,sip-tls-tcp
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE id 4 sipSigPort 4 state enabled mode inService


2.6 DNS Group

DNS Groups set DNS objects that may be used for DNS resolution within a particular Zone.


set addressContext default dnsGroup EXT_DNS
set addressContext default dnsGroup EXT_DNS type mgmt server DNS1 ipAddress state enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE dnsGroup EXT_DNS

2.7 SIP Trunk Group

Create a SIP Trunk Group towards Skype side and assign the Profiles configured above.


set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG signaling honorMaddrParam enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG policy media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG downstreamForkingSupport enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG signaling rel100Support enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG services dnsSupportType a-only
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG media earlyMedia forkingBehaviour firstRtp
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG ingressIpPrefix :: 0
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG signaling methods notify allow
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG signaling acceptHistoryInfo enabled
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup SKYPE_TG mode inService state enabled

2.8 IP Static Route

Create a default route to the subnet's next hop IP for the interface and IP Interface Group.


set addressContext default staticRoute 24 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute :: 0 fc00::103:f:f:f:1 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100

 2.9 IP Peer

Create an IP Peer with the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the end points and assign it to the Service Provider (SP) or SKYPE Zone. Assign the path check profile created.


set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE ipPeer Exchange_IPP policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5060
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE ipPeer SKYPE_IPP policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5068
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE ipPeer SKYPE_IPP pathCheck profile SKYPE_PATHCHECK 
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE ipPeer SKYPE_IPP pathCheck profile SKYPE_PATHCHECK hostName hostPort 5068 state enabled


3. Service Provider Side Configuration

3.1 Packet Service Profile (PSP)

Create a Packet Service Profile (PSP) for the SP side. The PSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP
set profiles media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711_2833_20
set profiles media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable terminationForPassthrough enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
set profiles media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable

3.2 IP Signaling Profile (IPSP)

Create an IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) for the SP side. The IPSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes optionTagInRequireHeader suppressReplaceTag enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP egressIpAttributes domainName useZoneLevelDomainNameInContact enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes relayFlags notify enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes relayFlags statusCode4xx6xx enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags mwiBody enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP egressIpAttributes redirect flags forceRequeryForRedirection disable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeTransportTypeInContactHeader enable


3.3 IP Interface Group

The below configuration is for a Sonus 52x0 system using a single port for Internal connectivity.


set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 ceName IOTNEXUS portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 24
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0_V4 mode inService state enabled

3.4 Zone

This Zone groups the set of objects that are used for the communication to Skype for Business. Configure the domain name and assign DNS server to the zone.


set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE id 2
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE domainName

3.5 SIP Signaling Port

A SIP Signaling port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone which is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets.


set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 1 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp,sip-udp,sip-tls-tcp
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 1 mode inService state enabled

3.6 SIP Trunk Group

Create a SIP Trunk Group towards SP side and assign the Profiles configured above.


set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG policy media packetServiceProfile ACCESS_PSP
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile ACCESS_IPSP
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG downstreamForkingSupport enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG signaling rel100Support enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG services dnsSupportType a-only
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG ingressIpPrefix 24
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG mode inService state enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG signaling honorMaddrParam enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG signaling methods notify allow
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG policy media toneAndAnnouncementProfile LRBT_PROF

 3.7 IP Peer

Create an IP Peer with the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the end points and assign it to the SP or SKYPE Zone and assign the path check profile created.


set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE ipPeer PhonerLite_IPP ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE ipPeer POLYCOM1_IPP ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE ipPeer POLYCOM2_IPP ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE ipPeer CUCM_IPP ipAddress ipPort 5060

3.8 IP Static Route

Create a default route to the subnet’s next hop IP for the interface and IP Interface Group.


set addressContext default staticRoute 24 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute 24 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute 24 LIF1 PKT0_V4 preference 100


3.9 Routing Label

Create a Routing Label with a single Routing Label Route to bind the SP or SKYPE Trunk Group with the SP or SKYPE IP Peer.


set global callRouting routingLabel SKYPE_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SKYPE_TG ipPeer SKYPE_IPP inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel Exchange_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup SKYPE_TG ipPeer Exchange_IPP inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel PhonerLite_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup ACCESS_TG ipPeer PhonerLite_IPP inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel POLYCOM1_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup ACCESS_TG ipPeer POLYCOM1_IPP inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel POLYCOM2_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup ACCESS_TG ipPeer POLYCOM2_IPP inService inService
set global callRouting routingLabel CUCM_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup ACCESS_TG ipPeer CUCM_IPP inService inService

3.10 Routing

Routing must be put in place to send calls to the correct destination. For the purpose of this scenario, we have used number base routing, but additional routing options may be used.

