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This section details the SIP trunk group signaling objects.


The Transparency Profile is the recommended method of configuring transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments as well as when applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.

As a best practice, always use UPPERCASE for trunk group names.


E164 Profiles

Use this parameter to choose an E.164 profile to associate with this SIP Trunk Group.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling E164Profiles
	e164GlobalProfile <global profile name>
	e164LocalProfile <local profile name>

Command Parameters

E164 Profiles Parameters

e164GlobalProfile <global profile name> 1-23 characters 

Name of the global E.164 Profile.

e164LocalProfile <local profile name>1-23 characters Name of the E.164 Profile for local numbers.

P-Header Extensions

Use this parameter to define the prescribed behavior associated with various 3GPP P-Headers.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling P-HeaderExtensions
	addEgressOrigCa <disabled | enabled>
	insertpVisitedNetworkID <identifier>
	useIngressOrigCa <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

P-Header Extensions Parameters

addEgressOrigCa N/A

Enable to send P-Orig-CA header on the egress side.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
insertpVisitedNetworkID  1-255 characters<header value> – Use this parameter to set the P-Visited-Network-ID header value when receiving REGISTER, OOD INVITE and OOD non-INVITE requests from UE before the message is forwarded towards IMS core network (for example, visitedNetwork or “\”Visited Network\””).

Enable to honor P-Orig-CA header received on the ingress side.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

TCP Fallback

Use this control to configure TCP Fallback settings.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling TCPFallback 
		maxMTUSupportedOverUDPControl <disabled | enabled>
		maxMTUSupportedOverUDPValue <1-5000>

Command Parameters

TCP Fallback Parameters


Maximum MTU Size accepted over UDP.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
maxMTUSupportedOverUDPValue 1-5000

Maximum size of the SIP Invite accepted over UDP. (default = 1300).


Use this parameter to control the X and P Header behavior applicable to this trunk group.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling X-Headers HeaderFlag <none | xHeaders>

 Command Parameters

X-Header Parameter


The header type allowed on this SIP trunk group.

  • none (default)
  • xHeaders

Accept History Info

This flag controls the acceptance of the History-Info header received on the ingress trunk group.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling acceptHistoryInfo <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Accept History Info Parameter


Enable this flag to accept History-Info header received on the ingress trunk group.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Access Class

Use this parameter to allow the

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 to select the GIBA security mechanism when a REGISTER message is received without specific security headers. The 
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validates Source IP Address against Via header IP Address and transparently passes UEs Via header in egress messages towards network entities. If REGISTER message is received with "sec-agree" in Proxy-Require header along with Auth headers, and no IP Sec profile is configured, the
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rejects the message with "4xx Bad Extension" error response irrespective of the accessClass parameter value.

When GIBA security mechanism is selected and Via header is configured to pass transparently to egress leg, 

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inserts a “received” parameter with the source IP address of the PDU if the host portion of the UE’s Via header does not equate to the source IP address seen by the
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Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling accessClass <3GPP | none>

Command Parameters

Access Class Parameter


Select 3GPP to select GIBA security mechanism when a REGISTER message is received without specific security headers. Otherwise, select none for the SBC to use SIP Digest without TLS authentication.

  • 3GPP  
  • none (default)

Allow Bye Challenge

Use this flag to enable the Bye-Challenge feature.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling allowByeChallenge <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Allow Bye Challenge Parameter


When this flag is enabled, BYE messages can be challenged either by 401 or 407; and the call is released only when a BYE is received with appropriate credentials.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Use this object to support local authentication autonomously on a per-IP trunk group basis in situations where an IP-PBX does not perform a registration and the service provider does not require/want registrations (refer to IP Trunk Group Authentication for additional feature functionality).



If IP Trunk Group (IPTG) authentication is configured for both ingress IPTG and IP Peer, the IP Peer configuration takes precedence. If you wish to use the flags configured on IPTG, the IP Peer must not be present in the configurations. Otherwise, the IP Peer flags default to 'disabled' state and take precedence over IPTG flags. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling authentication
	authPassword <authentication password for trunkgroup> 
	authUserPart <userPart used for authentication> 
	intChallengeResponse <disabled | enabled> 
	incInternalCredentials <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Authentication Parameters

authPassword6-32 characters<password> – Password to create Authorization Digest or Proxy-Authorization headers for trunk group authentication. These credentials are used when replying to local authentication requests.
authUserPart1-127 characters<userpart> – Userpart to create Authorization Digest or Proxy-Authorization headers for trunk group authentication. These credentials are used when replying to local authentication requests.

Enable this flag on the ingress IP Trunk Group (IPTG), respective to the request, to allow the SBC to reply locally to egress IPTG authentication challenges. If this flag is disabled, the SBC will not reply to authentication challenges locally even if credentials are configured on the egress IPTG.

If this flag is disabled, incInternalCredentials is not used.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


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will not use IPTG credentials if a call originates from a surrogate originated peer even if intChallengeResponse is enabled on the ingress leg. 


Enable this flag on the ingress IP Trunk Group, respective to the request, to allow egress IPTG authentication to be internally created using the authorization information in mid-dialogue without being challenged.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled 

Backward Info Msg Con Dialog

Use this flag to determine if an INFO message will is sent after a confirmed Dialog.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling backwardInfoMsgConDialog <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Backward Info Msg Con Dialog Parameter


If enabled, an INFO message will only be sent after confirmed Dialog.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Calling Party

Use this parameter to specify which SIP headers are used when determining the Calling Party information.

