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The SBC can be deployed using SIPREC by configuring call recording from the PSX or ePSX.


Not applicable to the SBC Software Edition.

Triggering Call Recording From PSX

Use the steps below to configure the SBC and PSX to establish call recordings triggered from the PSX.

  1. Configure the SBC for a basic call.

  2. Install SIPREC license on the SBC using the EMS.

  3. Configure external PSX (SIPREC feature will work with external PSX/ePSX).

    % set system policyServer localServer PSX_LOCAL_SERVER mode outOfService state disabled
    % set system policyServer remoteServer <psx name> ipAddress <psx_ip> portNumber <psx_port> state enabled mode active

  4. Create a recorder profile in PSX.

    Create Recorder Profile

  5. Configure Call recording criteria in the PSX.

    Configure Call Recording Criteria

  6. Create a SIP signaling port in SBC towards the recorder, and enable SIPREC.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipSigPort <SIP SIGNALLING PORT> siprec enabled 

  7. Create a trunk group from the SBC for recording.

    Ensure the name of the trunk group is is identical to the one used above while creating Recorder profile in PSX.
  8. Add static routes toward the recorder.

  9. If secondary recorder is also configured in the PSX for redundancy, create IP peers with both primary and secondary recorder IP addresses and enable options ping for these recorders. While recording, if the primary SRS is identified as DOWN by the SBC through options ping mechanism, a recording session is initiated towards the secondary SRS and the recording continues.

    % set profiles services pathCheckProfile <path_check_profile> 
    protocol sipOptions recoveryCount <count> replyTimeoutCount 
    <count> sendInterval <interval>
    %set addressContext 
    default zone $sbx_zone_rs_v4 ipPeer <IP_PEER_SRS> ipAddress 
    <ip> ipPort <port> pathCheck profile 
    <path_check_profile> state    enabled 

Triggering Call Recording From CLI

  1. Create a SIP signaling port in SBC towards the recorder, and enable SIPREC.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipSigPort <SIP SIGNALLING PORT> siprec enabled 

  2. Create a trunk group from the SBC for recording.

    Ensure the name of the trunk group is is identical to the one used above while creating Recorder profile in PSX.
  3. Add static routes toward the recorder.

  4. Start recoding from the CLI or EMA.

    When recording is initiated from CLI/EMA, disable call recording criteria (or check that call recording criteria does not match); otherwise, recording is not initiated through CLI/EMA.


    1. CLI method.

      % request global sipRec startRecord gcid <GCID> callLeg <ingress/egress> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsPort <SRS PORT> 

    2. EMA method:

      EMA Start Record Command

      Global > Siprec

  5. To stop recording, use one of the methods below.
    1. CLI method:

      % request global sipRec stopRecord gcid <GCID>

    2. EMA method:

      EMA Stop Record Command

      Global > Siprec

  6. To view the details of the calls being recorded from CLI or EMA:
    1. CLI method:

      > show table global sipRecStatus
                 RECORDER       RX RTP               TX RTP       RECORDING 
      GCID       ADDRESS        ADDRESS             ADDRESS         LEG
      1   ingress

    2. EMA method:

      SIPREC Status Example

      Global > Siprec Status

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