The configuration of both standard and username routes are done to ensure that no matter which way the called party is addressed (a number or username) the SBC will route the message to the Core.

Create Route entries for standard Trunk Group routing with Matching Criteria and a Routing Label destination.


set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 7778883000 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel Exchange_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 77788830 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel SKYPE_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 9620428030 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PhonerLite_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 9620428031 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel POLYCOM1_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 9620428032 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel POLYCOM2_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 8030 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PhonerLite_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 8031 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel POLYCOM1_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 8032 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel POLYCOM2_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 666 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel CUCM_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel SKYPE_RL
set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL username Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none routingLabel SKYPE_RL

3.11 SIP Message manipulation

Create SIP Adapter profile to remove the transport protocol in the incoming SIP response and attach to SP side TG.


set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT rule 1 criterion 1 type message message messageTypes all condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT rule 1 criterion 2 type header header name Contact condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter condition exist paramType uri name transport
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT rule 1 action 1 type parameter operation delete paramType uri from type parameter value transport
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT rule 1 action 1 type parameter operation delete paramType uri to type parameter value transport
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT state enabled
set addressContext default zone ACCESS_ZONE sipTrunkGroup ACCESS_TG signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile DELETE_TRANSPORT


4. Online Exchange (O365) side Configuration

4.1 Packet Service Profile (PSP)

Create a Packet Service Profile (PSP) for the SP side. The PSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP
set profiles media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711-default
set profiles media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 101
set profiles media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP silenceInsertionDescriptor g711SidRtpPayloadType 13 heartbeat enable


4.2 IP Signaling Profile (IPSP)

Create an IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) for the SP side. The IPSP will be specified within the SIP Trunk Group Configuration.


set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendPtimeInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sendRtcpPortInSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags disable2806Compliance enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes relayFlags notify enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags mwiBody enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP egressIpAttributes redirect flags forceRequeryForRedirection enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags routeUsingRecvdFqdn enable

4.3 IP Interface Group

The below configuration is for a Sonus 52x0 system using a single port for Internal connectivity.


set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 ceName IOTNEXUS portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 24
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1_V4 mode inService state enabled


4.4 Zone

This Zone groups the set of objects that are used for the communication to Skype for Business. Configure the domain name. Assign DNS server to the zone.


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE id 3
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE domainName

4.5 SIP Signaling Port

A SIP Signaling port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone and is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets.


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 2 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tls-tcp
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE id 2 sipSigPort 2 state enabled mode inService

4.6 SIP Trunk Group

Create a SIP Trunk Group towards SP side and assign the Profiles configured above.


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2 
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG signaling honorMaddrParam enabled
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG policy media packetServiceProfile OFFICE_PSP
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile OFFICE_IPSP
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG downstreamForkingSupport enabled
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG signaling rel100Support enabled
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG services dnsSupportType a-only
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG ingressIpPrefix 0
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG mode inService state enabled
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG signaling relayNonInviteRequest enabled
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipTrunkGroup OFFICE_TG signaling methods notify allow

 4.7 IP Peer

Create an IP Peer with the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the end points and assign it to the SP or SKYPE Zone. Assign the path check profile created. FQDN for OFFICE_IPP will be provided by Microsoft O365.


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE ipPeer OFFICE_IPP policy sip fqdn fqdnPort 5060

4.8 IP Static Route

Create a default route to the subnet’s IP next hop for the interface and IP Interface Group.


set addressContext default staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute 32 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 LIF2 PKT1_V4 preference 100

4.9 DNS Group

DNS Groups set DNS objects that may be used for DNS resolution within a particular Zone.


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE dnsGroup PUBLIC_DNS
set addressContext default dnsGroup PUBLIC_DNS type ip interface LIF2 server PUBLIC_DNS state enabled ipAddress
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE dnsGroup PUBLIC_DNS

4.10 Routing Label

Create a Routing Label with a single Routing Label Route to bind the SP or SKYPE Trunk Group with the SP or SKYPE IP Peer.


set global callRouting routingLabel OFFICE_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup OFFICE_TG ipPeer OFFICE_IPP inService inService

4.11 Routing

Routing must be put in place to send calls to the correct destination. For the purpose of this scenario, we have used number base routing, but additional routing options may be used.