Both ppiForCallingParty and rpiForCallingParty options are not applicable in Q.1912.5 SIP-I to SIP-I scenarios. Based on the Q.1912.5 recommendation, the mapping to calling party number only occurs if a PAI header containing valid address digits (0-9) are received.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling callingParty 
	cpcParamFromHeader <default | fromheader | paitel>
	fromHdrForCallingParty <disabled | enabled>
	paiForCallingParty <disabled | enabled>
	ppiForCallingParty <disabled | enabled>
	rpiForCallingParty <disabled | enabled>
	trustedSourceForIsup <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Calling Party Parameters


Use this parameter to specify how to map the SIP CPC parameter from the incoming to the outgoing call.

  • default (default)
  • fromHeader
  • paitel

If enabled, the FROM header is used to form the Calling-Party-ID provided no allowed PAI/PPI/RPI header is present. 

  • disabled 
  • enabled (default)

If enabled, the PAI header (if present) will be accepted to form the Calling-Party-ID. 

  • disabled 
  • enabled (default)

If enabled, the PPI header (if present) will be accepted to form the Calling-Party-ID. 

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)

If enabled, the RPI header (if present) will be accepted to form the Calling-Party-ID. 

  • disabled 
  • enabled (default)

Used to indicate if the message came from a trusted source and the FROM header can be used to map into ISUP parameters. 

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)

Cause Code Mapping

Use this parameter to control the mapping of CPC cause codes to/from SIP cause codes. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling causeCodeMapping
	cpcSipCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	sipCpcCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <profile name>
	useNonDefaultCauseCodeforARSBlackList <enabled | disabled>

Command Parameters

Cause Code Mapping Parameters


Select the name of the CPC to SIP cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.

  • defaultCpcSip
  • defaultQ1912CpcSip
  • defaultRFC3398CpcSip
  • defaultTs29163CpcSip

Select the name of the SIP to CPC cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.

  • defaultQ1912SipCpc
  • defaultRFC3398SipCpc
  • defaultSipCpc
  • defaultTs29163SipCpc

Select the name of the internal cause to SIP cause mapping profile for this SIP trunk group.


Enable this flag to use cause code 168 for route rejection due to ARS blacklisting.

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

Clear TCP Connections for Registration

Use this flag to clear the TCP connection between the UE and

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once the registration becomes inactive. The
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clears (closes) the TCP connection even when there are user agent failure registrations.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling clearTcpConnectionsforRegistration <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Clear TCP Connections for Registration Parameters



Enable this flag to clear the TCP connection between UE and

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once the registration becomes inactive.

When this flag is disabled, the

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relies on the UE to clear the TCP connection between the two If the registration becomes inactive.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Cond Inc Meth In Allow Hdr

Use this flag to use the ingress message ALLOW header content in the egress message so that only methods which are configured as allowed at the egress trunk group are populated from the ingress to the egress message. Methods with no configuration present are considered allowed (for example, INVITE).

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling condIncMethInAllowHdr <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Cond Inc Meth In Allow Hdr Parameters


Enable this flag to use ingress message ALLOW header content in the egress message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

De-Register Parent With Child Deregistration

Use this flag to allow P-CSCF to delete parent RCB and all its children during deregistration of any child IP Multimedia Public Identity (IMPU).

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling deRegParentWithChildDereg <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

De-Register Parent With Child Deregistration Parameters


Enable this flag to allow P-CSCF to delete parent RCB and all its children during deregistration of any child IP Multimedia Public Identity (IMPU).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Default Calling Party Number

The default calling number for Caller Privacy feature.


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling defaultCallingPartyNumber <default calling number>

Command Parameters

Default Calling Party Number Parameters

defaultCallingPartyNumber1-15<string> – The default calling number for Caller Privacy feature. If the party number is configured and the egressIpAttributes privacy flag msLyncPrivacySupport is enabled, the configured number is inserted as the user name of either the from header or the P-Asserted-Identity fields depending on the configuration.

Disable Term IOI For P-CSCF

Use this flag to prevent P-CSCF from adding “term-ioi” parameter to any requests while creating P-Charging-Vector (PCV) header.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling disableTermIOIForPcscf <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Disable Term IOI For P-CSCF Parameters


Enable this flag to prevent P-CSCF from adding “term-ioi” parameter to any requests while creating P-Charging-Vector (PCV) header.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

DNS Force Requery

Use this flag to allow the SBC to retry requests resolved from external DNS server to the IP/port, and skipping the internal DNS cache on a REGISTER transaction timeout.


This feature is limited to initial REGISTER, refresh REGISTER, and De-REGISTER requests for both vanilla and surrogate registration scenarios.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling dnsForceReQuery <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

DNS Force Requery Parameters


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to retry requests resolved from external DNS server to the IP/port, and skipping the internal DNS cache on a REGISTER transaction timeout.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Egress Call Id Static String

Use this parameter to define the string for generating the egress Call-id when the configured option for egressCallIdType on the PSX is "Use Static String". The egress Call-id is the aggregate of Ingress Call-id and a locally generated string on the 

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Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling egressCallIdStaticString <string>

Command Parameters

Egress Call Id Static String Parameters

egressCallIdStaticString 1-64

The string for generating the egress Call-id when the configured option for egressCallIdType on the PSX is "Use Static String". The egress Call-id is the aggregate of Ingress Call-id and a locally generated string on the 

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. (default value is a hyphen “-”)


Enforce SIPS if Egress is TLS

Use this flag to enforce SIPS URI scheme in the Request-Uri and Contact Header if a request is egressed using TLS as the transport. If enabled at the IAD side, the

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sets the URI scheme of any header to SIPS.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling enforceSipsIfEgressIsTls <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Enforce SIPS if Egress is TLS Parameters


Enable this flag to change the URI scheme as described below.

