In this section:


To configure the HPC/GETS feature, perform the following configuration steps:


The SBC supports configuring up to 256 HPC Call Profiles.


SBC Configuration

Creating an HPC Call Profile

To create an HPC Call Profile, execute the following command:

% set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile

Enabling the HPC Call Profile

To enable the HPC call profile, execute the following command:

% set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile enabled

Attaching the HPC Call Profile to the Egress and Ingress Sip Trunk Groups

To attach an HPC call profile to Sip Trunk Group, execute the following command:

% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_ING services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_EGR services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile 

Optionally Update Default CAC hpcOversubscription

To configure CAC hpcOversubscription, execute the following command:

% set addressContext default zone defaultzone cac hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone cac ingress hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone cac egress hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_ING cac hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_EGR cac hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_ING cac ingress hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_EGR cac ingress hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_ING cac egress hpcOversubscription 10
% set addressContext default zone defaultzone sipTrunkGroup TG_EGR cac egress hpcOversubscription 10

External PSX Configuration

For information on external PSX configuration, refer to the section Provisioning GETS Support for SIP Calls.

EMS Configuration

For information on NW-HPC license, refer to the section Licensed Applications and Features.