The configuration of both standard and username routes are done to ensure that no matter which way the called party is addressed (a number or username) the SBC will route the message to the Core.

Create Route entries for standard Trunk Group routing with Matching Criteria and a Routing Label destination.


set global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 8888884 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel OFFICE_RL


5. TLS Configuration for Skype and Exchange On-Premise

Note: Only difference from previous Section is shown below
Important Note
SBX5K does not support MKI. LYNC_IT tool does not take into account that SBX has not published MKI support in its SDP and still tries to validate SRTP as
SRTP with MKI BIT set. As a workaround, we publish MKI support in SDP and use this new debug xrm command to mark MKI bit in outgoing SRTP/SRTCP  streams and also factor it for incoming SRTP/ SRTCP streams.
This command is to be used only for LYNC certification or qualification in Customer Labs only. We do not recommend enabling this in production enviroment.
unhide debug
Password: ******
#password is sonus1
request sbx xrm debug command "srtpmki enable"
[ok][2014-04-01 16:54:17]
MKI Enabled: encLength=1; encValue=0x1; decLength=1

5.1 Create a configuration object to hold a locally generated RSA key pair


set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT type local-internal

5.2 Generate Key pair and CSR (certificate signing request) for submission to a Certificate Authority (CA)


request system security pki certificate SBC_CERT generateCSR csrSub /C=IN/ST=KA/L=Bangalore/O=Sonus/ keySize keySize2K

5.3 Generate required certificates


Note: Follow certification generation procedure given in Appendix A and then copy the SKYPE Server Root Certificate (rootcert.cer) and Microsoft signed SBC Certificate (servercert.pem) into
/opt/sonus/external/ folder of SBC

5.4 Create Crypto Suite Profile


set profiles security cryptoSuiteProfile CRYPT_PROF entry 1 cryptoSuite AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1-80

5.5 Import Lync Root Certificate into database

set system security pki certificate ROOT_CERT type remote fileName Root_CERT.cer state enabled

5.6 Import CA Certified SBC Server Certificate into database

set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT fileName servercert.pem state enabled

5.7 Create TLS Profile

set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF clientCertName SBC_CERT serverCertName SBC_CERT cipherSuite1 rsa-with-3des-ede-cbc-sha cipherSuite2 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha authClient true allowedRoles clientandserver acceptableCertValidationErrors invalidPurpose

5.8 Configure Packet Service Profile with Crypto Suite

set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP secureRtpRtcp cryptoSuiteProfile CRYPT_PROF
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowFallback disable

5.9 Configure IP Signaling Profile

set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp

5.10 Attach TLS Profile to SIP Signaling Port

set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipSigPort 4 state disabled mode outOfService
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipSigPort 4 tlsProfileName TLS_PROF
set addressContext default zone SKYPE_ZONE sipSigPort 4 state enabled mode inService


6. TLS Configuration for Exchange Online (O365)


Note: Only additional config required from previous Section is shown below.
1. New Server certification from public CA needs to be imported.
2. Baltimore certificate in pem format is found in below site. It need to be converted into .cer by using openssl.

openssl x509 -outform der -in cert.pem -out cert.cer


6.1 Import Baltimore Certificate into database


set system security pki certificate MicroSoft_CERT type remote fileName GlobalCert.cer state enable

6.2 Attach TLS Profile to SIP Signaling Port


set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipSigPort 2 state disabled mode outOfService
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipSigPort 2 tlsProfileName TLS_PROF
set addressContext default zone OFFICE_ZONE sipSigPort 2 state enabled mode inService