  • disabled – (default) If this flag is disabled at AS side, the 
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    uses SIP URI scheme. If disabled at the IAD side, the 
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    sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips" to SIPS.
  • enabled – If flag is enabled at AS side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    enforces SIPS URI scheme in Request-Uri and Contact Header if the request is egressed using TLS as transport. If enabled at IAD side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips" to SIPS.

Enforce TLS if SIPS URI Scheme Flag

Use this flag to enforce using TLS to egress a request if the Request-URI/topmost Route header uses “sips” scheme on a per-peer group basis.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling enforceTlsIfSipsUriScheme <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Enforce TLS if SIPS URI Scheme Parameters


Enable this flag to enforce using TLS to egress a request if the Request-URI/topmost Route header uses “sips” scheme on a per-peer group basis.

  • disabled – (default) If flag is disabled at AS side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    uses SIP URI scheme.If disabled at IAD side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    sets the URI scheme of any header using "sips", as SIPS. 
  • enabled – If flag is enabled at AS side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    enforces the use of TLS for egressing any dialog initiating request if incoming request has SIPS URI scheme in either Request-Uri or top-most Non-NBS Route Header. If enabled at IAD side, 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
    sets URI scheme of any header using "sips", as SIPS.

Factor Value

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling factorValue <value>

Command Parameters

Factor Value Parameter

factorValue1-50Enter the factor value to use to interwork the SIP Max-Forwards header and the ISUP Hop counter parameter. (default = 1).


Use this parameter to specify the FEID value to send out in the egress PDCS-Billing-Info header when sendiing the JIP value in the PDCS header.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling feidForPDCS <1-127>

Command Parameters

FEID For PDCS Parameters

feidForPDCS 1-127The FEID value sent out in egress PDCS-Billing-Info header when sendiing JIP value in PDCS header. FEID consists of hexadecimal string of up to 16 characters followed by a domain name (for example, abc1234@

Flexible Policy Adapter Profile

Use this Trunk Group object to associate a sipAdaptorProfile configured for flexible policy (profileType is set to "flexiblePolicy") with a particular trunk group.

If flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile is provisioned both at the trunk group and zone levels, the trunk group’s profile takes precedence. If inputAdapterProfile is configured, it is applied first to manipulate the PDU and then flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile rules are applied on the manipulated PDU.


Refer to SIP Adaptor Profile - CLI for CLI configuration details. 



 Flexible Policy is not supported on ERE and is intended for use with an external PSX only.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile <profile name>

Command Parameters

Flexible Policy Adapter Profile Parameters



<profile name> – The name of the Flexible Policy Adaptor Profile to associate with this trunk group.


Honor Maddr Param Flag

Use this flag to allow the 

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to process (and make routing decisions) the maddr parameter present in the Contact header of the incoming request/response or in the Refer-To header.

When this flag is disabled, the 

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does not perform any special processing for maddr parameter in the SIP message.

The following behavior is supported with this feature:

  • When maddr is present in the received SIP request’s Contact Header or in the Contact header of 18x, 20x, and 3xx, SBC uses it as the remote target.
  • When routing based on maddr value, the 
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    uses the port information present in the received Contact (or Refer-To) header.
  • When routing based on maddr value, the
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    uses the transport parameter present in the Contact as the new request's transport.


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supports this feature when maddr value is IPv4, IPv6, or even FQDN (resolving to either IPv4 or IPv6).

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling honorMaddrParam <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Honor Maddr Param Parameter




Enable this flag to allow the

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to process (and make routing decisions) the maddr parameter present in the Contact header of the incoming request/response or in the Refer-To header.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Inter-operator ID

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling interOperatorID <identifier>

Command Parameters

Inter-operator ID Parameter

interOperatorID 1-23<Identifier> – Use this parameter to specify the inter-operator id (ioi) for the MGCF. The ioi is a globally-unique identifier shared between sending and receiving networks.

ISUB Parameter Preference

Use this parameter to specify how the ISDN Sub-Address parameter is handled in SIP messages.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling isubParamPreference <nonstandard | rfc2806 | rfc3966>

Command Parameters

ISUB Parameter Preference Parameter

isubParamPreferenceUse this parameter to specify how the ISDN Sub-Address parameter is handled in SIP messages for this SIP trunk group.
  • nonstandard – When receiving, treat the percentage character (%) as an escape character. When sending, do not include characters not allowed by certain proxies.
  • rfc2806 (default) – Use for default behavior when handling ISUB parameter.
  • rfc3966 – Encode/decode the ISUB parameter based on the ABNF for ISUB specified in RFC 3966.

ISUP Mime Body Relay Flag

Use this flag to either relay or decode and interwork ISUP mime bodies received in SIP signaling. 

