Perform the following procedure to create a VM for the host:
From vCenter Home, select Host from the navigation pane.
Select the host from the navigation pane and click Create a new virtual machine under "Basic Tasks" of Getting Started tab.
The New Virtual Machine dialog displays.
Select "Create a new virtual machine" option (New Virtual Machine, step 1a) and click Next.
In the next screen (step 2a), enter the VM name and select the datacenter as the location (in this example, DatacenterSBCSWe1), and click Next.
In the next screen (step 2b), select the host IP from the list, and click Next.
In the next screen (step 2c), select the datastore (in this example, "datastore1 (2)") from the list and click Next.
In the next screen (step 2d), select compatibility version "ESX 5.1 and later" from Compatible with drop-down list, and click Next.
In the next screen (step 2e), choose the appropriate operating system from Guest OS Family drop-down list.
Choose the OS version from Guest OS Version drop-down list and click Next.
The "Customize hardware" screen appears (step 2f).
Limit: "Unlimited"
Reservation: "16384" MB
Disk Provisioning: "Thick provision eager zeroed"
New Network: "HA", with "Connect" option enabled
MAC Address: "Automatic"
New CD/DVD Drive: "Datastore ISO File".
Prior to this step, the ISO file must be downloaded to and present on the host.
From the Select File dialog, select the datastore from Datastores column, and ISO file from Contents column.
Click OK to continue with the hardware settings.
Connect at Power On: Select option to enable it.
At the bottom of the New Virtual Machine screen, select "Network" from New device drop-down list.
Sonus recommends configuring all four ports with different IP addresses in four different networks in the order shown:
Click Add. A "New Network" field is added to the Virtual Hardware list.
Ensure that "Connect at Power On" is enabled.
Ensure that "Connect at Power On" is enabled.
Ensure that "Connect at Power On" is enabled.
Click Next. The "Ready to complete" screen displays so you can verify the settings.
When you are satisfied with the VM hardware settings, click Finish.
This completes the configuration of your vSphere distributed switch.