Test Results



Microsoft Skype For Business certification test results

S .NoTest Case IdTest Case DescriptionResultObservation Comment
14083473.2.1 Skype for Business Client receives a call from PSTN End Point with G.711 A-law and/or G.711 U-law codecsPass  
24083513.2.2 PSTN End Point places a call from Skype for Business Client on hold for 15 minutes and then resumesPass  
34083483.2.3 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that forwards the call to PSTN End Point2Pass  
44083523.2.4 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client1 that performs Blind Transfer to Skype for Business Client2 with REFERPass  
54083493.2.5 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that escalates the call to a conference by inviting PSTN End Point2Pass  
64083503.2.6 Device fails over incoming call to Mediation Server2 when Mediation Server1 sends 503 Service Unavailable responsePass  
74080834.2.6 Skype for Business Client1 calls PSTN End Point, Skype for Business Client1 parks the call and retrieves it on Skype for Business Client2Pass  
84080704.2.8 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client and hangs up while Skype for Business Client is still ringingPass  
94080844.2.9 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client that later parks the call but does not retrieve itPass  
104081114.2.14 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that is set to simultaneous ring to IVR number on a PSTN endpointPass  
114080804.2.15 Inbound call to Skype for Business Client from PSTN End Point with a very long Request-URI in the INVITEPass  
124080654.3.1 Device correctly handles non-E.164 number in outboundRequest URIPass  
134080854.3.2 Device establishes call to Skype for Business Client with configured value of ptimePass  
144080634.3.3 Device generates 603 Decline response for a call rejected by PSTN End PointPass  
154080784.3.4 Device handles call from Mediation Server with an alias name in the FROM headerPass  
164080754.3.5 Device is able to disconnect a call that isforkedto Skype for Business Clients set to 'Do not disturb'Pass  
174080874.3.6 Device negotiates Comfort Noise in a call from Skype for Business Client to PSTN End PointPass  
184080734.3.7 Device processes call from Skype for Business Client with E.164 number in FROM Header URIPass  
194080714.3.8 Device processes phone-context in Request and To URI from Skype for Business ClientPass  
204080884.3.9 Device sends Comfort Noise packets to Skype for Business Client when a call is mutedPass  
214080764.3.11 Device sends single media description line for a call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business ClientPass  
224080664.3.14 Skype for Business Client calls PSTN End Point and hangs up before receiving 200 OK from DevicePass  
234080624.3.15 Skype for Business Client calls PSTN End Point with a call duration longer than 32 secondsPass  
244080774.3.16 Skype for Business Client calls an IVR number and navigates through the IVR menu after call connectionPass  
254080744.3.19 Skype for Business Client response to PSTN End Point is delayed due to network delayPass  
264080724.3.20 Skype for Business Client sends INVITE with E.164 number and extension in Request and To URIPass  
274080814.3.21 Mediation Server renegotiates an existing voice session with a different IP addressPass  
284080824.3.22 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client1, Skype for Business Client1 parks the call and retrieves it on Skype for Business Client2Pass  
294080694.3.23 PSTN End Point disconnects established call from Skype for Business ClientPass  
304080684.3.24 PSTN End Point disconnects established call to Skype for Business ClientPass  
314080674.3.25 PSTN End Point displays Skype for Business Client Caller ID for Outbound CallPass  
324081014.4.1 Device offers DTMF payload type in the range of 96-127 to Mediation ServerPass  
334080924.4.2 Skype for Business Client is able to establish a call with PSTN End Point using G.711 A-law codecPass  
344080864.4.3 Skype for Business Client makes a call to PSTN End Point with G.711 A-law and/or G.711 U-law codecsPass  
354081144.4.4 Skype for Business Client makes a call to PSTN End Point with G.711 U-law codecPass  
364081194.4.5 Skype for Business Client receives a call from PSTN End Point with G.711 U-law codecsPass  
374080904.4.6 PSTN End Point is able to establish a call with Skype for Business Client using G.711 A-law codecPass  
384081124.5.1 Device sends PRACK for reliable Early Media for a call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business ClientPass  
394080644.5.3 Skype for Business Client calls IVR number and navigates through the IVR menu before call ConnectionPass  
404081064.5.4 Skype for Business Client hears Early Media for a call to PSTN End PointPass  
414081044.6.1 Device does not change the SSRC of an established inbound RTP sessionPass  
424081004.6.3 Device does not change the SSRC of an established outbound RTP sessionPass  
434080934.6.5 Device handles multiple RTP streams for a call to Skype for Business ClientPass  
444081034.6.6 Device may send RTCP sender and receiver reportsPass  
454080974.6.8 Device sends RTCP packets when Skype for Business Client places call on holdPass  
464081284.6.9 Device sends RTCP packets while playing music on holdPass  
474081094.7.1 Device disconnects a forked call if PSTN End Point hangs up while phones are ringingPass  
484080794.7.3 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that is set to simultaneous ring to Skype for Business Client and PSTN End Point2 answersPass  