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling isupMimeBodyRelay <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

ISUP Mime Body Relay Parameter


Enable flag to transparently relay (in egress SIP signaling) an ISUP mime body received in SIP signaling. When disabled, ISUP mime bodies are decoded and interworked based on the egress signaling configuration.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Keep Support Flag

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling keepSupport <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Keep Support Parameter


Enable this flag to support the keep-alive mechanism (RFC 6223).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Local Number Support Flag

Use this flag to specify specific local number support.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling localNumberSupport <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Local Number Support Parameter


Enable this flag to allow P-CSCF to globalize the To header in a Register request URI in a SUBSCRIBE for the regevt, to perform a PSX dip for non-INVITE for the tel URI, and to control the dial string feature.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Max Fwds Default

Use this flag to specify the default Max Forwards Header value to use.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling maxFwdsDefault <value>

Command Parameters

Max Fwds Default Parameter

maxFwdsDefault1-100Default value for the Max Forwards Header. (default = 70).

Message Manipulation

Use this parameter to specify how to manipulate SIP header content.

The SIP Adaptor Profile object is the main construct for SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) functionality. A SIP Adaptor Profile is associated with a SIP Trunk Group or Zone in order to act upon SIP messages passing into or out of that group. A SIP Trunk Group can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles, an input adaptor profile for manipulation of inbound messages, and an output adaptor profile for manipulation of outbound messages. Similarly, a Zone can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles.

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Refer to SIP Adaptor Profile - CLI for SIP Adaptor Profile details.




Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling messageManipulation 
	includeAppHdrs <disabled | enabled>
	inputAdapterProfile <name>
	outputAdapterProfile <name>

Command Parameters

Message Manipulation Parameters


Enable this flag to allow the

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to add headers in outgoing messages.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled
inputAdapterProfile 0-23 characters

<profile name> – Enter the name for the Input Adapter Profile for this SIP trunk group.

outputAdapterProfile0-23 characters

<profile name> – Enter the name for the Output Adapter Profile for this SIP trunk group.


Use this object to configure allowing or rejecting various SIP methods for this SIP trunk group.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling methods
	info <allow | reject>
	message <allow | reject>
	notify <allow | reject>
	options <allow | reject>
	publish <allow | reject>
	refer <allow | reject>
	register <allow | reject>
	subscribe <allow | reject>
	update <allow | reject>

Command Parameters

Methods Parameter


Determines if INFO method is included in the Allow header

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if MESSAGE request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405 message

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if NOTIFY request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if OPTIONS request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if PUBLISH request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if REFER request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines if REGISTER method is included in the Allow header

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines whether SUBSCRIBE request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

Determines whether UPDATE request is accepted and processed or rejected with 405

  • allow (default) 
  • reject

OCS Support

Use this flag to enable/disable OCS (Office Communications Server, also known as MS Lync) support controlling the relaying of Computer-Supported Telecommunications Application (CSTA) invites.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling ocsSupport <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

OCS Support Parameter

ocsSupport Enable this flag to enable OCS (MS Lync) support.
  • disabled (default) – Computer-Supported Telecommunications Application (CSTA) invites are rejected by the
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    with a 415 “Unsupported Media Type” error message.
  • enabled – The
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    relays CSTA invites to the far side.

Outbound Support

Use this flag to enable/disable support of RFC 5626 outbound procedures.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling outBoundSupport <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Outbound Support Parameter

outBoundSupport Enable this flag to support outbound procedures specified in RFC 5626.
  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

Post-Dial Delay

Use this Post-Dial Delay (PDD) object to configure post-dial delay performance requirement which consists of a timeout value and response code.

The Ingress PDD timer is activated when the configured value on the ingress trunk group is greater than zero and the incoming SIP call reaches an address complete state.  

The Egress PDD timer is activated when the configured value on the egress trunk group is greater than zero and upon receipt of the 100 Trying message from the egress peer. The Egress PDD timer is canceled upon receipt of a 18x/200/3xx/4xx/5xx message from the egress peer.


Refer to Post Dial Delay Timer for additional feature details.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling postDialDelay
	responseCode (400-699)
	timeOut (0-20000)

Command Parameters

Post-Dial Delay Parameters

responseCode 400-699

<code> – The SIP response code sent to ingress and egress if the call is torn down due to PDD timer expiry. (default = 503)


<value> – The timeout value if the Post Dial Delay is enabled. (default = 0)

Pref Require Transparency

Use this flag (on Core network side) to parse and transparently pass “pref” SIP Option tag in incoming Require header of Register message. The “pref” option tag is used to publish and request support for RFC 3840 caller capabilities. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling prefRequireTransparency <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Pref Require Transparency Parameter


Enable this flag on the Core network side to parse and transparently pass “pref” SIP Option tag in incoming Require header of Register message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Privacy Parameter Restricted

Use this parameter to define SIP Privacy header parameter mapping (incoming to outgoing call) on the

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Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling privacyParamRestricted <default | idonly>

Command Parameters

Privacy Parameter Restricted Parameter

privacyParamRestrictedDefine the SIP Privacy header parameter mapping (incoming to outgoing call).
  • default (default) – Map Privacy header parameters, ID, or user to “restrict”.
  • idonly – Only map Privacy header parameter ID to “restrict”.

Process Tgrp Context

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling processTgrpContext <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Process Tgrp Context Parameter


Use this flag to determine "tgrp" parameter behavior.