494662064.9.1 Inbound Call QoS RemediationPass  
504662074.9.2 Outbound Call QoS RemediationPass  
514082255.1.1 PSTN End Point places a call to Skype for Business Client on hold for 15 minutes and then resumes (Media Bypass OFF)Pass  
524082315.2.1 Skype for Business Client plays music when it holds call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business ClientPass  
534082345.3.1 Skype for Business Client places a call from PSTN End Point on hold for 15 minutes and then resumesPass  
544082295.3.2 Skype for Business Client places a call to PSTN End Point on hold and resumes after 12 minutesPass  
554082275.3.5 Skype for Business Client resumes call to PSTN End Point after playing music on hold for 15 minutesPass  
564082076.1.1 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that forwards all calls to PSTN End Point2 when Media Bypass OFFPass  
574082587.1.1 Device generates INVITE with Replaces and Referred-By headers when it receives a REFER requestPass  
584082547.1.2 Device includes REFER in ALLOW header in INVITE sent to Mediation ServerPass  
594082597.1.3 Device maintains the original session when rejecting a call transfer with REFERPass  
604082577.1.4 Device supports Hairpin Elimination for Blind Transfer with REFERPass  
614082557.1.7 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Blinds Transfers the call to PSTN End Point2Pass  
624082637.2.1 Device does not drop the call when Consultative Transfer by Skype for Business Client to second PSTN End Point failsPass  
634082647.2.2 Device supports Hairpin Elimination for Consultative Transfer with REFERPass  
644082617.2.4 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Consultative Transfers to PSTN End Point2Pass  
654082138.1.1 Skype for Business Client1 calls Skype for Business Client2 and escalates the call to a conference, inviting PSTN End Point and later removing itPass  
664082148.1.3 PSTN End Point establishes a call with the Conference Auto AttendantPass  
674083099.1.1 Device distributes new calls among DNS configured Mediation ServersPass  
684083119.1.2 Device honors TTL when distributing new calls among DNS configured Mediation ServersPass  
694082869.2.1 Device responds to OPTIONS as keep alive to Mediation Server over TCPPass  
704082899.2.3 Device resumes sending calls to Mediation Server when it starts receiving OPTIONS response from that Mediation ServerPass  
714082879.2.4 Device sends periodic OPTIONS message as keep alive to Mediation ServerPass  
724082919.2.6 PSTN End Point establishes a call with Skype for Business Client when interface of Mediation Server1 goes downPass  
734082939.2.7 Device fails over incoming call to a second Mediation Server when the first Mediation Server does not respondPass  
744083069.2.8 Device utilizes failover and does not offer new calls to a failed Mediation ServerPass  
7540805810.1.1 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client with Caller ID set to 'Anonymous' on DevicePass  
7640832111.1.1 Device disconnects call when Mediation Server sends 408 Request Timeout for call from PSTN End PointPass  
7740832711.1.2 Device disconnects call when Mediation Server sends 501 Not Implemented for call from PSTN End PointPass  
7840832811.1.3 Device disconnects call when Mediation Server sends 606 Not Acceptable for call from PSTN End PointPass  
7940832511.1.4 Device generates 486 Busy Here response from a busy PSTN End PointPass  
8040832411.1.5 Device handles call from Skype for Business Client to a user that does not exist in the domainPass  
8140832611.1.6 Device processes 486 Busy Here response from a busy Skype for Business ClientPass  
8240831711.1.7 Device processes 488 Not Acceptable Here response for unsupported codec from Mediation ServerPass  
8340832311.1.9 Device processes 603 Decline response from Skype for Business ClientPass  
8440832911.1.10 Device responds with 488 Not Acceptable Here when Mediation Server offers a codec unsupported on the devicePass  
8540831511.1.11 Device sends 414 Request-URI Too Long when unable to handle very longRequest URIPass  
8643896111.1.12 Reason headers are included for all 4xx, 5xx and 6xx responsesPass  
8743895111.1.13 Reason headers are included for all BYE requestsPass  
8843895611.1.14 Reason headers are included for all CANCEL requestsPass  
894081624.2.5 Device sends PRACK for reliable Early Media for a call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business Client. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
904081554.2.10 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client that later parks the call but does not retrieve it. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
914081534.2.12 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client1, Skype for Business Client1 parks the call and retrieves it on Skype for Business Client2. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
924081484.2.13 PSTN End Point1 calls Skype for Business Client that is set to simultaneous ring to Skype for Business Client and PSTN End Point2 answers. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
934081644.6.7 Device may send RTCP sender and receiver reports. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
944081594.7.2 Device disconnects a forked call if PSTN End Point hangs up while phones are ringing. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
954082737.1.6 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client1 that performs Blind Transfer to Skype for Business Client2 with REFER. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
964082168.1.2 Skype for Business Client1 calls Skype for Business Client2 and escalates the call to a conference, inviting PSTN End Point and later removing it. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
974082824.1.1 Device accepts Mediation Server 'pool' certificate for a secure callPass  
984283614.1.2 Device offers Device pool certificate for a secure callPass  
994081274.2.1 Device adds at least one "crypto" attribute for each media description line in the SDPPass  
1004081174.2.2 Device handles 488 Not Acceptable Here response from the Mediation Server operating in RTP only modePass  
1014081244.2.3 Device sends Crypto attributes in SDP for call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business ClientPass  
1024081184.2.4 Device sends its own FQDN in contact header for TLS call from Skype for Business Client to PSTN End PointPass  
1034081154.2.7 Mediation Server that requires SRTP rejects call from Device that supports RTP onlyPass  
1044081254.2.11 PSTN End Point calls Skype for Business Client with security enabled and Skype for Business Client later hangs upPass  
1054080894.3.10 Device sends Comfort Noise packets to Skype for Business Client when secure call is mutedPass  
1064081164.3.12 Device that supports SRTP only rejects call from Skype for Business Client that supports RTP OnlyPass  
1074080994.3.13 Device with RTP only setting rejects call from Skype for Business Client that requires SRTPPass  
1084331404.3.17 Skype for Business Client makes a secure call to an IVR andpastesa string of conference ID digits which are recognized by the Device and IVRPass  
1094080984.3.18 Skype for Business Client makes a secure call to an IVR number and navigates through the IVR menu after receiving 200 OK from DevicePass  
1104081134.5.2 Device sends PRACK for reliable Early Media for call from PSTN End Point to Skype for Business Client with SRTP OptionalPass  
1114081264.6.2 Device does not change the SSRC of an established inbound SRTP sessionPass  
1124081234.6.4 Device does not change the SSRC of an established outbound SRTP sessionPass  
1134081054.6.10 Device sends SRTCP sender and receiver reports for a secure callPass  
1144081104.8.1 Device disconnects a forked secure call if PSTN End Point hangs up while phones are ringingPass  
1154080944.8.3 Device handles multiple SRTP streams for a secure call to Skype for Business ClientPass  
1164081074.8.4 Skype for Business Client hears Early Media for a secure call to PSTN End PointPass  
1174081084.8.5 Skype for Business Client hears Early Media for a secure call to PSTN End Point when Media Bypass OFFPass  
1184081294.8.6 Skype for Business Client makes a secure call to PSTN End PointPass  
1194081224.8.7 Skype for Business Client makes a secure call to PSTN End Point and PSTN End Point later hangs upPass  
1204081304.8.8 Skype for Business Client makes a secure call to PSTN End Point with call duration more than 32 seconds and SRTP set to OptionalPass  
1214285374.8.9 Skype for Business Client places a secure call to PSTN End Point and call is up for more than 30 minutes with session timer enabled on DevicePass  
1224391734.8.10 Skype for Business Client places a secure call to PSTN End Point and call is up for more than 30 minutes with session timer enabled on Device (Media Bypass OFF)Pass  
1234081204.8.11 Skype for Business Client receives a secure call with G.711 U-law codec with Media Bypass OFFPass  
1244080914.8.12 PSTN End Point is able to establish a secure call with Skype for Business Client using G.711 A-law codecPass  
1254082355.1.2 PSTN End Point places a secure call from Skype for Business Client on hold and then resumesPass  
1264082245.1.3 PSTN End Point places a secure call to Skype for Business Client on hold and resumes after 15 minutesPass  
1274285065.3.3 Skype for Business Client places secure call to PSTN End Point on hold after 30 minutes and then resumesPass  
1284391695.3.4 Skype for Business Client places secure call to PSTN End Point on hold after 30 minutes and then resumes (Media Bypass OFF)Pass  
1294082066.1.2 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client that forwards the call to PSTN End Point2 with Media Bypass OFFPass  
1304082056.1.3 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client that has call forwarded to PSTN End Point2Pass  
1314082607.1.5 Device supports Hairpin Elimination for secure Blind Transfer with REFERPass  
1324082567.1.8 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Blinds Transfers the call to PSTN End Point2Pass  
1334082657.2.3 Device supports Hairpin Elimination for secure Consultative Transfer with REFERPass  
1344082627.2.5 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Consultative Transfers to PSTN End Point2Pass  
1354082889.2.2 Device responds to OPTIONS as keep alive to Mediation Server over TLSPass  
1364082859.2.5 Device uses load balancing to distribute secure inbound calls among Mediation Servers in a clusterPass  
13740832211.1.8 Device processes 603 Decline from Skype for Business Client for a secure callPass  
1384081664.6.11 Device sends SRTCP sender and receiver reports for a secure call. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
1394081604.8.2 Device disconnects a forked secure call if PSTN End Point hangs up while phones are ringing. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
1404082687.1.9 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Blinds Transfers the call to PSTN End Point2. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  
1414082757.2.6 PSTN End Point1 makes a secure call to Skype for Business Client and Skype for Business Client Consultative Transfers to PSTN End Point2. (Media Bypass OFF) (IPv6)Pass  