  • disabled (default) – If "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are present in the request URI, Route Header or 3xx is processed by the PSX depending on PSX flag setting to process the tgrp parameters.
  • enabled – If "trunk-context" is present in the request URI, Route Header or 3xx is checked against the SBC address. If they match, "tgrp" must be used for routing. Otherwsie, "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are relayed to the peer in the subsequent INVITE message.

PSX Route For Subscribe

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling psxRouteForSubscribe <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters


psxRouteForSubscribeEnable this flag to use PSX routes for routing OOD (Out-Of-Dialog) methods to registered users.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Use this object to define the parameters controlling registration relay behavior.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling registration 
	alwaysRandomExtExpires <disabled | enabled>
	alwaysRandomIntExpires <disabled | enabled>
	bulkRegisterFormat <disabled | enabled | followIngress>
	expires <15-65535>
	extRefreshFactorMax <0-1000>
	extRefreshFactorMin <0-1000>
	includeXOriginalAddr <disabled | enabled>
	insideExpiresMinimum <0-100000>
	intRefreshFactorMax <0-1000>
	intRefreshFactorMin <0-1000>
	requireRegistration <none | required | required-nonpriority | required-group | required-group-nonpriority | supported | supported-group>
	useRUriForRegisterRouting <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Registration Parameters


Use this flag to control how the random value is used for external expires timer.

  • disabled (default) – The external expires timeout is randomized for the initial REGISTER.

  • enabled – The external expires timeout is randomized for the initial and refresh REGISTER.
alwaysRandomIntExpires N/A

Use this flag to control how the random value is used for external expires timer.

  • disabled (default) – The internal expires timeout is randomized for the initial REGISTER.
  • enabled – The internal expires timeout is randomized for the initial and refresh REGISTER. 

Use this flag to determine how the registration requests are formatted with respect to RFC 6140. 

  • disabled (default) – REGISTER message is not formatted as per RFC 6140. 
  • enabled – REGISTER message is formatted as per RFC 6140. 
  • followIngress – No changes are made to the Egress Register with respect to RFC 6140.
expires 15-65535The time (in seconds) a SIP endpoint's registration session lasts before requiring re-registration. This value does not apply if the endpoint is NAT'd. (default = 3600)
extRefreshFactorMax0-1000Defines the maximum factor for random number calculation for external refresh timeout. (default = 0). 

Defines the minimum factor for random number calculation for external refresh timeout. (default = 0).


Enable this flag to insert the X Original Addr header into REGISTER message. 

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

Controls the initial expire value (in seconds) in a REGISTER relayed to a registrar. (default = 3600).

NOTE: Since the 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
expects an expires value greater than 540 seconds (9 minutes) from the registrar, do not set “insideExpiresMinimum” value less than 540 seconds. Ideally, set this value much higher (3600 seconds is recommended) to avoid overloading registrar with register refreshes.

NOTE: When configuring surrogate registration, be sure to set the expires value of ingress trunk group toward IAD to the maximum default value of “3600”.


Defines the maximum factor for random number calculation for internal refresh timeout. (default = 0).


Defines the minimum factor for random number calculation for internal refresh timeout. (default = 0).


Use this parameter to specify the type of endpoint registration validation required. 

  • none (default) – No registration validation is required. 
  • required – Use this option to prevent unregistered IADs from making or receiving any calls. 
  • required-nonpriority – Prevent unregistered IADs from making or receiving non-priority calls. Since priority calls are exempt, unregistered endpoints are still allowed to make priority calls. 
  • required-group – If this option is selected for an ingress IP trunk group in relation to a received call (e.g. call from IP-PBX towards AS) so that if the source IP address and port of the INVITE/OOD request do not match the source IP address and port of an existing registration in the zone, they are rejected.

    However, if the AOR does not match, but if the source IP Address and the port match to the existing registration in the zone, messages are accepted.
  • If this option is selected for an egress IP trunk group in relation to a received call (e.g. call from AS towards IP-PBX), the user part check between registered AoR and Request-URI of the INVITE does not occur, and the call is accepted.
  • required-group-nonpriority – Prevent unregistered IADs from making or receiving non-priority calls. All emergency calls are allowed even if the source IP/port fails to fetch RCB.
  • supported – Accept registrations from unregistered endpoints when the associated trunk group is used for endpoints optionally requiring registration. If an endpoint is registered, then the registration data is used to send calls to that endpoint instead of PSX route. 
  • supported-group – Accept registrations from unregistered users and from users whose user names do not match with the stored URI in Registration Control Block. If an endpoint is registered, then the registration data is used to send calls to that endpoint instead of PSX route.

NOTE: Set requireRegistration to ‘supported-group’ for the IP Peer on which surrogate registration functionality is being enabled.

NOTE: In loopback scenarios for SIP-H323 calls, requireRegistration must be set to “none”.


Use this flag to specify how to handle URI for a REGISTER request.

  • disabled (default) – Send the TO AOR as CALLED URI instead of Request-URI which results in default routing mechanism.
  • enabled – Send the Request-URI as Called-URI, resulting in Request-URI based routing.

NOTE: This flag is not supported on ERE and is only intended for use with an external PSX. 

Rel100 Support

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling rel100Support <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Rel100 Support Parameter

rel100SupportEnable to allow option tag 100rel support for the reliability of provisional messages as specified in RFC 3262.
  • disabled
  • enabled (default)


The following SIP trunk group signaling Relay flags are described below:

  • relayNonInviteRequest
  • relayReplacesHeader
  • relayUpdatewithSdp



Use relayNonInviteRequest flag for unregistered users only.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling relayNonInviteRequest <disabled | enabled>

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling relayReplacesHeader <disabled | enabled>

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling relayUpdatewithSdp  <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Relay Flags

relayNonInviteRequestEnable this flag to relay non-Invite requests.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

relayReplacesHeaderEnable this flag to allow the P-CSCF to relay the Replaces header with the INVITE.
  • disabled – Process INVITE locally.
  • enabled (default) – Translate dialog identifier and relay Replaces header in INVITE.


Enable this flag to relay UPDATE request with Offer immediately after receiving or sending answer in unreliable provisional responses. This flag is applicable only in case of interworking where one side supports reliable response (from where the UPDATE is received) and the other side does not (towards which it needs to be relayed).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Retry Counters

Use this object to configure the Retry counter values for various SIP request types. 

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling retryCounters 
	bye <max # retransmissions for BYE>
	cancel <max # retransmissions for CANCEL>
	general <max # retransmissions for generic>
	invite <max # retransmissions for INVITE>
	invite200 <max # retransmissions for 200 OK for initial INVITE>
	reInvite <max # retransmissions for re-INVITE>
	retryOn422 <max # session keepalives on 422>
	retryOn491 <max # session keepalives on 491>

Command Parameters

Retry Counters Parameters


Maximum number of retransmissions for SIP BYE request. (default = 3).


Maximum number of retransmissions for SIP CANCEL request. (default = 3).


Maximum number of retransmissions for generic SIP request. (default = 7).


Maximum number of retransmissions for SIP INVITE request. (default = 6).


Maximum number of retransmissions for the 200 OK for initial SIP INVITE request. (default = 0)


Maximum number of retransmissions for SIP Re-INVITE request. (default = 3)

retryOn4220-12Maximum number of session keep-alive negotiations upon receiving 422. (default = 5)

Maximum number of session keep-alive negotiations upon receiving 491. (range: 0-12 / default = 5)

Rewrite Identities

Use this flag to rewrite identities for both ingress and egress trunk groups to achieve SIP URI transparency for SIP-URIs present in outbound SIP message. 

When this parameter is enabled, for egress trunk group, SBC updates the originating and terminating identities in outbound SIP message as per policy response from PSX. (refer to the PSX's Globalize Profile Screen page for configuration rules).


Ensure to enable rewriteIdentities on both ingress and egress SIP Trunk Groups when using this feature.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling rewriteIdentities <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Rewrite Identities Parameter


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to rewrite identities for both ingress and egress trunk groups to achieve SIP URI transparency for SIP-URIs present in outbound SIP message.

  • disabled (default) – When this parameter is disabled for ingress trunk group, SBC does not send originating and terminating identities URI information as separate fields in policy request to PSX. Thus, originating and terminating identities URI information is not rewritten as per rules configured in PSX.

    When this parameter is disabled for egress trunk group, SBC does not update the originating and terminating identities in outbound SIP message as per policy response from PSX.
  • enabled – When this parameter is enabled for ingress trunk group, SBC sends the originating and terminating identities URI information as separate fields in policy request to PSX. These originating and terminating identities URI information is rewritten as per rules configured in PSX and sent to SBC in policy response.

RFC 3261 Flags

RFC 3261 flag options are defined below.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling rfc3261ValidateCSeqInBYE <disabled | enabled>
% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling rfc3261ValidateInvite200OkRetransmissions <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

RFC Flags Parameters


When this flag is enabled, the SBC sends a 500 (Server Internal Error) response upon receipt of a BYE when CSeq is a lower value than the preceding INVITE request (as per RFC 3261).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


When this flag is enabled, the SBC starts a timer for 64 * T1 (32 seconds) upon receiving a 200 OK to an INVITE. The SBC does not acknowledge re-transmitted 200 OK to an INVITE after the timer expiry. When this flag is disabled, the SBC continues to acknowledge retransmitted 200 OKs (as per RFC 3261).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Route Message Validation

Use this parameter to specify route message validation on the 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling routeMsgValidation < noValidation | sipI | sipOnly>

Command Parameters

Route Message Validation Parameter


Specifies if route validation should be done for the received message and if the message should be validated to ensure it is SIP-only or SIP-I. The call is released after invalidation if an invalid message type is received.

  • noValidation (default)

  • sipI – Route validation on received messages for SIP-I.

  • sipOnly – Route validation on received messages for SIP-only messages.

SDP Transparency

Use SDP Transparency object to enable sdpTransparencyState flag for transparently passing SDP information.


Direct Media must also be enabled to use SDP Transparency for this call.Refer to Zone - CLI for configuration details.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling sdpTransparency sdpTransparencyState <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

SDP Transparency Parameter


Enable this flag on both legs to transparently pass SDP information for this call.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Skip DTG Lookup For Route Header

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling skipDTGLookupForRouteHdr <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Skip DTG Lookup For Route Header Parameter



Enable flag to skip destination trunk group look-up on Route header when routing calls using Route headers received in a request. Egress IP trunk group is determined based on existing routing logic.

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled


Use this parameter to pass the SDP information to the PSX.


This flag is not applicable when the SBC is configured for ERE.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling sendSdpToPsx <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Send SDP To PSX Parameter



Enable flag to pass the SDP information to the PSX (excluding data up to the first occurrence of m-line).