Microsoft O365 certification test results

S.NoTest Case Id Test Case DescriptionResultObservationComment
146540312.1.1 Mailbox login from public phone (On-Premises)Pass  
246540412.1.2 Mailbox navigation using VUI (On-Premises)Pass  
346540512.1.3 Mailbox navigation using TUI (On-Premises)Pass  
446540612.1.4 Leave Voicemail from an internal extension (On-Premises)Pass  
546540712.1.5 Leave Voicemail from an external extension (On-Premises)Pass  
646540812.1.6 Inbound call handled by Auto Attendant (On-Premises)Pass  
746541712.2.1 Voicemail using OWA’s Play-On-Phone feature to an external extension (On-Premises)Pass  
846541612.2.2 Voicemail using OWA’s Play-On-Phone feature to a user’s extension (On-Premises)Pass  
946541012.3.1 Call transferred to search target (On-Premises)Pass  
1046541112.3.2 Call transferred to search target busy voicemail (On-Premises)Pass  
1146541212.3.3 Call transferred to search target no-answer voicemail (On-Premises)Pass  
1246541312.3.4 Call transferred to search default target (On-Premises)Pass  
1346568312.4.1 Device supports FAX (On-Premises) Not Tested  Not tested due unavailability of FAX server.
1446579212.5.1 MWI Lamp on PBX phone lights up (On-Premises)Pass  
1546579312.5.2 MWI Lamp on PBX phone turns off (On-Premises)Pass  
1646579812.6.1 Check Voicemail Button (On-Premises)Pass  
1746579912.6.2 Call Forward toother UM-Enableduser(On-Premises)Pass  
1846569313.1.1 Mailbox login from public phone (On-Line)Pass  
1946569413.1.2 Mailbox navigation using VUI (On-Line)Pass  
2046569513.1.3 Mailbox navigation using TUI (On-Line)Pass  
2146569613.1.4 Leave Voicemail from an internal extension (On-Line)Pass  
2246569713.1.5 Leave Voicemail from an external extension (On-Line)Pass  
2346569813.1.6 Inbound call handled by Auto Attendant (On-Line)Pass  
2446570613.2.1 Voicemail using OWA’s Play-On-Phone feature to an external extension (On-Line)Pass  
2546570513.2.2 Voicemail using OWA’s Play-On-Phone feature to a user’s extension (On-Line)Pass  
2646570013.3.1 Call transferred to search target (On-Line)Pass  
2746570113.3.2 Call transferred to search target busy voicemail (On-Line)Pass  
2846570213.3.3 Call transferred to search target no-answer voicemail (On-Line)Pass  
2946570313.3.4 Call transferred to search default target (On-Line)Pass  
3046570813.4.1 Device supports FAX (On-Line)Not Tested  Not tested due unavailability of FAX server.
3146580113.6.1 Check Voicemail Button (On-Line)Pass  
3246580213.6.2 Call Forward toother UM-Enableduser(On-Line)Pass  


These Application Notes describe the configuration steps required for the Sonus SBC 5XX0 to successfully interoperate with Skype for Business 2015 and Exchange Unified Messaging. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed with the exceptions/observations noted in Test Results.


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