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

Silence Suppression Treatment

Use this parameter to specify whether call is transitioned to a fax or voice call when "silenceSupp:off" received in re-INVITE.

A call is considered a fax call when Packet Service Profile applyFaxToneTreatment flag is enabled and either:

  • a=fax is received in the re-Invite, or
  • G.711 “silenceSupp:off” is received in the reInvite, and SIP Trunk Group signaling flag is set to “treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication”.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling silenceSuppTreatment <treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication | treatAsG711SilenceSuppOff>

Command Parameters

Silence Suppression Treatment Parameter



Use this parameter to specify whether call is transitioned to a fax or voice call when "silenceSupp:off" received in re-INVITE.

  • treatAsFaxTransmissionIndication (default) – Call is transitioned to a fax call.
  • treatAsG711SilenceSuppOff – The "a=silenceSupp:off" in the reInvite is interpreted as a request for voice call with silenceSupp:off.

Source Address Validation

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling sourceAddressValidation <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Source Address Validation Parameter


Enable this flag to support source address validation so that messages coming from a different IP address or port than expected are not allowed.

  • disabled (default)

  • enabled

Store ICID

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling storeICID <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Store ICID Parameter


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to retain the same ICID value generated in the first egressed INVITE for the crankback/redirect (3xx) call in the P-Charging-Vector header of the egressed INVITE.

  • disabled (default)

  • enabled

Strict Parse

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling strictParse <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Strict Parse Parameter


Enable this flag on egress trunk group to reject requests which are understandable but violate the relevant RFC Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) production rule.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Support 199 Option Tag

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling support199OptionTag <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Support 199 Option Tag Parameter

support199OptionTag Enable this flag to include the Option tag in Supported Header for a 199 Extension.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Suppress Non-Route Invite Response

Use this flag to suppress the response for a non-route invite.


When suppressNonRouteInviteResponse flag s enabled, the NO_ROUTE_FOUND script is always ignored when an INVITE is dropped even if the script is returned from the ERE/PSX.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling suppressNonRouteInviteResponse <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Suppress Non-Route Invite Response Parameter


Enable flag to suppress the response for a non-route invite.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Use this object to define retransmission and session keep-alive timer parameters.

Command Syntax


% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling timers
		reqTimerT1 <1-10000 milliseconds>
		respTimerT2 <1-65535 milliseconds>
	nonNatKeepaliveTimer <# seconds>		
	ocsDialogTimer <# seconds>
	sctpRetransmitTimer <# seconds>
	sessionKeepalive <# seconds>
	sessionMinSE <# seconds>
	sessionTerminationDeltaTime <# seconds>
		state <disabled | enabled>
		type <both | networkTypeOnly | userTypeOnly>
		value <#>
	t1 <# milliseconds>
	t2 <# milliseconds>
	tcpRetransmitTimer <# seconds>

Command Parameters

Timers Parameters

bfcpTimer N/A

Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) re-transmission timer includes the following two timer variables:

    • reqTimerT1 – BFCP protocol request re-transmission timer T1 (in milliseconds). (range = 1-10000 / default = 500).

    • respTimerT2 – BFCP protocol response re-transmission timer T2 (in milliseconds). For the configured time all subsequent duplicate requests will respond by replaying the cached response. (range = 1-65535 / default = 10000).

nonNatKeepaliveTimer 0-65535Use this parameter to specify the keep-alive interval (in seconds) for a non-Nat'd device.(default = 60) 
ocsDialogTime 0-10080

This relay control block timer is restarted for each relay request received. If no request is received for this configured period, the dialog is deleted. When the timer is set to “0”, sessionKeepalive flag is disabled. (default = 1440 minutes).


The retransmit timer (in seconds) for SIP request over SCTP. (default = 6).


The SIP protocol session keep-alive timer (in seconds). (default = 1800).


Minimum expiration value (in seconds) accepted from a Session-Expires header (default = 90).

NOTE: When sessionMinSE value is less than 90 seconds or when it equals 65535, SBC does not send an INVITE upon receiving "422 Session Interval Too Small" error message. 

sessionTerminationDeltaTime 0-65535

The time (in seconds) before session expiration at which the SBC sends a BYE if no session refresh request is received. This only applies when acting as the session keep-alive responder (i.e. not refresher) for a call. (default = 0).


If enabled, this timer starts counting when SUSPEND ISUP message is received in SIP MIME. The timer is cancelled upon receipt of RESUME ISUP message. 

  • state – Administrative state of timer (default is “disabled”) 
  • value – The suspend-resume timer value, in seconds (range: 1-720 / default = 30). 
  • type – Type of ISUP message to apply timer against. 
      • userTypeOnly 
      • networkTypeOnly   
      • both (default)

The SIP protocol retransmission timer T1 (in milliseconds). T1 is an estimate of the round-trip time (RTT). (default = 500).

t2 1-65535 

The SIP protocol timer T2 (in milliseconds), and represents the maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and   INVITE responses. (default = 4000).



The retransmit timer (in seconds) for SIP request over TCP. (default = 6).

Transit IOI

Use this parameter to specify a transitIOI value for inclusion in the P-Charging-Vector header. This parameter must be configured on the SIP trunk group facing the transit network and the configured value is inserted on the other leg in case of an egress message.


Refer to P-Charging-Vector Header feature page for additional details.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling transitIOI <string>

Command Parameters

Transit IOI Parameter

transitIOIstring: 1-63Enter a Transit IOI value for the the P-Charging-Vector header of this SIP trunk group.

Transport Preference

Use this object to define the preference ordering of allowed SIP transports.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling transportPreference
	preference1 <none | sctp | tcp | tls-tcp | udp>
	preference2 <none | sctp | tcp | tls-tcp | udp>
	preference3 <none | sctp | tcp | tls-tcp | udp>
	preference4 <none | sctp | tcp | tls-tcp | udp>

Command Parameters

Transport Preference Parameters


Use this object to define the preference ordering of allowed SIP transports.

  • preference1

  • preference2

  • preference3

  • preference4

The following options apply to each of the above parameters:

    • none (default)

    • sctp

    • tcp

    • tls-tcp

    • udp

Treat Port Zero As No Audio



Use this flag to control how the audio portion of a call on port 0 is treated.


The legacy behavior of treating audio on port 0 as on hold is possible only when this flag is disabled for both ingress and egress trunk groups. If this flag is enabled on just one trunk group, the offer/answer appearing on that trunk group inherits audio-less behavior.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling treatPortZeroAsNoAudio <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Treat Port Zero As No Audio Parameter


Use this flag to control how the audio portion of a call on port 0 is treated.

  • disabled (default) –  Audio on port 0 is treated as on hold. The audio towards egress is sent out on a valid port, and the direction is set as inactive. Calls without audio m lines are supported.
  • enabled – Audio on port 0 is treated as 'audio-less'. The audio towards egress is sent out on port 0. Calls without audio m lines are supported.

URI Preference

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling uriPreference <none | sip | tel>

Command Parameters

URI Preference Parameter


Use this parameter to define the URI presentation preference for outgoing messages.

  • none (default)
  • sip
  • tel

Use GAP When Rn Disabled

Use this flag to cause the SBC to populate the GAP/OCN in the R-URI and To headers at  the egress trunk group.


This flag is valid only when the IP Signaling Profile egress flag "disableRn" is enabled. Refer to Egress IP Attributes - SIP - CLI page for egress attribute details.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling useGAPWhenRnDisabled <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use GAP When Rn Disabled Parameter


Enable this flag to cause the SBC to populate the GAP/OCN in the R-URI and To headers at  the egress Trunk Group.

  • disabled (default)  
  • enabled


Use this flag to use the Charging Collection Function (CCF) received in the P-Charging-Function-Addresses (PCFA) header as Charging Data Function (CDF).

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling usePcfaCcf <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use PCFA CCF Parameter



Enable this flag to use the Charging Collection Function (CCF) received in the P-Charging-Function-Addresses (PCFA) header as Charging Data Function (CDF).

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Use Port Range Flag

Use this flag to allow the usage of different IP-Port as contact for each active registration towards Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM). The SBC uses either an independent media port range configured per IP Trunk Group (IPTG), or a new port from the system-wide media port range if no independent media port range is configured per IPTG.

The SBC supports this feature when:

  • Only one SipSigPort is configured on egress.
  • IP address of SipSigPort is the same as the associated LIF IP.

Disable usePortRangeFlag flag before performing the Live Software Upgrade (LSWU).


Feature limitations and restrictions:

  • This feature is supported only for UDP.

  • Disable the flag passCompleteContactHeader to use this feature.

  • Do not use this feature if two Interfaces are configured on the same Interface Group.

  • Disable this flag before performing LSWU.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling usePortRangeFlag <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use Port Range Flag Parameter



Enable this flag to allow the usage of different IP-Port as contact for each active registration towards Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM).

  • disabled (default)  
  • enabled

Use PSX Route As Req Uri In Reg

Use this flag to allow P-CSCF to use the PSX returned route as the Request URI in the register.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling usePSXRouteAsReqUriInReg <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use PSX Route As Req Uri In Reg Parameter

usePSXRouteAsReqUriInReg Enable this flag to allow P-CSCF to use the PSX returned route as the Request URI in the register.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Use PSX Route For Emergency Call

Use this flag to allow the 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to use the PSX returned route instead of stored-service route information for processing emergency calls from registered users.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling usePsxRouteForEmergencyCall <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use PSX Route For Emergency Call Parameter


Enable this flag to allow 

Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
to use the PSX returned route instead of stored-service route information for processing emergency calls from registered users.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Use Random User Info In Contact Header

Enable this flag to use randomly-generated value as UserInfo in contact header.


Refer to Contact Headers page for additional feature details regarding using random user-info in Contact Header.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling useRandomUserInfoInContactHdr <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Use Random User Info In Contact Header Parameter


Enable this flag to use randomly-generated value as UserInfo in contact header.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Validate AOR

Use this flag to specify AOR validation.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling validateAor <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Validate AOR Parameter


Enable this flag to force AOR validation. If this flag is disabled, calls from anonymous users or users whose AOR does not match with the one stored in SBC as part of RCB created during initial registration are allowed.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default) 

NOTE: Set this flag to "disabled" for Surrogate registered users.

Variant Type

Use this parameter to specify the SIP variant type.

Command  Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling variantType <mgcf | q1912 | sonus | ttc | uk>


Command Parameters

Variant Type Parameter

variantTypeSelect the SIP variant type to use for this SIP trunk group.
  • mgcf
  • q1912
  • sonus
  • ttc
  • uk



  • No labels